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Everything posted by seek100plus

  1. seek100plus

    Talley one piece rings

    I have a set of Galley rings that where removed from my dads model 70 Winchester . I would like to get them back on there, they are marked 1 M and 2 M . I noticed it looks like the bases are slightly to different heights , 1 M mics at. 560 and 2 M at. 667 . I would also like to mount the same scope, a Zeiss 6.5x20x50. Would the 1 M or 2 M go in front or back. Thanks for any input would be great or should I call Talley
  2. seek100plus


    I never had the buck scored, but had 17 1/2 left and 18 right side 572 yard shot
  3. seek100plus


    2012 Buck. 80 " and change
  4. seek100plus

    Navajo nation turkey draw

    200shootr thanks, that's a start , now decide A or B unit , I hunt it ounce near Sawmill
  5. seek100plus

    Navajo nation turkey draw

    I hunted the Navajo reservation ounce before, been 15 years or so and have no clue what unit anymore is good. Anybody have any idea what date they take application and what units are good for a father and son to hunt together? Any help would be appreciated Thanks
  6. seek100plus

    SC Tag Sale... line has formed 1/19/13

    Whats everybody thoughts? Everybody lining up for coueswhitetail or bear. Sure like to get a bear tag if possible , without taking 2 days off work
  7. The dead silence is upon us now, waiting upon draw results to break. I am very new to varmint hunting and I am seeking advice on calling. I have built a homemade caller with different sounds of rabbits, rodents and birds. I went for the first time varmint hunting with my friend and had a blast, no kills, but learned. My friend was using a electronic caller you can buy already set up with sound’s. We set up in about 4 different stands (that’s what he calls them) and he turned on the call, instead of animals coming towards us, they were heading for hills. I asked him what happen , he told me they have been called before and that sound means a big BOOM !I totally understand that , I told him , that’s kind of like the elk call Hoochie mama means a man with a bow . My question to all the GURU’s of varmint hunting is I’m putting together a play back sequence myself and wondering how long to play a sound , what is to long or to short and I want to add silence in between , but not sure what is best . My sequence will be about 12 to 15 minutes or should it be longer per stand. I think this will be a great way to spend more time with my son , during the break , tell draw results come out.
  8. seek100plus


  9. seek100plus

    My 2012 antelope

    It is done! I have been putting in for antelope for 17 years and never knew if I was drawn , how antelope hunting would be so physically and mental demanding hunt . The day my permit tag showed up in the mail, the scouting started, I spent every weekend in my hunt unit trying to figure out where I can hunt and not hunt. Second thing on the list is to find a antelope worthy of 17 years of putting in for a tag. Day before opening morning, I found the buck I wanted, I waited tell the sun went down and return the next morning. I made my way up a hill with 2 hunting partners to glass my buck back up . I hear the words I GOT HIM , I set up for the shot , then I hear 330 yards , I line up the cross hairs ,squeezed the trigger and hear HIGH and jacked another round High , 3rd round I hit him , the shot end up being a bad shot . We, all watched as the buck run tell it disappeared around the mountain. My partners and I gathered up all the stuff and made are way off the hill to start tracking the hit buck . We found blood right away and followed it and followed it and then I hear BANG BANG. All I can think was REALLY! My partners said you better call that guy (Member on this site) you where helping out and check to see if he just shot your buck. It was confirmed, he shot the buck after we trailed blood for ever. So after words are said and waiting for the ethical thing for him to do is let me claim my buck, I knew the law and he had the right to tag the animal . Partners and I left the scene of the harvested buck and headed back out to glass for antelopes. I had a very hard time focusing on glassing, my mind was spinning around and around, how could have I missed that many times and my others thoughts where on loosing a nice buck like that one. I called it quits on the rest of the day and drove my truck out of the unit to check my gun. I set up a target at 200 yards and I tried to jack a round in and it wouldn’t feed, I looked down inside my gun and there was a case with out the belt still in my gun. This is not happening; please tell me this not happening! I have spent days and hours behind this gun and this gun is a tack driver. I drove back home and researched my loads I loaded , some how my powder scale was way off and my loads where WAY HOT! I grabbed my girlfriend’s gun and stopped to shoot it a couple times and headed back up. Next 2 days my girlfriend, son and I hunted hard, we walked every inch of land with foot traffic only for 12 miles a day, we checked every where for a buck and all we could find was young bucks and 15 hunters chasing one nice buck. Day 3 , I found a really nice buck and all I can hear is my girlfriend say I want that one . I spent the next 10 min glassing him and called my friend and said I found a toad of a buck and he asked me to wait , before I pulled the trigger , because he had a film crew in his elk camp and he wanted to send them down to film my hunt . My mind is going nuts, what happens if I miss again and it will be all on film , plus everybody watching . I worked my way towards the buck , the does and buck bust me , off they go for ½ mile , I’m back on the buck again with long stock and the film guy right behind me all the way . I came to the final spot, I can not get any closer or they will bust me again. I get my gun set up with a good rest and practice a few dry fires and I jack around in the chamber and hear the camera guy say I GOT HIM! I squeeze the trigger and all I see is white flash and does running everywhere. I hear very loud screams, where my son and girlfriend where up on the hill a mile away, I asked the camera guy what happen . He says you smoked him! I said for real, what happen? YOU SMOKED HIM and he is lying right where he was standing. I waited for my family and friends to come down from the ridge, for all of us to look at my buck together. I have never had a chance to have my son and girlfriend share 100% of a hunt with me, which this was the greatest trophy to me. I don’t know what the buck scores , but think upper 80’s
  10. seek100plus

