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Everything posted by SunDevil

  1. SunDevil


    is the Rem 700 243 an adl or a bdl? does it have an aluminum butt plate or a black plastic one? any pictures? Thanks.
  2. SunDevil

    Berger VLD exit wound!!!

    is it just me or is that a picture to demonstrate what bullet NOT to use?
  3. SunDevil

    My 2nd coues buck

    Great for you Brian. Congrats on a nice buck. Cool to see you so pumped up about it.
  4. SunDevil

    2 sheds, in 2 weeks over 2 miles apart!

    could be. eyeguards and g3s are a little different but who knows. good conversation piece. thx for sharing.
  5. SunDevil

    Quality all purpose knife for field dressing?

    lots of positive feedback here on havalons. I have found that old knives use a lot better steel and as such will hold an edge a lot longer than newer knives. when I say old I mean 50 years old. you can still find lots of old knives that are in excellent condition. when I was a kid my dad gave me a fixed blade official boy scout knife made by western. I used that knife to clean many, many salmon in AK. when I started hunting seriously again about 15 years ago I tried a new knife and found out it was crap. the next year I went to my old western and that is what I still have in my pack. if I was going to recommend a newer knife that I personally have favorable knowledge of I would recommend an Opinel. they are not that fancy but use good steel and are fairly inexpensive.
  6. SunDevil

    Reyes does it again!

    looks like a stud buck for sure. good job Reyes! congrats! might be tough to top that one next year.
  7. SunDevil

    Remington 600 .308

    how does it shoot? I have one in 6mm. how many magazines do you have? how is the blue and more importantly how is the bore? refinishing a stock is no big deal (I did it on my 6mm). thx
  8. SunDevil

    Brother's biggest coues

    great job! always interesting to see these jr rifle bucks that are still in velvet. two words for you - latex gloves. that is unless you just really love having bloody hands. congrats to you and your brother!
  9. SunDevil

    How would these measure up?

    buck c needs to be taken out of the gene pool so shoot him this year. buck a needs an extra year. email me the gps coordinates of buck b and I will tell you next year what he scores and how much he grew in a year. thanks for posting.
  10. SunDevil

    open, open, open

    looks like the weather will be manageable next weekend. that is a huge plus in my opinion.
  11. SunDevil


    instead of cropping them you need to resize them
  12. SunDevil

    Jaycie's First Big Game Hunt.

    GREAT JOB Jaycie!!! Great buck and great shooting!!! How about giving your dad some shooting pointers? HA HA - JK - LOL. Welcome to the club. Congrats to all!!!
  13. SunDevil


    whining about Kush? how about whining about Kish, or Stoops, or Makovic? how about crying about the Tomey glory days.
  14. SunDevil

    big family weekend in unit 1

    congrats Casey to both you and your little brother.
  15. SunDevil

    Unit 33 Bucks

    here is the best pic of our scouting trip from 10/8
  16. SunDevil

    36B Coues Scouting

    with this storm, friday and saturday should be great days for scouting all day long. good luck.
  17. SunDevil

    time share- condo's

    thx but I already own there. great place. Doug and Casey highly recommended the place. \"/
  18. SunDevil


    everyone's gotta get up for a bio-break during the day at some point or another.
  19. SunDevil


    might be able to stay there all day and just concentrate on different areas as the day progresses. so much affects deer movement. moon, wind, sun, hunting pressure. you might sit in a spot for 2 hours and not see much of anything and leave only to have possibly seen 6 - 7 bucks a few hours later.
  20. SunDevil

    Side by side substitute

  21. SunDevil

    Side by side substitute

    cherokee sport with AC
  22. SunDevil

    nov early rifle hunt

    not that I believe their stats are accurate but in general, if you look at their stats, pretty much for every unit the early Nov success rate is lower than Oct and the late Nov success rate is lower than the early Nov. alternative is sweating it out in Oct. I think most would agree that a lot of mature bucks go nocturnal once they sense the pressure.
  23. SunDevil

    2011 Utah Archery Buck

    all I can say is WOW. 23 yards. not the biggest on the mtn. nice job!
  24. SunDevil

    Last Minute Antelope Cancelation!

    r u ready? lots to talk about after last night.
  25. SunDevil

    Fire in 24B

    i thought part of the problem we have today is that our forests are to thick. thought I read something like 10 times thicker today than 100 years ago. the reason being that the policy was for years and years that every fire that could be put out should be put out as quickly as possible. now 100 years later the forests are way to thick and when there is a fire it is a lot worse than it would have been if nature would have been able to just do its thing without human intervention. most of unit 33 has been burned up at some point in time over the last 10 years and other than Summerhaven I think it is viewed as a good thing.