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Everything posted by krp

  1. krp

    ADA statement

    I want to thank those that donated to my CWT voice fund, it was a total of 180.00 to this site, thank you for trusting me. George has the list but we exceeded the 15 at the early meeting, I think we were over 20, I counted 36 at the ADA meeting. I will say there was not a person there that is not passionate about conservation and no one that I recognized from their CWT name and 'keyboarding' here, that have been active in these threads, were different in person. I have a lot of respect for you all. Kent
  2. krp

    ADA statement

    Appreciate meeting everyone... hope it worth the 10 buck admission. Kent
  3. Ever since the murder of Mr Krentz on his own property, I've devoted much of my political energies to the border/cartel issues. Our federal .gov partnering up with our enemies. Aztlan and La Raza having more influence in washington than us. AFT/DOJ transferring weapons to criminals to create attacks on our 2A rights. Supporting our governor Brewer as the spearhead against a federally supported illegal demographic that will destroy our american culture and way of life... and other assorted issues. Last month Brewer signed into law the ability for her to call up a State militia (public volunteers) for any reason, including border/illegal control. This new bill will expand on that. Senator Sylvia Allen Update February 15, 2012 ARIZONA SPECIAL MISSIONS UNIT SB 1083 Friends: I need your help in supporting my effort to protect the life, liberty and property of the citizens of Arizona. We are being invaded by criminals who have formed alliances with Mideastern terrorists who use violence in the most evil of ways to intimidate and control their multi-billion-dollar drug and human smuggling business. They have ravaged Mexico and caused untold suffering to the people of that land. They bring in poison that is ripping apart the moral fiber of our citizens through drug addiction. This is an issue of national security. The federal government should make every effort to secure our border. It’s a matter of public safety, health, and welfare. But those important areas are not the sole realm of the federal government. They are also the responsibility of this state. Senate Bill 1083 organizes the “Arizona Special Missions Unit” (ASMU), formerly called the Arizona State Guard. The Special Missions Unit will contain a combination of elements of a traditional State Guard/and the Arizona Rangers. They will be trained, vetted citizens who would be paid for training and then volunteer hours in the effort to stop cross-border criminal activity. As a state agency, they would answer to the governor, and they would give a yearly report to the legislature. Our various state, county, and municipal law enforcement officers are doing a yeomen’s job of protecting our state, but they cannot do the job alone. They have to address the full range of law enforcement duties and cannot devote themselves solely to cross-border-related criminal activity. Many people would like to turn their backs on this problem, including Senator David Lujan, who commented sarcastically in a recent committee meeting, “So, we’re going to take on the Mideastern terrorists and Hezbollah and the drug cartels with 300 volunteers and hardly any funding?” Let me just advise Senator Lujan that the terrorists and the drug cartels are already here, creeping across our border and right up through the middle of our state every single day and night. 203 were arrested in Tempe just this last December. We’ve already had to “take them on,” and now we’re going to supplement that fight with some new forces. I was disappointed that Senators Rich Crandall and Jerry Lewis voted “no” in committee. Both express how concerned they are for the citizens on the border, but words of sympathy are not what they need; they need tangible solutions and action from their elected officials. There is a concentrated effort among a small minority of special interest groups within the state who support and promote “Open Borders,” including some within both the Republican and Democratic Parties, to weaken our attempts to control illegal immigration. By keeping us focused on the illegal immigrant family, they divert attention away from the cartels/gangs and drug and human smugglers. That inadvertently strengthens the violent criminal gang organizations and gives them free reign within Arizona. The human smuggling alone brought $2 billion last year to the cartels. The unfortunate people smuggled in by the cartels are sometimes held hostage until their families pay the $2,000 to $5,000 ransom demanded by the cartels for guiding them into the U.S. That doesn’t include the other billions that the cartels earn in drug sales. You have to ask yourself why there is so much opposition to Arizona creating a special law enforcement unit focused on this cross border criminal activity. The cartels have spent years taking over Mexico by compromising politicians, law enforcement, and the Mexican Army. They have killed more than 40,000 people in the last 6 years. They are going to try the same thing here and, when all else fails, they do it with violence. The cartels have millions of dollars to influence law enforcement personnel, city and county government, state officials, prosecutors, and special interests in our state. Their money can find its way into many pockets. Who knows just what inroads they have made building the infrastructure to protect their enterprise? We must use all our resources to focus on this issue and drive the cartels with their corrupt influence out of our state. Augmenting our efforts with a Special Missions Unit is one of many tools we can use. Due to the state’s financial situation, the ASMU will operate on a very sparse budget until more money can be appropriated. The Unit provides a flexible, low-cost, rotating force that can be called upon as needed by our currently overstretched law enforcement departments and deployed whenever and wherever they are needed at the request of the Governor or law enforcement officials. Another concern is training. Special Missions volunteers are comparable to Sheriff Joe’s posse where the officers receive training adequate to the need, and come under the supervision of expert supervisors. In Arizona, we have several levels of training in the law enforcement world, from citizens … to posse officers … to reserve officers … to full-fledged police officers. Posse members are an example of Arizona POST-certified officers. They have firearms training and are permitted to wear the officer’s uniform and carry a weapon. But their training is not full-blown, across-the-board, police officer training. The training is limited and thus provides limited certification. The Arizona Dept. of Motor Vehicles has a few hundred officers with limited training and certification. They are not required to attend the police academy, but they have specific duties under Title 28. They can carry guns (openly or concealed). For liability purposes, we provide adequate training appropriate to their intended role at the Dept. of Motor Vehicles. Many who will volunteer to be part of the ASMU will be former military and law enforcement personnel who already have training and will then receive more training. The members of the Special Missions Unit will have limited certification, as well. Limited certification involves limited authority. Members of the Special Missions Unit will not have the complete range of authority (or duties) that a full-fledged police officer or military officer has. Their authority is limited although it must be stressed that many of them, because of their prior background and experience, will have already been trained above and beyond the needs of the Unit. Those who are agitated about the training “certification” issue are getting ahead of themselves. Those details can be worked out once the bill passes. There is nothing sinister or impractical or un-American about the idea of a Special Missions Unit. On the contrary, it is impractical and negligent to continue without such an organization in our state. Of course they will be armed; the cartels/gangs/terrorists are armed. What about liability? Every day when a law enforcement officer goes on duty, we have liability as a state. What about the liability for those citizens like Rob Krentz or Agent Terry? Public support for the Special Missions Unit is strong. I have no doubt that this will be a tremendously successful operation once it is organized and active. Please write to Governor Brewer and ask her to support SB1083, the Arizona Special Missions Unit, at either of the following addresses: Honorable Janice K. Brewer Arizona Governor Executive Tower 1700 W. Washington Street Phoenix, Arizona 85007 Or go to: http://www.azgovernor.gov/Contact.asp and send a message to the governor from there. I believe this is the most important piece of legislation that I have ever worked on, and I feel urgency about the situation while our borders are so open and unsecured. We have a choice. We can turn our backs on the severe problems we face, deluding ourselves that it can’t happen to us, or we can act now while there’s still time. The failure to act will empower a criminal element that is bringing tragedy and corruption. This state has a responsibility to stand up to them. SB1083 will strengthen our efforts here in Arizona. Sylvia Allen Senator Sylvia Allen President Pro Tempore 602-926-5219 sallenazleg.gov
  4. krp

