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More emails I received
krp replied to DesertBull's topic in Political Discussions related to hunting
We have to be careful linking those that make public statements and those that don't but are dragged in by association or name dropping. fairs...fair Kent -
More emails I received
krp replied to DesertBull's topic in Political Discussions related to hunting
I personally believe any business or org that hasn't paid to be a member or sponsor of azsfw should not have to make a political statement one way or the other. I don't feel we should callout anyone that hasn't volunteered their opinion publicly... and most know I'm not shy at debating anyone that makes a statement or engages me. Kent -
New Group sponsored by AZGFD
krp replied to archerycrazy's topic in Political Discussions related to hunting
I'm interested and will be there. Kent -
Arizona Wildlife Federation Statement on HB2072
krp replied to CouesWhitetail's topic in Political Discussions related to hunting
I'm not sure where anyone said they were a member, but they are an org and a non-supporting one which counts when the orgs are added up for the 'qualified organization' as written if it comes to that. Kent -
Arizona Wildlife Federation Statement on HB2072
krp replied to CouesWhitetail's topic in Political Discussions related to hunting
Yes and they are still an org and it's 6 to 0 with 15 silent ones favoring non-support of 2072... whoever controls the majority... A 6 to 0 deficit will be tough to overcome. I don't see alot of smarts happening but whatever... Kent -
Arizona Wildlife Federation Statement on HB2072
krp replied to CouesWhitetail's topic in Political Discussions related to hunting
Were they a member? I see this on the azsfwc/wcc website, I didn't see them listed but maybe they are a member. Anglers United Arizona Antelope Foundation Arizona Bass Federation Nation Arizona Bowhunters Association Arizona Chapter SCI Arizona Desert Bighorn Sheep Society Arizona Deer Association Arizona Ducks Unlimited Arizona Flycasters Club Arizona Houndsmen’s Association Arizona Trappers Association Hunt of a Lifetime Mohave Sportsman Club National Wild Turkey Federation - AZ Chapter Outdoor Experience For All Southwest Walleye Anglers Arizona Trout Unlimited Council Kent -
Arizona Wildlife Federation Statement on HB2072
krp replied to CouesWhitetail's topic in Political Discussions related to hunting
It's 5 to 0 in favor of non-support... all the silent ones don't count. We get more non-support than support from the orgs... AZSFWC will not qualify for the tags a written in the legislation if it goes through. The snowball is rolling down hill. Kent -
Post your emails... Dear Governor Brewer
krp replied to krp's topic in Political Discussions related to hunting
Dear Governor Brewer and all our legislators... I am very concern with language being used and claims being made by AZSFW that must be proven before any other claims can be considered legitimate. Does AZSFW have the support of the sportsmen? If they do then why hasn't any of these organizations 'Publicly supported' HB2072? Anglers United Arizona Antelope Foundation Arizona Bass Federation Nation Arizona Bowhunters Association Arizona Chapter SCI Arizona Desert Bighorn Sheep Society Arizona Deer Association Arizona Ducks Unlimited Arizona Flycasters Club Arizona Houndsmans Association Arizona Trappers Association Coconino Sportsman Hunt of a Lifetime Mohave Sportsman Club National Wild Turkey Federation Outdoor Experience For All Southwest Walleye Anglers Arizona Trout Unlimited Council AZ Elk Society Yuma Valley Rod and Gun Club Three have officially severed ties with AZSFW because of HB2072... AZ Elk Society Yuma Valley Rod and Gun Club National Wild Turkey Federation And it's been said recently Coconino Sportsman has sent an email proclaiming the same. The others claim wait and see, but really they are hiding in the bushes. They are afraid of their own membership if they support and the backlash of the majority of sportsmen/women, ceasing to exist or exceedingly diminished... they are afraid to 'nonsupport' if AZSFW is successful in gaining this legislation and almost total control of all conservation and political PAC funding, that they will be blackballed, ceasing to exist or exceedingly diminished. They put themselves in this catch 22 by being silent. Make AZSFW bring proof of their claims of majority support, ask the individual organizations release 'Public' statements either on their websites or if they have none the Sportsmen websites like TheArizonaHunter.com, Coueswhitetail.com, MonsterMuley.com. Where the real public discusses the very issues that effect them. Silence would be considered nonsupport... Make AZSFW bring those public support statements to you as well as any individual support statements. Besides themselves and some outfitters that will benefit from more rich clients on these tags. I bet they can't get 200 folks to support them, probably not even 100. Conservation is dependent on the support of sportsmen in Arizona, the donations, raffles, attendance, banquets, membership of supporting organizations, volunteer work. If AZSFW does not represent sportsmen and thus flame a hostile environment that is boiling right now because of the first attempt, cause many to turn their backs in disgust of both them and politicians, HB2072 will go down as a huge failure and another slap in the face to citizens by our elected officials that wouldn't listen. I have faith in our state government to represent their constituency above the special interest and false claims. This is a fragile situation that can collapse quickly, step carefully. Respectfully, Kent Powell -
