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Everything posted by seek100plus

  1. seek100plus

    18 years is enough , PICK ME

    Thanks for all great information.I thought I was the only one in AZ ,who has not been drawn LOL. I was wondering is there such a thing as max points , looks like I have a long wait .
  2. seek100plus

    youth bows

    does anybody have a youth right handed bow for my son.
  3. seek100plus

    12x20 tent

    I have a 12x20 wall tent that was made out of a vinyl carport canopy. I cut the walls down to 5’ walls and reworked the poles for the roof structure to make a 12” overlap seal over the walls .I used this wall tent for 2 years and it works great! I know it is not canvas but it will never mildew. I have been in some serious down pours and the tent has kept me very dry. I can set this tent up in 20 minutes by myself. I will throw 12x20 floor tarp that I use for the floor. I know it sounds very make shift, but it works great. I have no clue what it is worth, but I would like to get $175.00 .
  4. I am seeking advice on Hornady Amax 178 grain bullets. I have been reloading some 300 Winchester mag shells and have put together a great load that my gun really likes .I have conograph the bullet at 2900 feet at 30 yards .I have also been producing 50 cent piece groups at 200 yards and I wanted to see at what range I loose tight groups. I went out scouting today for my deer hunt and brought my gun with me to do some long range shooting. I was again shooting 50 cent piece out to 300 yards and my last target ended up ripping after the wind kicked up , so I put a 6 inch round pinion log up on a large boulder with a wall of boulders behind me for a safe backstop. I range the log at 400 yards and hit the log first shot .I walk over to the log to set it back up and I look at the hole ,the 178 grain penetrated to half way in to the log , but the bullet decent grated. I have great concerns now, I know the wood is hard, but what is going to happen when I hit a animal at 200, 300 or 400 yards. I do not have time or the money to put together a new bullet with the same results.
  5. That is so weired ,I found the same thing in 6 b
  6. seek100plus

    whitetail or mullie

  7. Memory lane, I was 11 years old and hunting with my family and my best friend. My dad sent me up the hill to hunt in a blind, by my best friends tree stand. I wasn’t sure where his tree stand was, but I knew he was close bye, cause I could hear him, going up the tree. Darkness was coming up on us fast ,so I stepped out my blind to see if I could see my friend walking back .I look up the ridge and saw a very big and black figure shaking and rocking back and forth a big dead tree with loud sounds like roaring, great fear began to take over my mind of many camp fire stories of the Mogollon Monster I knew my dad was downhill from me , but I was so scared it would get my best friend if I ran to my dad and I couldn’t leave him, but all I had was a bow, against a 7’ monster, but I had no choice to save my friend, the tree crashed to the ground and the figure started walking down the ridge toward me. I was shaking all over and pail white. I had no choice but to man up and grabbed one of my arrows and ready to meet my maker, I stood there with the arrow in my hand ready for battle and the figure came closer and closer, tell finally,I could make out my best friend face .He was up the ridge pushing over a dead tree next to his stand, that was making all kinds of noise from the wind. He said to me, did you see that, I pushed over that big tree, he said to me he felt 7’ tall. I never told him, one word about what I was thinking.
  8. I have 100 cases of 300 win mag nickel brass and I was wondering, if it would be safe to reload. I have reloaded regular brass before, but never nickel.
  9. I am brand new to bear hunting , I have spent many hours glassing for bear’s , but I would like to try something up close and personal .I have been kicking it around to try predator calling them. I mostly hunt for bears, during a family campout in the cool country forest for the family sake and try to sneak out for awhile at dusk time. I don’t want to use electronic calls the first time, I’m asking the true callers for help, I don’t want to sound like , I have no clue what I’m doing, I don’t see jack rabbits, cottontails and mice chirping, or is it just the sound they are coming for to a easy meal. I was thinking of using a fawn or elk calf distress sound ,any help would be great , before the October hunt starts.
  10. seek100plus

    Shall We???

    FUN, FUN, What we should all really do, is start are own fantasy hunting draws. I think based upon , 5 different chances , pick what hunt you think you will get drawn for or jinks yourself and pick ( YOU WERE NOT DRAWN FOR ELK , YOU WERE NOT DRAWN FOR ANTELOPE ) but for elk and antelope ,its either 1st or 2nd choice , unless you put in for 100% draw area for your third choice , but I have 16 bonus points for antelope and 4 for elk . I would say April 10 th , that would give them a little more interest in the bank .
  11. seek100plus

    Hunting backpack trip

    I have kicked this around for many years and this year is the year. I would like to go on a pack in , hunting trip. I just bought the pack frame and now need to load it up. I will need to purchase a tent 3 or 4 season, sleeping bag, cooking stuff, water filter, MRE (that taste good) and all the other small goodies. I could walk in to all the stores for product reviews, but I trust my fellow hunter's instead, on product's they have used and what works well. I'm open for all input and do's and don’ts to buy. I was also wondering since AZ ,doesn’t have many stream's that run all the time , will a water filter system work on water holes (YUCK ). I have read some hunting books by Cameron and other guys WOW; they like the good stuff and have a open check book.
  12. seek100plus