    ADA statement

    Read that the other day, Bigfin has alot of insight on what could happen here. Kent
  5. krp

    ADA statement

    I'll be there. Kent
  6. krp

    Just in case you

    First came out in Huffington Post, twice actually. Funny how liberals celebrate gayness in their politicians and then attack a conservative on that same issue. Kent
  7. krp

    ADA statement

    Right now I'm at 12 counting myself, I'll see who else at the meeting wants to give 10 bucks. Kent
  8. krp

    ADA statement

    I'll put you on the list Ramon, thanks... the link is the donation page for CWT, not to me, makes it easy. Kent
  9. krp

    ADA statement

    Those that wish to join in the support of OUR voice but won't be at the meeting. You can donate the 10 bucks on this link. I do need to know who is pledging so I can publicly present the numbers at the meeting as a list, if you want to remain anonymous I can have that category also... I want real numbers though. Thanks to all who will pledge. https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_flow&SESSION=cuvDDNX4K1g3iz-k4NVIOJ-G4gzv90O7hA2Z7i1B6V-rGW2YTA_bdBMu7Y0&dispatch=5885d80a13c0db1f8e263663d3faee8d43b1bb6ca6ed6d454adc375ba2d28b99 Kent
  10. I see alot of positives in an 'everyday joe' militia... as did our founding fathers. Kent
  11. Ok, don't forget the 10 buck deal... it's to support OUR voice, the only one we have left... this first donation will go straight to CWT, we support those that support OUR voice. Get on the pledge list and then send the 10 bucks to CWT if out of town, if you are coming to the meeting, bring the 10 bucks and I will deliver it PUBLICLY to the supporter of OUR voice. Thanks, Kent
  12. Here it is... http://arizonasportsmenforwildlife.org/ Kent
  13. krp

    ADA statement

    Ok, don't forget the 10 buck deal... it's to support OUR voice, the only one we have left... this first donation will go straight to CWT, we support those that support OUR voice. Get on the pledge list and then send the 10 bucks to CWT if out of town, if you are coming to the meeting, bring the 10 bucks and I will deliver it PUBLICLY to the supporter of OUR voice. Thanks, Kent
  14. Right now 100% of the auction/raffle tag money must be given to G&F... in 2072, only the face value is returned and all the rest goes to the qualifying party. In Utah they give back 30% to their G&F... Kent
  15. There is no way using pubic funds, as in public tag revenue, for private interest lobbying is ethical in any sense... the only votes I've seen bought was to generate more money for themselves, not AZG&F... then we just trust that they will use the money for the benefit of all sportsmen... no way! Kent
  16. Email was sent by.... Suzanne Gilstrap Executive Director/Government Affairs Consultant for AZSFW
  17. krp

