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Lee Comaduran

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About Lee Comaduran

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  • Birthday 07/15/1975

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  1. Lee Comaduran

    Scopes for Sale!

    PM me my dad might be interested in the burris.
  2. Lee Comaduran

    Utah Archery.....

    That is so cool. I would love to nail a big Utah velvet buck.
  3. Get the 7mm and go to Harry Lawson. He does great work for a reasonable price.
  4. Lee Comaduran

    WTB - Badlands 2200 pack

    You can't go wrong with the 2200. It makes a pack job much easier and It's a very confortable pack. In my opinion its one of the best packs on the market.
  5. They are both great rifles, I personally have one of each and I love them both. I am shooting a fixed up 300 ultra mag that I love even more, which is just outstanding for the long shot. If I were to choose between the 7mm and the 270 I would pick the 7mm. I have killed elk and coues with both calibers. I took a nice 5x5 bull with the 270 and it took 4 shots in the chest before he went down. I shot a big 6x6 bull once in the chest with the 7mm and he took about five steps and fell over dead. I watched my dad nail a nice coues one year at 510 yards with the 7mm. The 7mm will definately reach out there. If you pick the 7mm go to Harry Lawson and have him do a trigger job and put one of his custom muzzle breaks on it and your girl friend will handle it just fine. Lawson muzzle breaks are great because they don't kill your ears and also if your shooting from a prone position It won't send dirt flying all over the place. Anyways I hope this helps.
  6. Lee Comaduran


    Thanks for the info. I guess I might have to take some money out savings because the chargemaster sounds like the way to go.
  7. Lee Comaduran

    looking for a reloading scale

    Thanks for getting back to me. I think I am going to go with an electronic I'm just not sure which one. How much would you be willing to let the balance beam scale go for?
  8. Lee Comaduran


    thanks for the info. I have the RCBS trickler and the lee measures I just need to find a good scale.
  9. Lee Comaduran


    I'm currently using an old RCBS and I don't even know which one it is. I'll look into the Lee Powder Measure scoops and see what kind of price I can find. Thanks for the help.
  10. Lee Comaduran


    I just looked up both the scales on the net and it looks like If I'm going to spend the money the chargemaster combo is the best deal. Thanks.
  11. Lee Comaduran


    The chagemaster does look like a sweet rig, but I'm on a bubget. Whats the other scale? I it RCBS also?
  12. Lee Comaduran

    southern NW

    Hey can anyone tell me how the mule deer hunting south of Lordsburg is? I have the opportunity to a land owner tag in that area and I wanted to see what you guys could tell me about it. Most of the property is located around the pyramid mountains.
  13. Lee Comaduran

    looking for a reloading scale

    I was just wondering if anyone might have a powder scale for sale?
  14. Lee Comaduran


    I'm looking for a new powder scale, does anyone have any suggestions. I'm thinking about some of the digital scales what do you guys think?
  15. Lee Comaduran

    my Nov. rifle deer 2007

    It looks like they might be rubbing that gland next to their eyes on branches or something. That's a sweet buck by the way. I like the palmation on the main beam I've seen that type of palmation a lot in 33.