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Everything posted by azgutpile

  1. azgutpile

    Broughton 5C Barrels

    The Schneider barrel that I have on my custom 300 RUM (1:11 twist, P5, #5.5 taper) has been incredibly accurate. My best group was 1.5” @ 750 years and I regularly shoots 2” at the same distance. The 100 yard groups are regularly in.13”-.19” @ 100 yards. To give you a fair assessment, I will give you the areas that are not perfect. The barrel does seem to have a couple small spots that seem to gather some copper and the accuracy node is at a lower velocity than I hoped. I’m shooting the 210 grain Berger VLDs @ 3,050 fps. With regards to dealing with Schneider, I’ve heard several people mention that they didn’t get the warm fuzzy feeling when they talked to the guys at Schneider; however, the three times that I’ve called I got lucky and spoke directly to Gary and he has always gone out of his way to explain his barrels. One of the times, we spoke for 30 minutes. The one thing you might want to know is that the delivery time will probably be longer than 6 weeks, I have some friends that are currently in their 10th week of waiting for their barrels. My other buddy as been waiting 13 weeks for his Hart Barrel, which was supposed to be closer to 8 weeks. Another thing to consider is that McMillan uses Schneider P5 barrels in their .308 tactical rifles and their new EOL outdoorsman rifle. Here is a link to a review of the McMillan EOL rifle. http://www.longrangehunting.com/forums/f17/range-test-mcmillan-eol-outdoorsman-84122/ Hope this helps.
  2. Is that the Whitewater Baldy Complex fire in New Mexico?
  3. azgutpile

    AZGFD giving out draw lists?

    That would really cramp my fall time "sick days!" I wish I could afford a Kodiak brown bear hunt and get drawn. Some day hope.
  4. azgutpile

    AZGFD giving out draw lists?

    I have no problem with people purchasing the list... At least they don't print the list like Alaska for everyone to see. http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/static/license/huntlicense/pdfs/2011_fall_kodiak_nr.pdf
  5. azgutpile

    Broughton 5C Barrels

    I have a Schneider Polygon, which I like a lot. That being said, I've heard good things about the 5C and 5R barrels. I say give it a shot.
  6. azgutpile

    Remington 700 BDL Question

    Look on ebay, there are a lot of remington stocks with recoil pads. If you go with an aftermarket, look for a reputable brand. Also, it's probably worth you time to bed the stock as well.
  7. azgutpile

    Morning Tunes

    Check out Iron Horse, Fade to Blur Grass. It's a blue grass tribute to Metallica.
  8. azgutpile

    Early/Mid 1990's Ford Bronco: Any Feedback?

    +1 I had a 1990 with a 4" lift and it had over 200k before I sold it.
  9. azgutpile

    Blind Etiquette

    There has got to be another spot that is just as good, if not better than this location. I would have to ask my self why I'm focusing on this location so much and see if your preception has been altered due to someone else liking it enough to place a stand there? Please note that this isn't an attack, I'm just trying to point out human nature part of it. Also, if you feel that the blind is abandoned, then let the Forest Service know, it's not a decision for you to make.
  10. azgutpile

    Best tripod

    If you purchased the Slick PRO634CF (weighs 2.05 lbs, 63.1" tall and cost around $255.00), added soft rubber feet (that promote vibration), a .95 lbs cow bell (for more noise) and paid an additional $335.00 dollars; you would have a tripod that competes nicely with the Outdoorsman Tripod. That being said all of the other Outdoorsman equipment that I've tried works great. If your interested in a pistol grip, give theirs a shot along with their quick adapter.
  11. azgutpile

    Deer Cane Used on Coues Deer

    According to who? Under ARS 13-2927 you can't put out food for wildlife in Maricopa and Pima counties only...and hunting activities are specifically exempted from the law. So, what authority are you referring to, because I'm sure a lot of people would like to know if there is something else out there? From the FAQs page on the AZ DGF website, in response to "Can I use bait or attractants to lure big game?": Yes, except for bear. The Arizona Game and Fish Department does not allow you to use any substance to attract bears. Different federal land agencies, such as the U.S. Forest Service, the Bureau of Land Management or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service may have restrictions against the use of salt or other bait as an attractant for wildlife. If hunting these lands, contact those land management agencies to verify the legalities of attractants. I would susspect that since he said "lands" he was referring to the restriction on Forest survice lands. Several of the National forests have restrictions on baiting or leaving stuff in the forest.
  12. azgutpile

    Deer Cane Used on Coues Deer

    +1 They seem to disappear after they lose their velvet.
  13. azgutpile

    What do you think about the BP system?