    Free kids camo jackets

    I have some youth hunting boots for a kid to size 9 Free, I live in Peoria
  11. seek100plus

    Keeping OHV Secure while hunting - How?

  12. seek100plus

    Looking for...

    My ashtray in my truck was loaded with change, but my kids raided it
  13. seek100plus

    S&W 44mag mod.29-2

  14. seek100plus

    Fishing is great in White mountains

    We destroyed Sunrise Saturday 4. 6 pounders and Sunday Reservation lake caught 20 1 to 2 pounders
  15. seek100plus

    Sunrise Lake

    Heading to Sunrise Lake on 6/1/2012 for a family fishing trip, we will be fishing onshore. Last time I fish this lake was 20 years ago. I will be running by to grab a few goodies for fishing, but I know every lake has that one or 2 things that work great ! I was hoping for a little help on , what works great at Sunrise Lake. Nothing like watching kids catching fish and enjoying fishing Thanks
  16. seek100plus

    Sunrise Lake

    Boat loaded, we are on are way! Hopefully fishing will be great . Everybody thanks for the information Room rate is inside job, girlfriend pulled that off, normally 65.00
  17. seek100plus

    Sunrise Lake

    I thought Sunrise lake is reservation lake and you need a reservation permit or a state lake, where my 2 pole stamp works. Sundevil thanks for the information, if its blue I will throw it in the box
  18. seek100plus

    Sunrise Lake

    Well a little help from fellow fisherman on this site, poles and gear are ready for battle this weekend. I picked up a room at sunrise resort for $35.00 a nite All I have to figure out now, is where to get a fishing permit and what else need is needed. I wonder if you can get a 2 pole stamp or something
  19. seek100plus

    Sunrise Lake

    I went to Blue Ridge Reservoir last weekend and my girlfriend destroyed me, the trout bite was on! Big bear will be add to the bucket list, that great place to fish
  20. seek100plus


    Whats the location of the videos?
  21. seek100plus

    Draw Results?

    Rumor has it tommorow from a outfitter, I need a goat tag
  22. seek100plus

    19A Archery

    Good luck , I will there for the rifle hunt
  23. My credit card got hit for $77.50 last week , but my stomach is in nots wondering after 17 bonus points , I typed in the right unit numbers for antelope rifle and not archery , soon time will tell.
  24. seek100plus

    C C hit Suspence is killing me !

    Finally got through 19 A antelope tag
  25. seek100plus

    Hunting on TV

    Ok , I'm about done with hunting deer and turkey on food plots , bear on bait , fishing on private ponds and lakes and WTH is with hunters still whispering, after they have found their harvested animal ! I was wondering if Sportsman channel is better then Outdoor Channel ? I would give anything , to see high paid advertisement , sponser a Az random hunter to show how its done AZ style !