Post your emails... Dear Governor Brewer
krp posted a topic in Political Discussions related to hunting
Dear Governor Brewer and all our legislators... Concerning HB2072 and subsequent revisions of same being brought before you. As a forth generation Arizonian... ranching, mining, farming on one side and educators in every generation on the other... I was raised on Arizona culture, it's bred deep, runs in my blood... My Greatgrandfather was an educator I have a picture of him holding my Grandfather as a baby on a sidewalk in downtown Prescott, dressed in his finest suit, circa 1905. According to family history he was superintendent of schools in the Prescott/Cottonwood area. I also have pictures of him and his hunting partners, hound hunting Mingus mountain for bears and lions. He died on that mountain when his horse fell on him while hunting and my Grandfather was 10 years old. My Grandfather was a teacher and principle in the same area his entire life, my mother grew up in Cottonwood and met my father at ASU, she was a kindergarten teacher, my sister was a teacher and my daughter is a HS biology teacher in the east valley... they've all hunted. My Greatgrandfather, Grandfather and great uncle farmed and ranched in Safford and west New Mexico, they worked in the coppermines. My Dad was born in Thatcher, they moved to Tempe when he was a sophomore in HS and he worked for Motorola his entire career as an engineer. Hunting was a big part of their lives, of who they were. My Dad at 78 was successful filling the freezer with elk meat just 3 seasons ago, with my brother and I right there with him... it truly was a spiritual event... a culmination of many lives and the Arizona culture they built. For the majority of sportsmen and women, it's the culture, it's family away from the TV and video game, it's nature and spiritual. It's not about an Expo, we have two in this state already and they will cease under this legislation. It's not about an auction tag that someone else can afford, though it will be taken from someone that would have hunted, as these are not new tags, they are taken away from the public draw. This is about receiving a tag in the draw so they or their child or their Dad or their wife can continue the culture of Arizona hunting and all that involves. AZSFW may say they represent Az sportsmen... they are deceiving you. They represent their special interest only. My one lone voice represents a much larger majority, it's been proven on the internet websites and an outcry has emerged. AZSFW may say they will generate millions of dollars... they are deceiving you. They will transfer the dollars already being generated by the individual organizations, destroying them in the process, same as the existing expos, take money away from the Game and Fish general fund with reduced license sales and application fees, they will reduce the value of the existing 30 Governor tags that goes 100% to the G&F now. They will be lucky to break even on the new tag money and the expense of the super expo that few will go to with the hostile environment and rift they are creating between themselves and the majority of hunters in this state. I've heard the number of 20 to 35 million a year... not in this economy, there's never been a model of existing expos in other states that are huge that come close to that or even half of the low... they are deceiving you. These same people that are the board members and directors of this organization and self proclaimed voice of the sportsmen, are historically the ones that buy the Governor tags available now for thousands and hundreds of thousands. How do they represent the sportsmen that want a tag for their kid when they are legislating 50 of the public's 'Premium' tags, not the low quality tags, Premium tags to those like themselves. And then bypassing the Game and Fish drawing process and money generated on the other 300. They are the Walmart of the hunting scene, they will come in with promises and eliminate the small organizations/competitors, some of which have already removed themselves from supporting AZSFW and there are others following shortly. They will eliminate our culture of public hunting, they will replace it with elitism, cronyism and 'The King's Deer'... they are deceiving you. They put a carrot of youth retention and conservation works. We already do this and some of us do this without even the individual organizations help now. I can show you pictures of non affiliated youth hunt camps put on by the Wildlife managers and volunteers, kids with parents camping , hunting, eating donated food and the G&F cook trailer that I myself cook from. I can show you pictures of water catchment projects that are non affiliated with WMs and volunteers out working for days to supply a water source for wildlife... AZSFW is not there... We will not join them in any fashion in the future, they don't even have a true membership of the majority of hunters, they rely on their member organizations to cede them their membership, to cede them their youth projects and conservation works, to cede them a percentage of their dues. They may represent some of the organizations, and many are bailing over 2072... but that is a small number of the public that buy a hunting license or apply for a tag.... they are deceiving you. True youth retention is in the culture, it's in the parent taking the child