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Everything posted by Steve90

  1. Steve90

    My first coues sheds

    My first Coues sheds that I found early this year. Small and older, but love the potential of this buck with that cheater off his right brow tine. Happened to be sideXside too
  2. Steve90

    My first coues sheds

    Pronghorn is the only horned species I know of that does shed. They shed every year like deer, elk and so on. The horn sheaths are hard to find because they are thin and the weather and critters get to them generally before they are found.
  3. Steve90

    My first coues sheds

    It sure is a great feeling. I hope you get a match someday. I have been fortunate enough to find a set for 3 species so far, these Coues, Muley and pronghorn
  4. What is the “life cycle” of deer droppings? How long do they actually stick around before they turn to dust? At what point to they turn white and then grey? I understand this is variable do to conditions of the environment they are in, but in general what can one expect? I’m finding areas with a lot of older sign, but very little fresh sign. I’m wondering if this is built up over years from a few deer, or if the deer have just moved on to another area and now it’s just a spot that they travel through? Thanks, Steve
  5. Steve90

    What is the “life cycle” of scat?

    Yes, I’m familiar with how to find deer in general, I am asking if a lot of old sign and little fresh sign is an indication of a large group of deer that stoped using that particular spot, or if it could be from a smaller group of deer and the sign has just built up over years.
  6. Steve90

    What is the “life cycle” of scat?

    Coues in lower 21. Also want to know for searching for sheds later in the year. To see if there is a way to tell how old the scat is to determine if it would be from around shed season