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Everything posted by SunDevil

  1. That is an awesome buck!! Sure looks bigger than 108". Did they tell you who was 1st and 2nd? Any idea what those bucks scored and/or have pics of them that we can see? Congrats. CB
  2. SunDevil

    Results are posted

    Early 23 WT hunt again. Hopefully luck will be with me again this year. CB
  3. SunDevil

    Unit 26

    Not sure but I think you will be looking to the Animas mountains area. Only problem is that I think there is a lot of private land around there and not sure what kind of access you will have to the mountain range. Good luck. CB
  4. SunDevil

    antler point restrictions

    AG - it would be hard not to shoot at a big buck that was busted out of its bed and was running away. I personally am not going to be pulling the trigger on anything in NM unless I am 100% certain that what I am shooting at is legal. Also, your more experienced coues hunters (glassers) are probably not going to be jumping big bucks out of their beds. Yes it is possible but for the most part not that likely. Glassers are not hiking around as much and are doing a much better job at spotting deer than non-glassers. I personally have not shot at a busted out buck in 8 years and that was done way back before I owned a pair of quality binoculars and had learned to let my eyes do my walking for me. Now I have only hunted NM once but from what I saw, hunting WT in NM is pretty tough. Deer numbers are lower than in AZ and the country is big and rugged. Based on that observation, I would guess the majority of the WT hunters in NM are going to be more experienced and less likely to shoot a buck that is not legal. More than likely, the illegal bucks that are going to be accidentally shot are going to be from non-glassing carp hunters who are running around in their jeeps and quads road hunting. Just my 2 cents. CB
  5. SunDevil

    antler point restrictions

    Dont you think the odds of there being a large, old 2x2 buck without eyeguards is pretty slim? I do. Maybe a big 2x2 carp without eyeguards but not a whitetail. CB
  6. SunDevil

    trail cam pics

    That is a nice buck!!! You have got to love the palmation on that right antler and that bladed eye guard on the right side is SWEEEEET Hopefully that buck makes it through the year. He will be sweet this year if he does. CB
  7. SunDevil

    antler point restrictions

    I wish AZ would go to it!!!
  8. As an AZ native (southeastern AZ), my favorite thing is the warm weather. The corporate headquarters for the company I work for is in Minneapolis and I absolutely hate it when they send me back there during the winter. Just can't stand cold weather. CB
  9. SunDevil

    What's Yours?

    Come on guys. We are poor man sheep hunters. So you got to go with a sheep. I would keep it simple and just say a trophy Dall. CB
  10. SunDevil

    This one hadn't shed yet

    I took my nephews out who were visiting from VA a couple of weeks ago. Got a late start and only saw a few does. They were all heading for the shade. Didn't find any sheds but found this lion kill. It only scored around 70" but my nephew sure was excited. We cleaned it up and he packed it up in his suitcase and took it home. My sister said he wasn't home 24 hours before he had the skull varnished up, mounted on a board and hung up in his room. CB
  11. SunDevil

    Arizona bonus points

    12 elk for me. I would think it would put me in the 20% pool. Who knows!
  12. SunDevil

    amazing elk horns

    Born2 - so then the G & F confiscated that find and fined the lady that found it and took it out of the field? I am sure they found out about what she found and if was illegal they would have persued it, it not than it must not have been illegal. CB
  13. SunDevil

    Coues Camps

    here is a pic of our turkey camp from big lake last weekend. bbbbrrrrrrrr!!!
  14. SunDevil

    The meeting

    So will AZ SFW be pushing for landowner tags? Or will their main objective be to organize, unite and represent all the different wildlife organizations in AZ. If it is the first, then we need to work to keep them out now. Just curious. CB
  15. SunDevil


    nuthin for me. come on NM and AZ. CB
  16. SunDevil

    October hunts?

    I do not think the 6 day vs 4 day Oct hunt length will have a significant impact on increasing Oct hunt applicants. Most of your avg Oct hunters are only hunting Fri - Sun anyway so the extra 2 days are not going to matter much to them. You will have a few die hards that will switch from Nov to Oct because they will have 2 more days to go after that big one they found during their preseason scouting. I would imagine success rates will go up a little because there will be some deer that are taken in those last 2 days that wouldn't have been taken before. It would have been a different story if they would have increased it to 10 days. I for one would have switched my second choice from Nov to Oct.
  17. SunDevil

    Coues Camps

    Here is a pic of our javelina camp from last Feb.
  18. My Rem 700 is chambered for 7mm Mag and has a Christensen barrel on it. It is topped with a Nikon Monarch 5.5 - 16.5 X 44. I am using and have had good success with Rem 150 grain nosler ballistic tips. My glass is Nikon 10 X 42 LX and Swaro 15 X 56 SLC. For getting up close and personal I have the Nikon 25 - 75 X 82 ED Fieldscope. The 75X really reaches out. We used it last year and was able to evaluate a really nice buck from 8 tenths of a mile away. The Manfrotto tripod can't be beat for price, size, weight and use. Basic Bushnell 600 range finder that works just fine and gets the job done. Not so sure if I am sold on the Cabelas pack or not but the price was right and it was a gift so I will probably keep using it for a little while. The Canon S2 IS is great for the success pics. The 12X optical zoom along with the 5 megapixels lets you get pretty good pics out to a couple hundred yards. The Panasonic GS 35 has a 30X optical zoom which really gets out there and can also be used through a spotting scope or bino tube. My most favorite item is my good old official Boy Scout knife. It was given to me from my dad back when I was a kid to use for cleaning salmon up in AK. It is easy to sharpen and holds its edge really good. I have bought and used other knives but keep coming back to it and it just stays in my pack all the time now. Another most valuable item we started using a couple of years ago are latex medical gloves. When you pull em off they are inside out. No muss. No fuss. CB
  19. That is a great looking mount. I really like how thick the neck looks from the front in the first pic. I think it is a slight illusion because when you look at the second pic the neck doesnt look that thick. I also like how thick and long the hair is, especially down around the brisket area. Gotta love that non typical acorn coming off the left G2. CB
  20. SunDevil

    What did you apply for?

    2C, 23 WT early and 23 WT late. Also whatever the SW antelope area is. CB
  21. barf face? how about a barf bag?
  22. SunDevil

    Arizona's 10% cap

    Does anyone know what the non res draw odds for their 10% was before the whole USO thing? I don't think the G & F ever published res vs non res draw odds. I think I remember someone from the dept saying it was easier for the non res to draw one of the 10% tags then a res to draw one of the 90%. Just curious. CB
  23. SunDevil

    Arizona's 10% cap

    AG, why do you support the guides? All that does is make hunting even more of a rich mans hobby! Always, always remember that MONEY is the root of all evil! Why does NM have 12% going to non res with guides? MONEY!!! If you want to get NM on the same playing field as AZ then get them to do away with the 12% of the tags that are going to non res with guides! That would be 12% more tags available to NM res. I'm sure you can thank USO for that one also. Just my two cents. CB
  24. SunDevil


    SWEET! Leave it to RR. Thanks for sharing. CB