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Everything posted by krp

  1. AH got a tag for his money, a tag he can only get with money... that's it. if he's also volunteered working on projects then he can claim that, same as the rest of us. If he donates money into the HPC direct with no reimbursement he can claim that. If he props up azsfw with money that's a political PAC lobby, he can't claim that as conservation. Kent
  2. Now don't actually bring real math into it... geeze An expo would cost millions, raise millions in tag monies... wanna bet if there would be any left on the ledger after the big party and all got their tags... Kent
  3. krp

    tv interview

    That's great Allen! Kent
  4. Math wise, you could charge 5 bucks as a habitat stamp when buying a hunting or fishing license, excluding youths, and generate about the same dollars than the current auction tags. Now though I believe there are issues with the draw the way it's evolved with the 20% pass draw and the 1-2 general draw and the maturity of bonus points... there is something about 'tradition' and the draw evolved through time to this tradition, are there better or just as good options, possibly. The tradition of the auction tags has merit... but it isn't the only way or possibly even the best way if push comes to shove. I've said before that this group pushing 2072 is also risking the current auction tags in future court battles... it's a stupid risk. Kent
  5. I'm neither hot nor cold on the current auction tags... I'll never buy one or guide one to make money off of. In the current system they go 100% to the G&F into the HPC system from what I understand, I assume this means it's only for conservation use. If there were no auction tags I truly wouldn't care. In the new system tags would be removed from units out of the general draw and sold, the money would go to a private interest group that would spend it anyway they want, "including' transferring over a percentage to a political PAC organization for lobbying politicians. This is what our political systems have decayed to in this country, buying legislation. It's truly abhorrent. Kent
  6. Gov Brewer was the cohost last year at the azsfwc banquet and also was at the azsfw banquet when Palin came a couple years ago, she has a relationship already built. I think we have covered this before. It's a difficult situation in that we wanted her support before and got it... now we want her to disavow that very support. One of the reasons I truly despise politics involved in conservation, the mix can turn on you in a split second. I don't blame Gov Brewer in this, I blame sfw for backstabbing us. Kent
  7. coueshunter is only a keyboard commando all type and no do... lol Kent
  8. Someone needs to qualify what is considered a personal attack around here... the swearing is self evident. Someone can call me a conspiracy theorist (nice words for liar)... and then go back on what they say and be called a liar (bad word for conspiracy theorist)... Who was personally attacked on what ended up being truth? Beliefs only go so far before 'truth' turns them into a lie... opps, I meant conspiracy theories. Kent
  9. Amen brother... I truly hate fear mongering... I think lobbying has ruined this country and taken what little voice of the people away... there's no such thing as a constituency anymore...3% of the populace fought against tyranny in the revolution that created this country and won... of the 97%, Some still wanted it, some didn't care, some did. our 3% against their .01% who are actually going to fight not just hide behind the curtains... let's win again. Kent
  10. Yes... I'd save money if I boycotted all sporting goods departments, all Salt river lakes, well all az lakes, shooting facilities, the G&F draw... and Dunkin donuts... Kent
  11. Again, you can not take public resource generated conservation monies and use them for political lobbying. As soon as this group started the innermixture of conservation and politics, it was the deathnell of their legacy.They are attempting to become through legislation a political entitlement the same as NAACP and ACORN, socialism at it's worst. They made this mistake not us and they are continuing it... and so we continue to denounce them... all they have to do is quit. Kent
  12. lol... a little levity makes the bread rise... or sump'n like that. Kent
  13. secret? I'd tell ya.. but then I'd have to kill ya... Kent
  14. Love it! right there is what all our work should be about... the future. Kent
  15. Something new? We have been moving along even while the political issues are at full throttle. We own a Name... Southwest Sportsmen's Alliance Other paperwork is in the processes, this is happening. As is a mission statement and such. Conservation, that's what we are about. Working with the G&F and within the HPC system. We have already started building relationships within the G&F and it truly has been easier and received so positively/smoothly that I don't know why we haven't approached this earlier... we are now. We may not always agree with the G&F and them us, but working together is such a no brainer, we all benefit and so will wildlife. Region 4, especially above I10 has some emergency issues. This will be our first concentrated effort but will not exclude us working with regional sportsmen on their areas. We will continue our Jr camps that we do now in other regions and will not exclude expanding new camps in the state... work with the WMs, predator control is something we can hit hard without funding or federal permission and the WMs will be the best source of immediate concern areas or timing. Water projects are always a foundation of conservation, working now for next year is important as these are time consuming to put together administratively in the G&F. Youth retention is also something that will need to be worked on immediately, scheduling appointments for next year with the boy scouts, 4H ect. Alliance means just that, we want to have a place that "all' sportsmen can gather to make a difference with brains, feet, helping hands all over the state, working in their habitat, with their wildlife, with the G&F and having the moral support of their brothers and sisters from the border to the strip. "support the Arizona Game and Fish Department in its ongoing mission of 'Managing Today For Wildlife Tomorrow.'" thearizonahunter.com website will be the hub... most of us are members of multiple websites so we will share on all of them... all voices are welcome. Kent
  16. It's an open meeting, I'll be there, put me on the list Pete... Kent
  17. krp


