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Everything posted by SunDevil

  1. SunDevil

    Snow Plow

    there has got to be a CWT.com member in Yuma that can use this!!!
  2. SunDevil

    Things your huntin buddies do that drive you nuts : )

    how about hunting buddies that bring kitty apparel to camp/hunt? and then ruin your pictures by insisting on wearing it in your trophy photo ops?
  3. SunDevil

    Dominant / Challengin Buck

    Great buck Ernesto. Congrats again!
  4. SunDevil

    German shorthair pointer (quail huntin machine)sold

    there is also this one. http://gundogforum.com/
  5. SunDevil


    just waiting for someone to chime in with "it was a moral victory!"
  6. SunDevil


    just save up a couple of those umbrellas from you pina coladas. \"/ seriously though, the problem is if you want to glass into the shade than you have to be looking almost into the sun. unless you have a sheet or soemthing over you, anything close is going to block your field of view to where you want to glass. you almost need something high that casts a big shadow and allows you to glass underneath the object casting the shadow. hope that makes sense. good luck. let us know what you end up using.
  7. SunDevil

    Oh my poor Packers!!! BAD refs!!!

    so the NFL probably knows how much a new deal with the refs is going to cost every owner. the owner of the packers will have to wait and see what the impact of this game is. do they miss the playoffs by a game? do they not secure home field advantage in the playoffs by a game? Do they secure home field anyway and this game does not end up mattering? if they miss the playoffs or they do not get to host playoff games than he will have to determine if locking the refs out was worth it. he probably already knows and just has to wait and see how the rest of the season plays out. lots of other things could have happened. no pass interference on seattle on GBs scoring drive = game over. Pass interference on last play = game over. Just knock the ball down = game over.
  8. unfortunately it doesn't appear the temperatures are going to come down much over the next 3 days (or 10).
  9. SunDevil


    Coosefan suggested once to me to get a hat. Sunscreen also helps.
  10. SunDevil


    WOW - I have been out scouting elk and did not see scores from saturday until yesterday. Did OR St really take it to UCLA or what? Even though I did not see the games, it was a great weekend. Heard bulls bugling, Devils won, Cards won, Ducks won. Great weekend indeed. GO BEAVERS!!!
  11. SunDevil

    2012 archery bull

    Congrats! How about an arrowhead and ivory key chain? better than a lucky rabbits foot, especially since it appears you have worn yours out!
  12. SunDevil


    HOLY SMOKES Debbie that thing is AWESOME! CONGRATULATIONS on a GREAT antelope! Way to go Debbie and TLO!
  13. SunDevil

    Giant bull DOWN!!

    there are some on the hoof pics in this thread. http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/35339-giant-bull-down/
  14. +1 (if you can stand to talk to him that is. better brush up on your spanglish. HA HA JK )
  15. SunDevil


    Casey - can you even read? like I posted before, "obviously Ok St was not deserving of their ranking. most people that follow college football seriously will agree that preseason and early season rankings are a joke at best and that rankings should not be done until after week 5. pretty sure that is how the BCS does it but that is another joke at best." look what has happened so far to Wisconsin, Michigan, Nebraska, USC, Michigan St. also, because you apparently haven't figured it out yet, winning on the road is one of the harder things to do in competitive sports regardless of how good you are. there is still a lot of ball left to be played. enjoy it while you still can. how are those Aztecs doing? what about the Jacks?
  16. SunDevil


    Find it hard to believe that anyone is on here bragging about beating S Car St. They are worse than NAU.
  17. SunDevil


    How many baseball games did you go to last year Casey? I am guessing ZERO. I would also guess you did not even know they had a good team until they made it to post season. Gotta love these DIE HARD ua FANS.
  18. SunDevil


    obviously Ok St was not deserving of their ranking. most people that follow college football seriously will agree that preseason and early season rankings are a joke at best and that rankings should not be done until after week 5. pretty sure that is how the BCS does it but that is another joke at best.
  19. SunDevil

    My 2012 Bull

    Great bull Brian! Congrats!
  20. SunDevil

    NM Buck

    that is a great buck. great for NM, great for archery and great because your brother was with you. he must be a quiet/sneeky kid. Congrats and thanks for sharing!
  21. we saw 8 bulls saturday afternoon/evening. they all seemed to be heading away from the roads and the hunting pressure. a couple others that we were not able to see were bugling from their bedding area at dusk.
  22. I have to provide this report. Friday night I pulled off the side of the road about 3/4 miles from a tank. We get out and start unloading the truck. Immediately 2 bulls start bugling at us. One in front of us and one behind us. It is about 8:45. They keep hollering at each other while we are getting things set up for bed. We hit the sack at about 9:30 and they are still having a shouting match and getting closer to our truck. I stick my head out of the camper shell and listen. It sounds like the bull is heading down the road towards the truck. I fall asleep with the bulls screaming at each other. My buddy is a light sleeper. In the middle of the night he wakes me up and says "listen to that". They are going at it. They are probably 100 - 150 yards away but it sounds like they are just outside the camper. In the morning we are up early to try and find them but all I see is one bull going over the hill towards his bed before the sun is even up. We glassed from the truck for about 30 minutes and then left to find a better vantage point. We were on a great hill 30 minutes after the sun came up and never saw an elk. We glassed for an hour and nothing! I guess when you are up all night long you hit the sack early. It was really dark. No moon, no lantern and no camp fire. I think all of that helped with having them so close to the truck. It was pretty cool. We should have tried to video tape it just to get the audio.
  23. SunDevil

    Antelope success

    Congrats Mike! Nice to see you were able to finally get a tag on him. 703 yards - Holy Cow! and after a 5 hour stalk. You will have to provide some more pics after you get him back from the taxi. nice little extra point he has on the inside of his left horn. Talk to you later. Chris.
  24. SunDevil

    Dear G and F: Some food for thought.....

    I was up in the Hondah store earlier this summer and met an elderly gentlemen who drew an archery bull tag for this year. he indicated to me that he got a permit to use a cross bow because he had recently had surgery on his rotator cuff. I didn't ask but I would assume that he would eventually recover from his surgery and that his condition was not "permanent". maybe he got some kind of note from his doctor regarding the permanentness (is that a word?) of his injury.
  25. SunDevil

    Let's not forget....11 years ago today

    was just watching the news and explaining to the 7 year old what happened on that terrible day 11 years ago.