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  1. SIX

    6A bull elk 2025

    I'm wondering where those are. lol Even before I was officially drawn I've checked AZGFD and they mentioned the quiet areas but I can't find them on the usual E-scouting areas. I might need to stop by an AZGFD office and get some maps from them. Thanks for the advice!
  2. SIX

    6A bull elk 2025

    Thank you, I'm super excited! I do need to practice bugling and some cow calls. First thing is first I need to hit the trails and treadmill to get back in shape. lol
  3. SIX

    6A bull elk 2025

    @wildwoody I've heard about the side x side hunters, haha. I'm not afraid of hiking in and out places. I appreciate the pointer. Thanks!🤙🏽
  4. SIX

    6A bull elk 2025

    Hi everyone, I was drawn for my first archery bull elk in 6A Sept 2025! I've hunted mule and coues here in Arizona with rifle for about 3 years. I got in to archery a couple of years ago when my buddy introduced me to the sport. I've been saving this particular hunt to be exclusively for archery, I would like to try and get my first elk with a bow. I am a solo hunter and I have heard many stories about archery elk hunts being very different from any type of rifle hunt. I just wanted to introduce myself to this forum and get advice from anyone willing to give it, i.e.; spot and stalk, tree stand, sitting water, my movement, elk movement etc. Any and all help is appreciated.