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Everything posted by azgutpile

  1. I have a kimber Montana 300 WSM that I have same issues with. I ended up going with the Bergers because of accuracy and the tips don't seem to deform. The other thing issue you got to keep your eyes open to the recoil pushing the bullets in deeper. Have you tried shooting the damaged tips at longer distance? I sho a few of the ones I had and didn't seem to effect the accuracy too much.
  2. azgutpile

    Leaving a Bull overnight

    Coosefan, The last bull I shot was double lung shot, a little high and back, but it still hit both lungs. When we started tracking the bull, he didn't bleed at all for atleast 50 yards; in addition, he bugled after the shot. We waited an hour before tracking and found him after 150 - 200 yards dead. Have you seen double lung shots, or other solid shots that didn't show the typical signs? On another hunt, I was with my father when he shot a bull quartering away (entered right at the last rib at about mid height), while it was on its knees drinking out of a trick tank. The arrow went all the way up to the fletching and the bull started bleeding right away. We waited the hour, thinking it was a great shot, and then started tracking. The first 150 yards of tracking was easy, with a blood trail that looked like it came out of a garden hose and almost completly ended when we found one big clot of blood and after that blood got really thin. Luckily it had rained the day before, so we were able to track him by his tracks alone for another 1.6 mile (GPS). He never layed down; however, you could see where he went under the trees and circled around a bit then kept walking. We started tracking right at dark and stopped for the night shortly after we found the chunk of clot. After loosing the bull, my dad hasn't even considered putingt in for elk again. So you can see that I would like to learn as much as I can from these experiences. Any insight would be appreciated.
  3. azgutpile

    Leaving a Bull overnight

    Guys thanks for the feedback. Hopefully, I won't have a situation were I have to wait until the morning, but at least I know now that there is hope in salvaging all the meet.
  4. azgutpile

    Ballistic Calculators?

    could you just sight your rifle to where is hits 1/2" left @ 100 yards and then forget about it?
  5. azgutpile

    Two Javelina Bag Limit (under some circumstances)!

    How about instead of increasing the bag limit, lets try allowing the purchase of the over the counter (left over) tags, to people that were not successful on their previous hunt. The way it is right now, you cant purchase a left over tag if you were drawn for a diffrent hunt, even if the hunt you got drawn for is over and you weren't successful.
  6. azgutpile

    How long does meat last in the freezer?

    It also helps if you have a dedicated freezer that doesn't auto defrost.
  7. The only thing you loose is velocity. Some people might even argue that a shorter barrel is more accurate.
  8. You are allowed three shells in your shot gun for migratory birds. With quail and turkey you can pull the plug.
  9. They recently passed new laws allowing suppressors for hunting along with high capacity magazines. My concern would be when they go into effect.
  10. azgutpile

    Trail Cam Video&Pics

    4A ?
  11. azgutpile

    Hunting with the aid of a Vehicle

    So let’s say that you see a buck the night before 1 mile away. What would be the appropriate way to go after that buck; would it be like golf where you have to drop no closer to the hole? I guess we can now, refer to it as the good old days, the day when you run into a game and fish officer, say hello, have a good conversation and then go on our way. Nowadays, it would probably suit you best to keep your mouth shut until you know the officer’s intentions.
  12. azgutpile

    Laser Rangefinder

    Coach, the standard 1600 will tell you the range and the angle, which is all I use for rifle shooting. It will compensate for the angle, but you have to choose one of their preexisting ballistic curves. It's probably not the best rangefinder for archery.
  13. azgutpile

    Slick Pro 634 CF

    This is going to be my next tripod with the Jim white pan grand along with the outdoorsman adapter. I'm 6'2" and it appears that it will work for me standing. Archery headquarters has one that you can check out.
  14. azgutpile

    Laser Rangefinder

    You can get a new Leica 1600 for $649 at camera land NY . Best price I found and no tax or shipping. I don't believe this one has the "angle compensation" built in. You have to buy the 1600-B to get that, for $800. The regular 1600 does read angles.
  15. azgutpile

    Glass Bedding My Rifle

    Don't use an arrow. One of the purposes of a pillar is to create a solid platform that won't compress between your action and bottom metal. The goal is to get a consistent torque that doesn't change as much with the conditions. Go to midwayusa or brownells and order your pillars from them, they should have adjustable ones that should be very easy to use. Also, as mentioned above marine tex is a very good bedding compound as well as devcon steel putty.
  16. azgutpile

    Nightforce 5.5-22x50 FS

    Why would you want to trade down to a lower quality rifle scope?
  17. azgutpile

    300 um elk load?

    I've heard with Barnes you need to have an impact velocity of 1,800 -1,900 fps for the bullet to open correctly. At 800 yards you should be good, but you are getting pretty clost to that velocity. This is one of the reasons that the guys that shoot game a very long range tend to use softer bullets and bullets that expand a lower velocities and Bullets with higher ballistic coefficient that retain their velocity further.
  18. azgutpile

    iPad for checking trail cameras.

    without being a technical guru, you can't use the ipad adapter on your iphone. The ipad works great to view the trail cam pictures, except in direct sunlight.
  19. azgutpile

    300 um elk load?

    Accuracy tends to be more important than bullet performance. That being said, if you can figure a way to get the Accubonds to shoot as good as the Barnes, I would use the Accubond hands down. What kind of groups do you get with the Barnes at 400 yards?
  20. azgutpile

    Barnes Bullets

    The T-TSX is supposed to expand a little bit better than the TSX; however, I haven't seen a side by side comparison.
  21. I can understand making it manditory to report you kills; however I much prefer the system we already have. At least right now, I can schedule a time to hunt without the risk of the hunt shutting down on.
  22. azgutpile

    6.5 x 284 Savage 111 LRH

    Have you looked to see if your barrel has any copper fouling?
  23. azgutpile

    Broughton 5C Barrels

    My friends Schneider Barrels arrived on Friday. He turned our order around in 9 weeks and two days. What barrel are you planning on ordering and what are you planning on chambering it in?
  24. azgutpile

    Broughton 5C Barrels

    They haven't received their barrels yet. I think white mountain has one, maybe he will chime in on his barrel.