    If you take 17A as an example,the draw success rate is 4.5% @ 20 bps, 2.3% @ 10 bps and .2% @ 0 bps. What this says is that having max bonus points does very little unless you apply to a unit with at least 5 tags available. For an example, take 6A with had 5 tags last year: 100% @ 19 bps, 4% @ 18 bps, 2.3% @ 10 bps and .2% @ 0 bps. The only change that I would be in regards to the loyalty point. I feel you should receive a poiint if you successfully apply for a tag 5 out of the previous 6 years. This would allow you to make one mistake without loosing your loyalty point.
  14. azgutpile

    Covert camera quetion

    If your going to be using it over the summer in the heat, then use the high sensitvity. Just makes sure that you clear out all of the vegitation that can be blown in the wind.
  15. If you have the time to scout, I feel the earlier hunts are the best option. The bucks will usually be in the same general area that you found them while scouting, you usually have more time to get closer and set up on the bucks and the meet tasts a whole lot better than a rut buck.
  16. Does anyone know what the raffle tags bring in vs. the auction tag?
  17. azgutpile

    CC Hits

    Last years Expo was March 26 and 27th.
  18. azgutpile

    berger vdl bullets

    I would be surprised if you have a slower twist than 1:11. You probably either have a 1:9, or 1:10. You can check this by running your cleaning rod along with a tight patch, and measure how much movement it takes before the rod rotates one revolution ( due to the rifling).
  19. azgutpile

    More emails I received

    Jay Lopeman is listed as co-owner of Triclawps LLC. Lopeman already made it clear he supports 2072. Nobody randomly involved them. Here is a link to the Arizona Corporation Commission. http://starpas.azcc.gov/scripts/cgiip.exe/WService=wsbroker1/names-detail.p?name-id=L14745971&type=L.L.C. Cade - You might want to rein in your boy, he is messing with your ability to make a living.
  20. Were they a member? I see this on the azsfwc/wcc website, I didn't see them listed but maybe they are a member. Anglers United Arizona Antelope Foundation Arizona Bass Federation Nation Arizona Bowhunters Association Arizona Chapter SCI Arizona Desert Bighorn Sheep Society Arizona Deer Association Arizona Ducks Unlimited Arizona Flycasters Club Arizona Houndsmen’s Association Arizona Trappers Association Hunt of a Lifetime Mohave Sportsman Club National Wild Turkey Federation - AZ Chapter Outdoor Experience For All Southwest Walleye Anglers Arizona Trout Unlimited Council Kent I'm pretty sure they have never been affiliated with AZSFW. As a matter of fact, several years ago an AWF member gave me the heads up on AZSFW, their members, and their agenda.
  21. FYI, This is going to be an uphill battle because I know that at least one of their Sportsman Circle is very very influential with her.
  22. azgutpile

    custom long range rifle

    Here is what I have and it shoots well under an MOA. Stiller predator action ( direct from stiller $850), Schneider barrel 5.5 taper 28" with a 1:11 twist, McMillan a-3 stock, van horn muzzle break, Wyatt box, bdl bottom metal, stiller picatinney rail, timiney trigger. I'm getting consistent sub 1/4 MOA groups consistently with mine chambered in 300 rum. 210 Berger vld.
  23. azgutpile

    What kind of animal is in this tree ..

    Ringtail Cat?
  24. azgutpile

    Tripod Question

    I'm currently looking for a new light weight tripod and the Slik Pro 634 Carbon Fiber appears to have everything I'm looking for. Does anyone have any experience with this tripod, or is there another light weight tripod that I should consider? Thanks,
  25. azgutpile

    Tripod Question

    Thanks for all your help. I think I'm going to give it a shot. Westernhunter23, The tripod that I'm currently using has the twist locks, and I've gotten use to it. Let me know if that was your only issue. Thanks again,