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About synper100

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  1. Very well written Ben. Nice to know intelligent biologists are on the ground floor of this project. I just hope Martin and not the other guy{J.M.} are the leaders of this project. We need people who are p.r. people and know how to treat hunters and the general public with respect. I truly hope this project is successfull.
  2. synper100

    checked the cams with the family

    epic pics, thanks for sharing
  3. its WASTE, not waist!!!!!!!!! get real.
  4. synper100

    That's 2 from 10 in 3

    that first buck is epic!!! good job. must have bee an epic adventure.
  5. synper100

    My solo archery hunt

    epic bull!!!!! great video. Epic!!!!!!!!
  6. synper100

    Unit 10, Family affair 3 bucks down

    thats totaly epic. what a great set of bucks and an epic write up. congrats.
  7. synper100

    123" Velvet Buck

    epic buck and epic story, way to go!!!!!
  8. synper100

    Arizona Elk Rut Report-2013

    epic report, thanks for the info!!!!
  9. synper100

    Great opening weekend in Unit 1

    Epic, this will be the longest 5 days of your life.
  10. synper100


    good job steve, i too am not afraid to exchange lead is i have too!!!!!!
  11. synper100

    Mathews Creed

    dont do it, that cam wants to rip you r arm out of its socket. besides, mathews are known for being very slow. for western hunters, i think you need all the speed, accuracy and forgiveness you can get. get a pse.
  12. synper100

    camera senerio what would you do

    please let us know the unit, I have experienced the same thing!!!!!!!
  13. synper100

    37a help

    Hey guys, I am a nonresident and drew a 37a tag. I could use some help. No honey holes or secret spots. Can someone point me in the right direction to start? Have only a few days to hunt and me and my son need guidance how to hunt mulies. Thanks for any info!!!!!!!
  14. synper100

    mule deer velvet pics

    checking cams today, will post tonight!!!!!
  15. synper100

    My CC got hit

    its KAIBAB!!!!!!!