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Everything posted by SunDevil

  1. SunDevil

    unBELIZEable! our fabulous carribean vacation

    did you see any of these?
  2. SunDevil

    Best Tires

    I was very pleased with the Yokohamas I had on my previous truck. Very quiet ride on paved road for an all terrain tred.
  3. SunDevil

    Draw with res and nonres in together.

    if the 10% max for non residents has been met when your number comes up (even if there is still tags available) than none of the applicants will be issued tags. I do not think it will be an issue for the hunt you put in for though. I think there were leftovers for that hunt last year. Kind of interesting that someone would use 6 pts on that hunt. You must have a nice buck tied up to a tree somewhere. Good luck!
  4. SunDevil

    WTB new or good condition camper shell...

    sorry just sold the shell off from my 01 dodge a month or so ago. got lucky (for me) because the guy that wanted the truck did not want the shell and another guy wanted the shell. I was not advertising the shell for sale but I think the guy had a search saved on craigslist looking for a shell. good luck. I would start calling all the camper shell dealers in AZ because they all have used ones. maybe you will get lucky.
  5. SunDevil

    Going to Rocky Point

    here was our other big catch of the weekend. LEMON SHARK. shortly after Scoutm started chumming we got hooked up. yes the gaff is in the shark and yes the shark is in the water. no that was not the plan. it all worked out in the end (minus the water spot on the camera lens). this shark was about 5 1/2 feet long and weighed over 100 lbs. excellent eating. firm but not tough, mild, white meat.
  6. SunDevil

    Going to Rocky Point

    Our other passion! Posted by the SeaCoues Chum Master.
  7. SunDevil

    Going to Rocky Point

    From Las Palomas you are almost to Cholla Bay. I do not know about spear fishing but this will probably be your best bet for shore fishing around Sandy beach. Good luck.
  8. SunDevil

    Any Fishing recommendations in Maui for honeymoon

    I have been deep sea fishing in Hawaii twice and both times we struck out. prices are higher than in MX. $1K vs $400. Just went down to San Carlos over Memorial Day. Fished two days. Caught 2 marlin, a shark, 2 dorado, lost 2 dorado and lost a sail fish, missed another bill fish and got bit off by a wahoo. Also, 1.5 day trips out of San Diego this August for tuna should be very good thanks to El Nino. Puerto Vallarta this summer and fall should be great for tuna.
  9. SunDevil

    I might as well ask too...

    I might kick in a few bucks if you can get him to wear some Sparky horns and tail with that maid outfit!
  10. SunDevil

    "Strange" Actions by Hunters

    how about laying down on your back, in the back of your truck and looking through your upside down spotting scope over the back of your truck so the animals do not see you sitting in the back of the truck? do they really act differently when they see someone in the back of the truck vs just seeing a truck?
  11. SunDevil

    What do you do with your sheds?

    probably a good way to keep their teeth clean
  12. SunDevil

    trailer repair tucson

    Tucson Trailer off from Miracle Mile and I-10
  13. SunDevil

    State trust land question

    I think to be covered you would want to state you are hunting something. for example, have a weapon and a mtn lion tag or a weapon and be hunting rabbits or coyotes, etc.
  14. SunDevil

    UTAH - Hitting Credit Cards

    This is pretty incredible. I looked it up yesterday and the state of UT only issues 7 non-resident bull moose permits a year. Moose meat is by far my favorite.
  15. SunDevil

    Need a friend in the tire business

    find the best price you can online. then add amounts for shipping and install. then call discount and ask if they will price match. tell them what you have and what the total cost out the door would be if you bought them online. they will match to get your business and you will save probably 10% - 15%.
  16. SunDevil

    We're dead last??

    I read a few years ago there are as many deer hit by cars in Pennsylvania as we have in total in AZ. After driving a couple of times in rural TX, if I lived there, I would NOT drive at night! I know more people in AZ that have hit cattle than have hit deer with their cars.
  17. SunDevil

    Your Thoughts??? (pic)

    STUD for sure. Nice beams, nice eye guards, nice 2nds. I think another way of approaching this that might be a little bit easier is to ask yourself if would be happy putting your tag on this buck. If you and all of us experts think this buck is a 112" class buck, then you shoot him and find out he is a 104" buck are you going to be disappointed? Good luck!
  18. SunDevil

    Which December tag?

    For Dec, I would look for the units with as few a tags during the earlier seasons (youth, Oct, Nov, early Dec, archery, muzzle loader, etc).
  19. SunDevil

    wtb side by side shot gun

    what gauge?
  20. SunDevil

    Leftover Luck

    well I always mail my leftover applications on Friday and have always been successful in getting leftover deer tags.
  21. SunDevil

    Leftover Luck

    Are you sure they had mail delivered on Saturday? It is my understanding (in talking to a friend who is a mail carrier) the USPS does not deliver mail to businesses that are closed on Saturday. I know my company does not have mail delivered to it on Saturday.
  22. SunDevil

    Youth Turkey 3-fer

    Nice! Congrats to you and your boys. It is good to see them learning that hard work pays off.
  23. SunDevil

    Double down on 2 Long Beards

    Congrats. Some of us were working on finishing up our taxes and others were out smoking long beards. I think some of the best things about hunting turkeys in NM is that tags are OTC, some areas you can get two birds and if you are lucky and willing to take the time off, you can hunt opening day during the middle of the week when most of the weekend warriors are grinding it out.
  24. SunDevil

    Pros and Cons of living in Globe

    It would be tough to beat the MX food this guy has in Safford. I ate at Casa Manana on Saturday and it was the best I have had in awhile.
  25. SunDevil

    Results are Up!!!

    sure was nice today to see the stock market not fall for the 3rd day in a row