    The only way we are going to win this is out pointing the opposition and changing minds on the legislature. Continue to call as the opposition is ramping up their efforts as we speak... they aren't doing it for fun or pretend. We need allies one legislator at a time, that's what they are doing. Kent
  18. krp

    Mary Stine

    Gutwrenching, I read this last night and should have some words of solace but nothing that is helpful. God bless... amen Kent
  19. Shouldn't a bill such as this have been Vetted through the state Attorney Generals office? Besides the Supreme Court rulings it violates at least one State statute for sure. The incompetence by these self imposed leaders of all sportsmen is beyond belief... Your Fired!!!!! Kent
  20. Well, I had high hopes someone would possibly challenge real world law and issues... guess not... Kent
  21. The Public Trust Doctrine, derived from the 1842 U.S. Supreme Court case Martin v. Waddell, is considered the keystone of the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation. It represents the common law foundation for trust status of wildlife resources in the United States. Wildlife as Public Trust Resources Elimination of Markets for Game Allocation of Wildlife by Law Wildlife Should Only be Killed for a Legitimate Purpose Wildlife Are Considered an International Resource Science is the Proper Tool for Discharge of Wildlife Policy Democracy of Hunting Greer v. Connecticut, 161 U.S. 519 (1896). In 1896, the Supreme Court declared that the states property right in game was to be exercised as a trust for the benefit of the people of the state. Up until this ruling the 10th Amendment of the Constitution only appeared to give states jurisdiction over wildlife. This court case is considered by many to be the core ruling of states public trust authority over wildlife but it is somewhat controversial because it does so in terms of ownership. I see a big problem legally with 2072 and for sure challenged by anti's and losing, costing taxpayer monies and a huge gamble on losing the original 30 tags in the process. Kent
  22. Here's a question... How is more money going to get more people involved, seriously are you going to hire them. What I hear is no one shows, it's the same 8 people on a project, we need the money from the tags. So it belies much of the propaganda on how much can be done and how powerful the orgs are if they can't generate volunteers. I was at the Mesa dept meeting monday and guess what, no one showed from an org and only a couple showed at all. Then again we did get to have lengthy discussions on youth retention and possible new unaffiliated jr camps and the possibility of region specific habitat stamps to generate funds into the HPC. How is the money going to get more folks involved specifically? Kent
  23. I'll thank them when they donate the money and don't get a tag or value... lol What do I get for what I do... gratification... that's it. if it was so important and they so rich everything would be fixed already. Bad argument on legislating a public stimulus and bailout... I don't buy it from Obama or azsfw... you got the liberal socialists mixed up. Kent
  24. I would ask you what organizations that are part of or have been part of the AZSFWC (the UN of AZ Conservation Organizations) are you up to date paid members of? Absolutely none and on purpose, no one can spend my money as efficient. How many meetings, banquets, fundraising events, captures, work projects, habitat development, or water catchment projects have been involved with? Besides the captures which I have none... more than most who belong to an org. How much of your hard earned time, money, blood, sweat, stress and family time have you sacrificed for the betterment of wildlife, sportsmen of the state of Arizona and our future generations. I can win that one also. The organizations and people that you name are the backbone of what diminishing opportunities we have left as sportsmen. The backbone of opportunities are the families that have no idea what we are talking about, they take their kids outdoors, hunting is one part of it. They buy the licenses and hunting equipment which generates the 11% Pittman-Robertson excise tax... 1937 The Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act, also known as the Pittman-Robertson Act... 1972 An 11% Pittman-Robertson excise tax was extended to archery equipment with the passage of the Goodling-Moss Act. One-half of the tax revenue collected on handguns and archery equipment may be used by state fish and wildlife agencies for hunter safety training and range development. The foundation of true funding of wildlife come from the hundreds of thousands of hunters and shooters... you want to talk about a low percentage, the paid members compared to those numbers. If you have an issue with the true champions of Sportsmen for the State of Arizona then, get out from behind your computer where it is safe. Join a few organizations, attend meetings, get dirty in the hunting off season, and make an investment in the future of the sport and lifestyle that we enjoy. Become a champion yourself! Not, only for your interests but for those of our children. Fairly condescending in you don't know who you are addressing. What’s the worst that could happen? Someone could marginalize the majority of hunters that make a difference and keep our passion alive in future generations? As long as special interests fund themselves, get'er done... but as soon as they demand the public to fund their minority interests because the majority won't listen to them and volunteer... that's not democracy, that's elitism. Kent