into nature, to camp, to fish, to hunt, to build a love of all things that are great in Arizona beyond the flatscreen and societal noise. It's four generations sitting around a fire. In the evolution of a hunter, at one time you are young and get to see your hero care about you, at the other end you get to be the hero and pass down something that can't be sold or bought. It's thousands like myself that will spend gas and money just to help a stranger who has a child and needs a start on an individual hunt. I was asked to take a 16 year old out on a elk hunt, as we talked during the hike in, he went to the same Jr high I had over 35 years ago and was going to the high school. We spot some ek, made a stalk and he was successful with his first big game animal. I wish everyone could experience the feeling of his amazement, joy, thankfulness. It's a cherished moment for me and I have many exactly like that... you can't buy that at an expo. We were promised from the very one's that started azsfw that they would never go after tags in the way Utah has done. They promised this in 2006 when concerned sportsmen asked point blank before trusting them as a political arm. The same leadership was adamant about never asking for special tags... well they deceived us, but we aren't deceived anymore and you should not be also. Thank you, respectfully. Kent Powell PS, yes, my last name brings up that type of Arizona culture also. -
It's important for all to sign up, building a coalition of private individuals, sharing an understanding of what hunting and conservation is ultimately about. I look forward to working with you all and thank Commissioner Freeman for the opportunity. Kent
Thanks Mark Kent
Governor hearing a sales pitch for HB2072 today
krp replied to audsley's topic in Political Discussions related to hunting
That's not a public memo... Kent -
Governor hearing a sales pitch for HB2072 today
krp replied to audsley's topic in Political Discussions related to hunting
That's what I heard... Wonder what they think of Pete pulling his support of AZSFW, I know he did because he stated that to us all at the ADA meeting... if they tried this legislation again. Kent -
Governor hearing a sales pitch for HB2072 today
krp replied to audsley's topic in Political Discussions related to hunting
I was also hoping John could confirm the revisions I heard about? Kent -
Governor hearing a sales pitch for HB2072 today
krp replied to audsley's topic in Political Discussions related to hunting
The meeting was with the Governors staff, as in staff meeting... she wasn't there and that's normal. I heard two commissioners spoke and were against the presentation. Kent -
Governor hearing a sales pitch for HB2072 today
krp replied to audsley's topic in Political Discussions related to hunting
Allen, there are multiple ways this bill can move forward... a strike everything would replace an existing bill. A new house bill with another number... I'm going off the top of my head and there are others but it will pass both branches before going to the Governor. We need to preaddress this with each of our 2 house reps and 1 senator of our district, contact them right now and keep it fresh in their minds. Kent -
Governor hearing a sales pitch for HB2072 today
krp replied to audsley's topic in Political Discussions related to hunting
John, is it true that on Tuesday night there was a meeting of the AZSFWC/WCC and the revisions of 2072 were discussed before they were presented yesterday. If so, what were those revisions and why was a political agenda discussed at a conservation meeting. Thanks, Kent -
Governor hearing a sales pitch for HB2072 today
krp replied to audsley's topic in Political Discussions related to hunting
75 User(s) are reading this topic -
Governor hearing a sales pitch for HB2072 today
krp replied to audsley's topic in Political Discussions related to hunting
55 User(s) are reading this topic -
Governor hearing a sales pitch for HB2072 today
krp replied to audsley's topic in Political Discussions related to hunting
47 users are reading this topic... doubt many are azsfw supporters... Kent -
Governor hearing a sales pitch for HB2072 today
krp replied to audsley's topic in Political Discussions related to hunting
This is SERIOUS right now! we need to express that azsfw 'DOES NOT' represent sportmen voice, they represent their own interests. Kent -
Someone must have spelt Koolaid on their keyboard, shorted the whole thing out... I hate it when that happens... Kent
azsfwc is not connected to azsfw... a per azsfwc leadership... azsfwc would put on the expo and collect the tag money from 2072... azsfwc does not support 2072... would accept 300+ worth of tag money... including giving a portion to a political lobby's (azsfw) effort to fight the anti's... azsfwc is not connected to azsfw or supports 2072. Step forward citizen, stay in line... your next assimilation will be in 'countdown' 42 minutes... step forward citizen... Kent
Anyone that is an ADA member... have you received an email asking how you stand on ADA supporting azsfw? Kent
Mark, I'm setting up a meeting next week for a more localized issue concerning deer issues in the 40s units and Terry's idea to start some type of presence on the conservation front... but not excluding other areas, just there's an emergency happening there with the deer herds right now, seems the survey counts are down up to 70% from two seasons ago. We discussed some of this last night but you were at the other end of the table. PM me if you are interested. anyone else. Kent