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Everything posted by SunDevil

  1. SunDevil

    MX last weekend

    Headed down to MX last Wed with some friends from UT. Got down there only to find out the tractor that is used to launch boats on the beach is inoperable. The owner had been working for 2 days on the transmission and needed another day to repair the drive shaft. Had to sit on shore on Thurs and enjoy the great weather while wishing we were out fishing. Tractor was repaired late Thurs afternoon so it was game on for Friday. On the water Friday am by 7:00. Great weather and good fishing. Kept about 24 with the largest being an 18 lb leopard grouper. Let lots of bonita go. On the water Sat by 7:30 but it was rocking. One of ey UT friends got sick. Stuck it out and finally at 4:00 I caught an 18 lb yellowtail. Headed in about 4:30 just as the weather was getting worse (probably should have headed in early). It was a little hairy getting the boat back on the trailer due to the wind and waves but third time was the charm and avoided beaching the boat or crashing into the trailer. Caught 9 different species in 2 days. Yellowtail, bonita, rock bass, pinto bass, leopard grouper, trigger fish, snapper, barracuda and sierra mackerel. Had some awesome sierra mackerel fish burritos Sat night after this awesome sunset that the storm brewed up.
  2. SunDevil

    MX last weekend

    The reefs we fish are about 140 fett deep. Check in the tide pools out in front of Sandy beach for octopus.
  3. SunDevil

    Building points for youth

    I could be wrong but I did not think a kid could apply unless they would be 10 prior to their hunt. Are you saying you could put a kid in for hunts from birth to 9 and as long as they did not draw (strip for MD, antelope, unit 9 for elk) they would have 9 - 10 points by age 10?
  4. SunDevil

    unit 10 early bull rifle tag soup???

    I will tell you that back in 2012 it was a much tougher hunt than what I was expecting. Temperatures were 10 - 15 degrees above normal and the moon was full. I filled my tag but I thought I would see more and bigger bulls than I did. In 2013 my buddy hunted unit 1 and it was a completely different experience (better). Good luck. If I had to do it again I would take the week off before the hunt just to scout.
  5. SunDevil

    MX last weekend

    Jake, we were in Lobos. Doug, I think generally speaking the bass is considered a better eating fish. It is definetly a milder fish but it is also more delicate which makes it tricky to cook on the grill. After heating up my grill I turned it off and sprayed it with Pam to help prevent sticking. I also used a spatula on the bass instead of tongs. The yellowtail is firm enough that you can cook it on the grill like a steak. The other night the yellowtail was a little more popular but I think that is because I marinated the bass in a coconut/lime balsamic vinagrette. I think I will avoid that marinade in the future.
  6. SunDevil

    MX last weekend

    I will let you know tomorrow. Tonight we are having grilled grouper and yellowtail. My favorite fish is 1) ahi (yellow/blue fin) tuna and 2a) alaskan halibut / 2b) ono (wahoo). we caught a Sierra Mackerel on Saturday and cooked it up that night for fish tacos. It was very good and tasted very similar to trout. I have been told it does not freeze very well and needs to be consumed within a day or two of being caught.
  7. SunDevil

    Suggestions on San Diego

    No kelp fishing for them in mx. The bigger fish were caught early in the morning in about 40 feet of water and about a half mile from shore.
  8. SunDevil

    Suggestions on San Diego

    this 33 lb yellowtail was caught 2 weeks ago. we also caught a 26 lbr and a 19 lbr the day before. I believe the fishing was a little slow because of the new moon but the quality of these 3 fish made the trip worth it. the only bottom fish I really care for is AK halibut. Ono and tuna are also in my top 3. Yellowtail is also a nice fish to grill. we are heading back down on Wednesday. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and we will get out on the ocean Thurs - Sat. I will share a report when we get back.
  9. SunDevil

    Gun show question

    It seems like it is harder and harder to find good deals at gun shows since people started selling guns online. Someone looks up their gun online and sees some crazy price someone else is asking for the same gun and they think that is what it is worth. Big difference between what people ask to sell for and what it actually would sell for.
  10. SunDevil

    16 bonus points help

    He should have enough pts to draw either of the two archery tags but not enough for the other two(unless he gets really lucky). I am guessing most would agree unit 9 would be preferable to unit 10.
  11. SunDevil

    WOW !!!

    What, fat fingers? Let's see. These so called future NBAers were outplayed by a true freshman, a couple of JUCO transfers, a bench warmer and a guy that use to live in his car. So yeah, I would pretty much call that a smack down!
  12. SunDevil

    WOW !!!

    That and ASU put a smack down on the kitties last Saturday!!!
  13. SunDevil

    The Graduation Bull

    One of the best stories I have read in a long time. Thx for sharing and congrats to u n ur daughter.
  14. SunDevil

    Hitting The Ice

    Did u catch any burbot?
  15. SunDevil

    Turkey Taxidermist?

    I think Hazel Creek in Missouri is considered one of the best in the country. Cally Morris.
  16. SunDevil


    Mike, how did your hunt go?
  17. SunDevil

    46B help

    so how did your brother's hunt go?
  18. SunDevil

    Fried Raven

    Here I thought it was going to be about someone trying to cook n eat ravens.
  19. SunDevil

    Win over ASU

    71 to 54 tonight at Wells Fargo. 2 Ws in 3 nights.
  20. SunDevil

    Win over ASU

    wow, so in addition to stooping, bragging and boasting, I am now desperate and sensitive, nice! all for just posting a score. can't change the mascot. just did that a couple of years ago for "rebranding" aka money making. plus ua has the inside track on nipples. udder nipples. in fact, they changed the field at the football stadium to turf to keep the cheer leaders from grazing on it.
  21. SunDevil

    Win over ASU

    DIY, FYI, I have been on here rooting for my school since before you even knew what CWT.com was. Maybe you can educate me on how posting a score is boasting, stooping or bragging? Why don't you go back a little farther than the 6 months you have been a member on this site and look at some of the threads on football, basketball, baseball, softball, hockey, etc?
  22. SunDevil

    Win over ASU

    stooping? bragging? how about neither! that is the difference between you and I DIY. It appears you are a selective fan. I root for and follow my school for most of the sports they participate in. volleyball, wrestling, baseball, softball, hockey, football, soccer, basketball, etc. Did you even know that ua made the ncaa tournament in women's volleyball? how about women's soccer? probably not. 99% of the ua fans are only interested in basketball unless the ua happens to have a good football, baseball or softball team, then, magically all of these "die hards" come out of the wood work. where were they during the Makovic years? that is right, rooting and following basketball. It was pretty sad when the local media was covering basketball more than football in September.
  23. SunDevil

    Win over ASU

    88 - 41 last night at McKale.
  24. SunDevil

    Win over ASU

    Wells Fargo arena is more than half empty the majority of the time. Lots of other sporting/entertainment options in Phx to compete with. Recruits don't like seeing an empty arena.
  25. SunDevil

    Dead Cardinals

    Cowboys should win for sure now.