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Everything posted by SunDevil

  1. SunDevil

    Unit 33

    this should get you guys started in the right direction. http://www.azgfd.gov/h_f/hunting_units_33.shtml#wt
  2. SunDevil

    Driving route advice needed

    Chris, Dave mentioned that you were down in 27. Miles put his down just before dark on Saturday. We got some great help from a new friend up there getting it gutted. loaded into his truck and dropped off at the processor. Yes, I do believe we had a bit easier day getting ours out than you did. I was able to find a way through the woods to the meadow and drive right up to it. I told Miles he could go the rest of his life and not get an Elk out that easy again! We spent Monday and Tuesday trying to get on a 320 5X6 and 340 6X6 but were never able to do more than glass them up. It was a great hunt! I dropped the head and cape off at Stacey Tompkinson's place on Friday. Grandpa is paying for a full shoulder mount! Sweet I was leaning toward an nice european mount, but it is a good looking bull so it should turn out nicely. It shure is about time I got one of my boys on an animal! Now I just need to get them to bag some Coues! We'll be eating well at the feast this year!!! Matt Stacy does great work. You will be very pleased. What processor did you take it to? We ended up bringing Dan's elk down in two halves (skinned) and taking it to Stacy.
  3. SunDevil

    Driving route advice needed

    that is great Matt. we were just a little south of you in unit 27. I think my buddy got his elk the same morning (saturday) as Miles. 60 yard shot with a Tikka 270. congrats to Miles!!
  4. SunDevil

    My late November buck

    cool buck. do you have any better pics of it showing the non typical point coming out of the base of the left main beam?
  5. SunDevil

    Bulladors for sale

    Casey - I realized last year that the ASU vs ua topic is just a GIANT WASTE OF TIME.
  6. SunDevil

    Erickson is out.....

    I have my fingers crossed for Mora Jr and just hope the Washington job doesn't come open anytime soon.
  7. SunDevil

    another late Nov. buck

    Man Brian, great buck. interesting how different his right side is compared to his left. Wait, I think that burned yucca in the background looks familiar. LOL JK thanks for sharing and congrats!!!
  8. SunDevil

    Bulladors for sale

    someone call the SDVU (Special Dog Victim's Unit).
  9. Bill - I'll make sure I bring some for you the next time I am going to be spending the day with you. HA LOL \"/
  10. SunDevil

    Late November Buck

    nice buck. congrats! time for a new hat.
  11. SunDevil

    Goulds turkey points

    know of a guy that drew one with just a couple of points and then the next year his son drew one with just a couple points. if you draw one, best to also run out and get a lottery ticket.
  12. SunDevil

    Goulds turkey points

    odds for these tags really are not that much different for people with 10 - 12 points vs people with 1 - 2 points.
  13. SunDevil

    Erickson is out.....

    Rumor yesterday was Leach to Wash St. Peterson to UCLA and Jim Mora to ASU. First third of the rumor held water. They are also speculating that the guy from Houston might end up at ASU. I would be okay with Jim Mora. A little worried about the guy from Houston as his success is tied closely to their QB.
  14. SunDevil

    Waiting at Cabelas on BlackFriday

    I bought what I wanted online. no lines for me. 2200 people in line is CRAZY!!!
  15. SunDevil

    Macho B Jr. sighting!!!

    I wonder if they will have any pics or video on their website.
  16. SunDevil

    They r up

    no goulds for me
  17. SunDevil

    Unit 30A, First Whitetail hunt

    we gave up on that unit long ago but I do know some people that still hunt it and do pretty well. good luck. say hi for me to all those friendly ranchers who lock their gates.
  18. dont know why but personally I carry LUCKY 13.
  19. SunDevil


    You know it!! Guess I can't cheer for the diamondbacks, braves, or Miami dolphins. Well I am glad I didn't have to remind the two of you. now that you have had your 24 hours to gloat it is time to come back to the real world.
  20. SunDevil

    Building BP's for your child

    Well, now that you have posted it on one of the most popular websites in the AZ, everyone will do the same and your advantage will be lost. And the G&F will have to change the process again. I was just thinking this same thing the other day when this thread first got started. CAN WE NUKE THIS THREAD?
  21. SunDevil


    hopefully Tempe Normal will prevail over Nogales North. FEAR THE FORK BABY!!!
  22. SunDevil


    a ROCK and yes, to be honest after a couple of days the back side does start to ache a little.
  23. SunDevil

    wifes 225 yard coues

    wow - deadly lady with a muzzleloader. good for her and at 225 yards is great shooting. thanks for sharing and congrats to you guys on a great buck!
  24. SunDevil

    Son's First Buck

    nice first buck. congrats!
  25. SunDevil

    Spotting Scopes: Angled -vs- Straight Eyepiece?

    I was hesistant to switch to the angled but now that I have it I prefer it. I would say mostly because I do not have to have it as far off from the ground to look through. probably will not matter much if just for the range.