    ADA statement

    George, there are two coming from TAH as of now to the early, if more contact me I will let you know. Kent
  18. 3rd page... This is why HB 2072 is important and why AZSFW is trying to help solve the problem last paragraph of statement 4.Summary Most of the tags (about 276 of the total) are existing draw tags with special rules giving sportsmen a second opportunity to get drawn separate and apart from the AZGFD draw. Only 54 tags would be reserved for auction, without which we could not raise the money necessary to accomplish the objectives specified in the legislation. In other words, we would be investing in 54 tags a year to help increase our wildlife herd numbers by several thousand. Or we can keep the status quo and continue to reduce the number of permits for sportsmen by approximately 2,000 a year. We respectfully ask for your support in this endeavor. Kent
  19. Yep, and lack of rain means less ground cover and less fawn retention... can't save animals that are eaten with more money... it's not like fish that you can grow in a hatchery and then release. Money is needed but also could be managed better, but that's the way of the world. This 350 tag deal was way over the top, a totally different agenda and filled with political pitfalls. Kent
  20. Then, if we are threatened by enviro-litigants or their initiatives that have a detrimental impact on wildlife herds, then we would react by allocating the money to deal with it at the time. What is important here is that we would have a stable source of funding so we could plan accordingly. As we see it no one issue is more important than another except our primary goal is to increase our wildlife herds and do everything we can to further our hunting and angling heritage for future generations to enjoy. Now we are right back to my original issue more than a month ago... How can you take tag money and use it to fund political lobbying? and this would open the door for all special interest groups including the Sierra Club ect to demanding or going to court for their own share or additional tags to use for funding, as the precedence will be set... political disaster and our tag system destroyed... Kent
  21. Problem #1. Loss of Wildlife: Our wildlife herds have been slowly declining or have at best remained status quo over the past 16 years despite significant increases in the Arizona Game and Fish Department’s (AZGFD) annual budget and the efforts of the species conservation organizations to improve their habitat by spending millions over this same period. The tables below shows game and fish budget increases and the number of permits issued and harvests for 1994-2010. We think you will agree that “Rebuilding our wildlife herds is Priority #1”. Problem # 4. Environmental Activists: These groups have been chipping away at the Sportsmen since we can remember (and that’s a long time). When they passed the anti-trapping initiative in 1994 after failing the first time in 1992 Predator control, they have the answer to #1 in #4... but predator control is not a political vehicle. The general public may applaud a catchment for animals but not killing predators. I remember the old timers I grew up with running trap lines and the amount of predators they eliminated, the herds were much bigger, fawn retention much higher. And in fairness it was wetter... Catchments are needed... kill a predator and you save more animals. Trying to sell a conservation policy and fear mongering as the reason to steal politically just T's me off. We understand there are real threats, just this isn't the answer. Kent
  22. krp

    ADA statement

    Here's reality... support or the perception of support by nonaction of AZSFW will be the downfall or marginalization of ADA. This is a political issue not a conservation issue. This is a political fight not a conservation fight. YVRGC and AES made a swift political public decision for their survival and are reaping the goodwill benefit. ADA leadership has not followed and obviously are still in support and have kept themselves in the limelight, I said leadership, as some of the ADA members are also questioning the leadership. Then there are the other orgs hiding in the bushes, we see you and will deal with that later. There is X amount of conservation money out there, during this political turmoil a dip is inevitable, deal with that reality. If AZSFW is removed the money will come back and the orgs that stood tall will benefit as will a possible reorganization of the conservation platform, including the license money and such. Fight for you political life and you may have a conservation future. Kent
  23. krp

    ADA statement

    Well, we've said this isn't over and the threat has to be removed before the solutions if any can move forward. No way most are going to give money to anyone that may turn around and give it to azsfw. This has been a main theme this last couple of weeks. azsfw isn't dead until they say they are dead. Technically the statement came today from azsfw'c', which some have been defending, saying they are not connected to azsfw... doesn't sound like what azsfw'c' is saying themselves. Kent
  24. krp

    ADA statement

    All who want to come early, some broader issues will be thrown around in a constructive manner, it won't be an ADA bash... I hope. Long story short... as a child my family went to a nondenominational Christian church, it has national branches/connections including Manhattan Christian College in Kansas. Anyway, our family was involved in new church building here in the east valley. Starting in rented school auditoriums until enough money was raised to build. At about 15 I was considered a child prodigy of the church and was groomed for the ministry. I was brought into the inner workings of the organization of a church... well, seeing all the issues and egos from the elders to patrons a minister had to balance... not me! Even the love of Jesus can't stop the inner politics and personality fractions in a single church body... it's not going to happen in our hunting community or an org either. It just has to be worked around. Kent
  25. krp

    ADA statement

    I will join George early and hopefully some of the other big hitters in the legislative and political arena that have shown interest... what I'll do there, I don't know, lol... there needs to be a new fresh approach to the combining of the orgs for conservation first and political lobby second... I have a suggestion or two. There's an undercurrent brewing, a good one. Kent