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Everything posted by SunDevil

  1. SunDevil

    MX Antelope

    got this off from FB.
  2. you definetly scored on your fair share of quality tags and quality animals in your 4 years in the desert. plenty of quality hunting opportunities in the dakotas though. good luck pulling teeth.
  3. that is pretty incredible. as a desert rat I could not even imagine spending 3 minutes, let alone 3 days in zero to +20 degree weather.
  4. SunDevil

    Big Time!!! (Couesfan)

    That is awesome! hopefully someone got some royalties from that!
  5. SunDevil


    ultra conservatives? what the heck are you talking about? try ultra, nut job, liberals.
  6. SunDevil

    The new Swarovski 15's

    are you sure they are talking about 15s? I know a lot of serious glass guys that are moving to the new swaro 12s.
  7. SunDevil

    Morning Tunes

    That is appropriate for a Kentucky Derby morning but you will need to switch this afternoon to some Mariachi Cinco de Mayo musica.
  8. SunDevil

    Youth hunt help

    I would agree. Some of the units are better WT units, some of the units are better MD units and some have good hunting for both. It can be a little warm in early Oct but some of the jrs on these hunts kill some very big deer (both WT and MD).
  9. SunDevil

    which gps should i get??

    I am confident, if you take good care of it and are not using/abusing it everyday, you will be very pleased with the Oregon 450.
  10. SunDevil

    which gps should i get??

    +1 for Oregon 450. touchscreen means bigger screen!
  11. SunDevil

    2012-2013 regs

    Before they went to 4 WT hunts, the Nov hunt included 2 weekends. Yup remember those days...even though i was still in my teens. Everyone wanted that 2 weekend hunt. Well not only was the Nov hunt 10 days, the Oct hunt was 4 days. Fri - Mon. if you had bad weather to bad and no hunting during the week to get away from the weekend warriors.
  12. SunDevil

    New Zealand Adventure

    WOW - I do not know much at all about red stags but that one you got sure looks like a TOAD to me. The tops on the right side are incredible.
  13. SunDevil

    Need to get my boat serviced

    have you ever used Catalina Marine?
  14. SunDevil

    Transferring tags to family members

    so do they mark the transferred tag somehow so that an officer stopped you they would know it was a transferred tag? and if so do they mark it to indicate if it was transferrred from a father, mother, guardian, grandparent, etc?
  15. SunDevil

    Rocky Point

  16. SunDevil

    Rocky Point

    muy grandes and great eating!!!
  17. SunDevil

    Rocky Point

    The Sea of Cortez is an amazing place. Thanks again M. D.!!!
  18. SunDevil

    MX Antelope

  19. SunDevil

    MX Antelope

    He finished the season of births this year and we have, 90 new recentales pronghorn!. Although born 140, for natural reasons survived 90 offspring found in a good state of health. Pass to visit the Gallery to know them: http://www.facebook.com/media/​set/​?set=a.450697581610333.92785378​.335103886503037&type=1
  20. SunDevil

    Older Ruger M77 Quality

    I have one in 270 and it is a tack driver.
  21. SunDevil

    First timer

    nice pics. that is a cool buck. he will be real cool in a couple of years if he grows a G3.
  22. SunDevil

    Who's Getting Excited

    here is my merriams from a couple years ago. turkeys are really beautiful birds.
  23. SunDevil

    Is this a good rifle?

    wow - I had no idea Savage made such high quality stuff. I always viewed them (at least in the last 20 years) as building lower priced/quality products.
  24. SunDevil

    30A Antelope

    we camped out thursday night. no trees. gone by noon on friday. I would guess his buck was low 70s. probably 13 inches long. those TX transplant bucks just do not get that big. I will look and see if I can find a picture. probably on the external hard drive.
  25. SunDevil

    30A Antelope

    a friend of mine had this tag a few years ago. he did not have any problems getting on enough ranches to scout. there was one rancher that had some friends from Douglas that had tags and he wasn't going to let anyone on his ranch until his friends had tagged out. these antelope are transplants from TX and do not have the genetics for big horns like their cousins do in N AZ. My friend tagged out opening morning before the sun was even up. He scouted a lot. Found the one he thought was the biggest. Put him to bed the night before and was done in the first 10 minutes of light.