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Everything posted by dsturla

  1. Mr. Quimby, Although Bergmann's law is not typically accepted these days in its classical sense, you are correct as it does pertain to White-tailed deer. Bergmann generalized that homeotherm body size increases inversely with temperature, so that intraspecifically, body size increases lattitudinally. This over generalization has been "updated" several time over the past 150 years and is most recently referred to as "geographic gradient in body size".
  2. dsturla

    Leftover Success

    jesus justin thats a sweet buck, my buck looked a lot like cody's good thing you put the bears aside this year! see you at miller's in dec.
  3. dsturla

    Looking for a camera.

    my neighbor bill has a d70 forsale, i think hes asking 400 for it. its really in great shape PM me if you are interested
  4. dsturla

    Topo paper maps

    Using GIS you can make you map of whatever you want (terrain, hillshade, countour, veg types, classes of roads, GMU's, etc...), and have the file printed somewhere like mpix. You pic and choose the data you want on it software and printing is the only real cost, most of the data is free
  5. there are a few things you can try: adjust white balance change Fstop/shutter speed according to histogram shoot in RAW format and adjust photoshop knowing your camera and seeing the pic might help us help you a little more
  6. dsturla

    Grey Ghost Excorcized

    awesome buck Nate, now you have to wait 8 days before you can stick another WR
  7. Mike, there was a lot of studies done in west texas as far as the extent of the coyotes role in ecosystems. It appears they can be a bit of a keystone predator, but their presence has a much greater impact on small mammals and mesopredators. heres some lit to get you started, and as far as your 2nd question, i think you will find that precipitation is the ultimate influencing factor in deer #s. Beasom, S. L. 1974. Relationships between predator removal and white-tailed deer net productivity. Journal of Wildlife Management 38(4): 854-859.Bekoff, M. and Gese, E. M. 2003. Coyote (Canis latrans). Wild Mammals of North America: Biology and Conservation, 2nd edition. John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland,USA Crooks, K. R. and Soulé, M. E. 1999. Mesopredator release and avifaunal extinctions in a fragmented system. Nature. 400(5): 563-566.Estes, J., Crooks, K., and Holt, R. 2001. Predators, ecological role of. Encyclopedia of biodiversity (4): 857-879.Henke, S. E. and Bryant, F. C. 1999. Effects of coyote removal on the faunal community in western Texas. Journal of Wildlife Management 63(4): 1066-1081.Kamler, J. F., Ballard, W. B., Gilliland, R. L. et al. 2003. Impacts of coyotes on swift fox populations in northwestern Texas. Journal of Wildlife Management 67(2): 317-323.Kamler, J. F., Ballard, W. B., Wallace, M. C. et al. 2007. Dietary overlap of swift foxes and coyotes in northwestern Texas. 158(1): 139-146.Karki, S. M., Gese, E. M., and Klavetter, M. L. 2007. Effects of coyote population reduction on swift fox demographics in southeastern Colorado. Journal of Wildlife Management 71(8): 2707-2718.McCabe, R. A. and Kozicky, E. L. 1972. A position on predator management, Journal of Wildlife Management 36(2): 382-394.Miller, B., Dugelby, B., Foreman, D. et al. 2001. The importance of large carnivores to healthy ecosystems. Endangered Species Update 18(5): 202-211.Mitchell, B. R. Jaeger, M. M. and Barrett, R. H. 2004. Coyote depredation management: current methods and research needs. Wildlife Society Bulletin 32(4): 1209-1218.Sinclair, A. R. E. 2003. Mammal population regulation, keystone processes and ecosystem dynamics. The Royal Society. 358: 1729-1740.
  8. dsturla

    ND Whitetail...Not a coues, sorry.

    contact Sheridan Stone. He is the wildlife biologist for the Fort and can give you the correct info you need. He is an awesome guy and has been at the Fort for a long time. sheridan.stone at us.army.mil
  9. dsturla

    Utah Opening Day

    Congrats! great feeling to bag one opening day. Harvest in the La Sals?
  10. dsturla

    Anyone shoot a bear yet?

    there was at least 8 bears harvested statewide this weekend, at least one of them was a younger male harvested from 23 on sunday
  11. yuma is absolutely packed with those ECDs, even quite a few African collared doves showing up. ACDs are even larger than the ECDs with a more splotchy "mocha" pattern on their wings. Amanda, both the ECD and ACD are thought to be hybridizing with turtle doves. This hybridization is an attempt to explain their unusualy color patterns turning up, everthing from oranges, purples, browns, whites, etc...