    Frame pack Options

    I have been on the same search , Cabelas has really nice one's. I tried something new this year on my pig hunt and it worked great , I took my 2200 and put it on my Cabelas Alaskan Guide Model frame pack, my 2200 last year was a little lite for carrying my pig out , but this year I had my Cabelas Alaskan Guide Model frame pack and my 2200 together as one , sure made my pig pack out nice , plus the pack frame and the 2200 was very light together , very sweet !
  13. I have had a 270 Win model 70 , that has been beat up for 20 years . I want to give it to my son , I know the barrel is shot out, needs a new stock, but action is still tight. I would like to turn this gun into a real shooter for my son to use, tell he is big enough to step up to a MAG. I figure , a new good 270 ,would cost $500 ,so I would much rather spend $500.00 on this one since ,I have used this gun for my youth hunting and thought it would be neat to let him do the same . I would like to know, what the team at CWC would do with this 270, if they had $500 big ones to spend on a Win 270, to be a good shooter from all gunsmith work , new barrel and hopefully a new stock , I know $500 doesn’t go far , but I'm on a budget.I have tell next deer season , so I'm sure I could find some more funds to donate to this gun by Oct .
  14. seek100plus

    Did my deer meat go bad?

    I wish ,at times , I had 40 degree weather when , I have shot animals . I have learned some lesson's from meat processor's , the bones of the animal will transfer heat and that could be why the back straps pulled off. I lost the whole hide quarters from a elk ,after I shot him at 5:00 pm and found him at 7:00 am, buts that elk and the hide was still on .I like to get a animal bone out ,as fast as I can , to start cooling process.
  15. seek100plus

    Pentax XCF 16x50+ Tri pod Adapter!!! Brand new!!!!!

    My son will look like a deer in the head lights ,when he see's them , but he will never be able, to out glass his dad still !
  16. seek100plus

    Pentax XCF 16x50+ Tri pod Adapter!!! Brand new!!!!!

    How much do you want for them and are they still around ?
  17. seek100plus

    Layoff's have begun!

    My uncle , is high up in the lending department at Bank of America and he told me , B of A will give out 2 to 3 loans for the commercial dept in 2009 for their budgets and that is not good , you are correct , owners want to build , but if you want 20 million , they will only give you 2 million if you give them 3 million down payment and that wont work .
  18. seek100plus

    pig advise in 19A

    Couple of things , my son name is Cody to , do you have the youth hunt , if so , I would say go ten miles West on cherry road , look for the dump on the left and start glassing the hills and washes to the north of cherry hill road , lots of good pig spots .Youth asking for help to kill a pig and do his own spike camp is so cool in my book, not like its known to have 100 class bucks or 400 class bulls , its a pig! I will be helping some kids and there dad's on my block ,who also got drawn for the youth hunt in 19 A. I hope ,your dad is ,blown away, with the knowledge you are coming up with, but you beter let him know soon , if you have the youth hunt it ,starts on the 23 of Jan. Have , your dad send me a pm and all get him on track
  19. seek100plus

    Layoff's have begun!

    Yes, this is tough times and along hard road ahead is coming. I'm in construction and the bottom has fallen out. Construction has provided a good income for me in the past 6 years and work was crazy , but I to was laid off in September, but I knew it wouldn’t last , so I saved some money and put it away , for these tough times . I have never had the time off to go hunt or even think about taking a week to go hunt .I feel, so relaxed and blessed to be able to see my kids on the weekend or be able to have the guns packed and also the camping stuff in the truck, waiting for my kids to come home from school and off we go to be able to spend time together. I have truly missed out on the passion to go hunting and now, I find myself sitting on top of a mountain’s glassing for game and knowing deep down inside of the memories and the time in my life, I have lost, making someone else rich and now, I am, rich now being able to hunt and spend time with my kids.
  20. I have a 300 mag that is custom built , I’m seeking advice .I have shot about a 50 rounds of factory loaded ammunition through this gun, now it was time to try reloading some rounds to see if this gun is a tack driver . My gun is a Winchester, so that means I have a Winchester receiver on it, the receiver was blue printed and there was a Shillings barrel put on. I started with all the old brass , that has been shot before out of the gun , looked over all the brass for defects and did all the tool prep work on the brass , I had tools for to get them ready for reloading. I put magnum primer in and loaded the bullets with 76.5 grains of I1000 powder and capped them off with a Barnes bullet poly tip 180 grain. I took my gun out to the range to see what kind of grouping ,I would get with this grain weight , pop off one round ,1 ½ high center , second shot just to the left, grouping was nice , pulled the bolt back ejected the round ,grabbed another bullet , waited a minute , stuck the third bullet in , pushed the bolt in , the bolt went in all the way , but wouldn’t lock down, something weird was going on , tried to pull the bolt back to eject the bullet out , the bolt was stuck and would not move . I was trying to get the bolt to move back for about ten minutes and one the helpers at the range, was watching me do this and said he would seek some help to remove the brass and said he would be right back, after about ten minutes, walked down there and was watching a guy take a brass rod and hammer and was pounding on the rod. I stopped him and first off are you crazy that is a live round and second that is a $1400.00 gun you’re ramming a rod down . He , handed the gun back to me and I started walking away and piece of my Leopold , fell off , from the pounding, ok I’m starting to get little red in the face now. I put the gun back in the case and Monday I would seek out a gunsmith to eject the bullet, the gunsmith who built my gun , closed up shop last year do to health reason’s so I called some gunsmiths and several said they wouldn’t touch it do to it being a live round and one gunsmith , wont mention names, took it to the back room and you could hear him , beating a rod down the barrel, hoping he knew what he was doing , came back and said that bullet is really stuck , cant help you. I am sitting at home driving my self nuts trying to figure out a way to get the bullet out, but that would be stupid to do myself, the bottom line is I need thought on what I did wrong so it wont happen again, I know I could open up along series of a lot of what prep work you did, but had a very experienced reloader helping me and he to is stumped on what went wrong any good thoughts on this .
  21. seek100plus

