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Everything posted by SunDevil

  1. SunDevil

    The cream is slowly rising...

    Thank you Stanley for removing the racist comments that were made in this thread. Hopefully everyone can be more respectful. I know Amanda will not tolerate racial slurs and that is why Stanley removed them. Forks Up
  2. SunDevil

    Sonora Fishing 12-10

    "Arturos diving and fishing adventures" on Facebook
  3. SunDevil

    Super Bowl Tickets

    Casey, who was I being disrespectful to? Predator, his cousin, Karen Johnson, Brent??? I guess we can also add tattle tale to your title now.
  4. SunDevil

    Super Bowl Tickets

  5. SunDevil

    Super Bowl Tickets

    is your cousins name SnapShot?
  6. SunDevil

    ...more cowbell...

    I have heard lots of good things about the Tony Reyes trips. just need to decide what species you want to target and what time of year you want to go. unfortunately most of the year is typically always booked up by group charter masters. a little tricky to find a few open spots to fit into. they fish 3 to a panga so it would be good to find two other guys you know and get along with to go with you
  7. SunDevil

    The cream is slowly rising...

    +1 Stanley. Thank you!
  8. SunDevil

    Sonora Fishing 12-10

    They need to be trolled at 6 - 7 mph for maximum depth efficiency.
  9. SunDevil

    Sonora Fishing 12-10

    No. He raised it to $600 about six months ago. He has to pay for a new boat.
  10. SunDevil

    Sonora Fishing 12-10

  11. SunDevil

    Sonora Fishing 12-10

    Nice rooster!!!
  12. SunDevil

    Sonora Fishing 12-10

    last year, had a big bull steal a 20 lb yellow tail. we hooked it trolling. we followed that sea lion for 4 - 5 minutes hoping he would bite the fishes head off. never happened. had to break the line. lost my yellow tail and my $25 XRap. Ticked me off!!!
  13. SunDevil

    Sonora Fishing 12-10

    it is amazing how well those "naked" unpainted, lead jigs work. Sierras can be terrible. Sea lions can also be brutal. Diamond jigs, krocodiles, kast masters, any of them work good as long as they are shiny and swim good. some guys have started making jigs out of butter knife handles and they work just fine. Swim baits work good also but the trigger fish can really do a number on those rubber tails. cut bait is always good for bass and triggers.
  14. SunDevil

    Sonora Fishing 12-10

    FYI - we use mostly lures in Lobos. I am unaware of any fisherman down there having any success in consistently locating, catching and using live bait
  15. SunDevil

    Sonora Fishing 12-10

    Audsley provided some good info. I am sure Arturo Jr (Luis) could set you up with a place to stay or a place to camp. I have stayed at the green and orange hotel twice and it was fine. hot water and AC. Just make sure to bring your own bedding!!! \"/ If you do not have your own boat you can also hire Arturo Jr to take you out. He has a 28 foot panga and will get you on fish. Last spring a family from Showlow pulled their tent trailer down there, camped on a lot behind Arturo's house and hired Arturo Jr to take them out two days. They had a blast
  16. SunDevil

    Sonora Fishing 12-10

    there are a few places available for rent and two hotels. one has rooms with kitchens but no water. the other has water but no kitchens. there are two very small, very expensive stores in town but no restaurants.
  17. SunDevil

    How bout them Devils!

    G_E_D - who is b****ing? I actually enjoy calling wannabes out for being wannabes. it is funny to watch them as they stand their with this glazed look on their face. mouth breathers! nothing worse than ignorant people. I will put you in that category. it is sad to see you were not raised to respect other people.
  18. SunDevil

    Puerto Penasco Panga 1/2 Day?

    it is great that everyone is different and everyone has different things they enjoy. lots of people enjoy catching and eating trigger fish. not me, I ate to many as a kid. I am a quality over quantity kind of guy. I would rather catch one quality fish over 20 miniatures. some people love to fish for bone fish. good for them! in MX we catch and use bone fish for bait.
  19. SunDevil

    How bout them Devils!

    Well G_E_D, I fit right in with all these dumbarse wannabes in this town.
  20. SunDevil

    How bout them Devils!

    If the bag fits Casey, wear it!!!
  21. SunDevil

    How bout them Devils!

    Hey G_E_D. You missed the point entirely. You Must have graduated from Nogi North. My post is about calling out disrespectful, deuche bag wannabes
  22. SunDevil

    Where to fish for the new year?

    Pretty good for 4 hrs. Dorado is good eating. JC are great fighters. Best of both worlds
  23. SunDevil

    2019 Coues Hunt suggestions

    two week archery hunt over new years. first week deer. 2nd week deer and javelina
  24. SunDevil

    How bout them Devils!

    I am guessing that it also says to be respectful of other people AND thank you for your service!
  25. SunDevil

    2019 Coues Hunt suggestions

    late Nov/early Dec hunt from the left over list in the left over envelope draw. 10 day hunt. cooler weather. not using your 12 points to draw. plenty of opportunity for a mature buck and a fun/memorable time with your son but don't wait until 2019, do it in 2018. good luck