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Everything posted by SunDevil

  1. SunDevil

    Change of the Rules

    one thing that is wrong with the system is the fact that you could be in the 20% max pool for your 2nd choice, draw that tag and never be considered in the 80% draw for your 1st choice. this would be the case if you put in for premium/low odds hunt as 1st choice and high odds 2nd hunt (or you had enough points to be 100% for your 2nd choice). this is really something that needs to be looked at by G&F.
  2. SunDevil

    Transferring tags to family members

    that has been my interpretation of the wording also. grandma/pa signs over tag and parent/guardian can accompany. mom signs over tag she has to be present.
  3. SunDevil

    Unit 35A Gould's, where to look?

    Don - I will send you some info.
  4. SunDevil

    What do you think about the BP system?

    they need to implement a predator bounty system to increase the supply of big game. specifically antelope and deer.
  5. SunDevil

    how many points do you have?

    I drew in 2001 with 2 or 3 points. I now have 12 points.
  6. SunDevil

    What do you think about the BP system?

    we all need to remember something, they are not bonus points they are bogus points. you have to sit out in UT after you draw. I think it is 2 years. Also in UT you could only put in for one species. They changed that awhile ago but for the longest time you had to decide do I want to put in for antelope, or premium elk or premium mule deer. You could not do all 3 but like I said that has all changed now.
  7. SunDevil

    Draw Question

    well it is a little more complicated than that. they look at everyone's 1st and 2nd choices first. then they go to your 3rd - 5th. before the first pass though they do the 20% to the max point holders and it is possible to draw your 2nd choice from that pass and not get into the 80% draw for your 1st choice. you are probably saying, "What?" and yea that is right. that was the easiest way I could explain it. maybe we can get the professor on here to explain it a little easier.
  8. SunDevil

    First big game picture with my son

    I was pretty proud of her this day.
  9. SunDevil

    CC Hits

    I can see how they might do it that way but I do not think I agree with it. I am #51 and they give me my 2nd choice tag. then they run the cards and someone in front of me doesn't have funds. because I got my 2nd choice tag then they go to #52 who maybe didn't even put in a 2nd choice. that does not seem right to me.
  10. SunDevil

    Hey Turkey Hunters

    I use a mossberg 500 that I got at a pawn shop for not very much money. it works great. it has a 28 inch, full choke barrel that is chambered for 3 inch mag shells. I have both 4 shot and 6 shot that I use in it. one year I dropped a yote dead in his tracks at 49 yards with that gun. I painted the stocks with flat black paint. It kicks pretty good but doesn't get shot that often.
  11. SunDevil

    CC Hits

    I use to set my alarm for 3:00 am to call and the line would still be busy.
  12. SunDevil

    CC Hits

    Question on this new process. How does the G&F handle this scenario, someone misses their 1st choice by one number (50 tags and they are number 51) and then draw their 2nd choice, then someone in front of them for their 1st choice doesn't have funds when the G&F runs credit cards. does G&F pull back their tag for their 2nd choice and then issue them the tag for their 1st choice? now their tag for their 2nd choice is now available to someone else?
  13. SunDevil

    CC Hits

    Doesn't all of the same things you mention above occur with the draw in UT?
  14. SunDevil

    CC Hits

    Personally - I have heard to many horror stories about debit cards and we have made a decision in our household not to have them. I also apply in UT. It seems to me that in that state, the G&F usually has results posted 3 - 4 days after people notice their credit card transactions. we are now over a week. to me, that does not reflect highly on one division of our state gov.
  15. Kevin - how many Oct coues hunts have you had your pink panties out on?
  16. SunDevil

    CC Hits

    one positive for online is that it is not as easy to make mistakes. I know a guy that screwed up an elk app, lost his loyalty point then a couple years later he screwed up his turkey app. I guess Cabelas does not have to worry about delivering apps to the right address when they can apply online.
  17. Nope - not kidding at all. Sunscreen sweating into your eyes SUX! It's not fun, I'll give you that. But as a reason to stay out of the woods??? Come on. You must go nuts when you get your skirt caught in sticker bushes, or forget your princess themed band-aids for your boo boos. Kevin - I don't recall ever saying anything about not going out into the woods because of this only that is something that is different between the early hunts and the late hunts that people might want to keep in mind and that they might not have considered previously. FYI - I don't mind getting my skirt caught in thorn bushes but sometimes the people hiking behind me don't like the commando view that it prevides. oh, and pricess band aids are the best. Anything else?
  18. SunDevil

    Last August Coues

    that is a very nice buck! hopefully he made it through the year. I would say he is over 110. the 4x4 I shot last year scored 105 and the 4x4 I shot the year before that scored 106. this buck has longer G2s, longer G3s and longer main beams but his eye guards are shorter. I would say minimum 111 - 113. thanks for sharing and hopefully you can put a tag on him.
  19. Nope - not kidding at all. Sunscreen sweating into your eyes SUX!
  20. one of the other things that is rarely talked about on the early hunts that is something that has to be dealt with is either: 1) getting sunburned 2) burning eyes from sunscreen that sweats into them
  21. SunDevil

    Who didn't draw?

    6A Mid Bull (late Oct) was 100% draw for residents last year with 10 pts.
  22. SunDevil

    Who didn't draw?

    10 pts should get you the late Oct bull hunt in 6A. I think it is the last weekend of Oct and is only a 4 day hunt.
  23. some units you can get dec tags every other year. early hunts are tough. best to stick with later hunts.
  24. SunDevil

    What is a 133" pick up worth

    whatever someone will pay for it. never know. looks fresh enough that they can be dyed and mounted.