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Everything posted by azgutpile

  1. I just helped a buddy on his Delta Control, walk in Sheep hunt (neighboring unit) and can honestly say it was the hardest hunt that I've been on. When was your hunt and did you use 40 Mile Air?
  2. azgutpile


    Great buck. Looks like he landed hard.
  3. azgutpile

    Shooter (Ballistic Calculator) for Iphone users.

    Its not what you want to hear, but you could always just multiply it by the pressure * 2.036 to get your inHG... This is what Leica suggested to me.
  4. azgutpile

    Shooter (Ballistic Calculator) for Iphone users.

    I used his earlier version "Ballistic FTE" and later upgraded to the Ballistic Advanced. I preferred the earlier version better... It seems that he started off with a good product and proceeded to screw it up. Glad I didn't spend the $20. Thank you. I just spent the last couple hours working on the app settings and with some tweaking, I was able to get it to operate like it should... I'm going to change my response to its a good app, but plan on spending some time figuring it all out.
  5. azgutpile

    Shooter (Ballistic Calculator) for Iphone users.

    I used his earlier version "Ballistic FTE" and later upgraded to the Ballistic Advanced. I preferred the earlier version better... It seems that he started off with a good product and proceeded to screw it up.
  6. azgutpile

    Need some advice

    What kind of stand do you have at that location? If I was out scouting for a new area and found a saddle with a lot of activity, I wouldn't let an old stand stop me from placing a camera. At the same time, if I knew someone was planning on hunting the same area, I would move on to another location.
  7. azgutpile

    Looking for a Taxidermist

    I would take these references as opinions and not make any decisions until you have had a chance to look at their work, especially with a bobcat. That being said there are several good taxidermist on this site that I thing do great work. Just a thought ... You might want to have one taxidermist do the quail and another do the cat. It would suck to have a beautiful cat chasing an ugly quail, or a quail that falls apart.
  8. azgutpile

    Nitto terra grapplers or Big O bigfoot A/T's

    If you do mostly highway driving, I would go with the Toyo All Terrain; however, if you do a lot of off road, look at the Goodyear Duratracs.
  9. azgutpile

    Bore sighting

    Use Vipers technique, or just go shoot and zero your rifle at 25 yards... Once this is complete move out to 100 or 200 yards and zero it again. Unless you are constantly installing scopes, bore sighters are a waste of money.
  10. azgutpile

    Safford District CCC Camp

    Do you have anymore pics? I've hunted in that area and seen the remnants of the different camps. Pretty interesting.
  11. azgutpile

    wtb quad tires

    look for the cheapest price online and print out what you find and take it to Discount Tire... They will match the price, but you still have to pay disposal and mounting/ balance.
  12. azgutpile

    AK Caribou

    I agree, but when you add on the waterfowl hunting, fox hunting, fishing and scenery I would lean towards Kodiak. A fly in hunt to the southern brooks range for moose and caribou is on my list as well.
  13. They would make it look as if it never broke. It looks like your second shot might of been what broke it off.
  14. azgutpile

    Sitting vs Spot and Stalk

    Do you ever shoot at 3D deer targets?
  15. azgutpile

    AK Caribou

    Alaska outdoor directory forum is probably the best place. Is your friend proposing a hunt off of the hall road? If so, I believe there is a 5 mile corridor on either side of the road that you can only archery hunt within. You could do the 5 mile hike, but it will suck. Also, I believe caribou are rutting during the early part of October and during the rut the meat is pretty much unedible. The Kodiak hunt will give you more options ( duck hunting, fox hunting, fresh crab, fishing, fishing and deer hunting).
  16. There was a 400' bull shot in 4b during the last early archery. It was on one if the websites and confirmed by a game and fish officer.
  17. Meopta, the last I checked, it didn't fit my Swarovski spotter Kowa, the is the one i currently own and it works great; however, it is specific to the i phone 4 or 4s. It does have a plate that you could remove from the old case and glue to another smart phone case. smart optix - I believe this the big bulky one that adjust to most camera, but it is just too big. The outdoorsman has one now and it is machined locally and to much tighter tolerances ( no felt between the eye pieces to fill in the gaps, you just glue it to any smart phone hard case. http://outdoorsmans.com/outdoorsmans-digidapter-sytem/
  18. azgutpile

    Tag Frustrations....

    You can throw a dart at a map of 37B and start there...That unit has pigs in every corner, my only suggestion would be to go deeper into the unit to get away from the crowds.
  19. azgutpile

    camera senerio what would you do

    You could also add an additional lock to their chain and or help them keep water out of their lock with some superglue.
  20. azgutpile

    camera senerio what would you do

    Keep an eye out for another camera watching the camera he just placed... Tannerite is amazing stuff..
  21. azgutpile

    Leupold vs vortex

    I have a leupold vx3 and have used several vortex and the vortex is a better scope.
  22. azgutpile

    AZ Coues, Which rifle?

    You answered your own question. Which one do you shoot the best. Weight is always a factor, but I will hump a heavy rifle around if that is the one I have confidence in. +1 Take the rifle that you are most comfortable shooting and put the best scope you have on that rifle. If the rifle is accurate you will look over the weight. I have been carrying a 14 lb rifle for the last couple years because it is a tack driver.
  23. azgutpile

    Loyalty point

    They need to change it to where you have to apply 4 out of 5 years, or 5 out of 6 years to receive to receive a loyalty point. This would allow you to make one mistake without the huge penalty.
  24. azgutpile

    Long Range Accubond

    Like KWP mentioned, they are in high demand and sell out fast. The only ones that I've seen available ar the 270 cal and the 308 (210 grain). There are some reviews on another website stating that the b.c. are exaggerated and fall somewhere between close to the berger 210 grain bullets. KWP- when did you receive your shipment of the 308? I've been on midways list for a while and haven't received any notifications.
  25. I would load a few more with a smaller charge and work up from there looking for signs of pressure.