    Stuck bullet in a 300 mag

    Well, guys it is done and $150 .00 later,we gave birth to a clean barrel.I got the call today at 4:30 p.m, I am clear to pick up my baby.Gunsmith think's that I used a old casing that was not shot out of my gun, when the bullet got stuck , there was way to many wack's to knock it out , compressed the case so much that the powder expanded the case into the barrel.Surgery began at 9:00 am and after the barrel was removed and a small gear puller was used ,after flooding the barrel over night with oil down the barrel and to soak the powder for safety reason , the bullet finally pulled free after three hours. I am really concered ,about the gun now ,after all the truama, was the barrel put back to the right tolrance , will it shoot still,will it jam again, these are big question, I will think before I pull the trigger again.I have to get my baby back out there ,I have reloaded brand new cases and ready to get back on the trigger to see what happens. The question of the day is ,should I take my gun to a reputable gunsmith and have him tear the gun back down again and re bluebrint the whole action and barrel over again.I am only concerned, because this gunsmith is not very known for building long range shooters and I was not inpressed with his shop ,his place looked like my son's bedroom and I have always heard a great gunsmith you can tell by his shop and his tools ,were thrown every where like my 16 old neighbor working on is car.I am thankful he got the bullet out , but still concered.
  22. seek100plus

    Rifle scope

    This will be sweet and short . I want to get a new scope and hunter's know best ,I would like feed back on ,if you could buy a new scope .I would like to to know what would you buy and why?I have a 300 mag and plan on shootig far , what would you buy. I have a 3.5 x 10x 40 mm , this works , but I would like to shoot 400 plus and zoom in on my target, also I would like to buy turrents , to make my shot , what works best as a match ?I will let ,you know , I will take your advice and purchase the scope that is highly rated to take the the shot !
  23. seek100plus

    Rifle scope

    Casey, at this point you sound like you're arguing just for the sake of arguing? The Huskema scopes have cllicks in 1/3 MOA. I'm really not sure what you mean by "clicks in 25 yard increments"? I've never heard of a scope where a click equals 25 yards? What would you do for different ranges? Perhaps you are referring to the hash marks that indicate the different yardages? The number of clicks will vary between hash marks, it just depends on how far you are shooting. No body is slamming your system! This conversation is starting to remind me of the Berger Bullet discussion where you told us over and over again how bad of a hunting bullet they are and now as of a few days ago you tell us you are going to give them a try. It's OK if you like your system better then ours! Neither of us are after your approval, we are just shooting what works well for us. Guys , thanks for all the good information, so far we have talk about the Huskema, Zeiss , Leupold and touch on few others .I have a store credit ,at one of the big hunting store's and I need to use it up, before it gets lost .Huskema is not sold there , so my choices are Zeiss Conquest or Leupold .I'm leaning towards Zeiss 6.5 x 20 or 4.5x 14, my second choice is Leupold VX - L 4.5 X 14 or a 6.5 X 20,between these to scope's are they both user friendly using there turrents or should look else where for after market system.I'm am sure they are both great scopes and the bottom line is personal choice , but the turrents ,become the deal breaker for me . Amen!!!
  24. seek100plus

    Rifle scope

    Casey, at this point you sound like you're arguing just for the sake of arguing? The Huskema scopes have cllicks in 1/3 MOA. I'm really not sure what you mean by "clicks in 25 yard increments"? I've never heard of a scope where a click equals 25 yards? What would you do for different ranges? Perhaps you are referring to the hash marks that indicate the different yardages? The number of clicks will vary between hash marks, it just depends on how far you are shooting. No body is slamming your system! This conversation is starting to remind me of the Berger Bullet discussion where you told us over and over again how bad of a hunting bullet they are and now as of a few days ago you tell us you are going to give them a try. It's OK if you like your system better then ours! Neither of us are after your approval, we are just shooting what works well for us. Amen!!!