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About firefighter166

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  1. firefighter166

    Vortex Nomad 20x60x60

    I have a 20x60x60 Vortex Nomad spotting scope for sale. It has only been used a few times, and is in perfect condition. 300.00 OBO. Thanks.
  2. firefighter166

    Elk & Antelope Draw Odds

    Thanks for doing this again. Unit 27 early archery bull, 8 BP, single applicant. Thanks again.
  3. firefighter166

    2014 Elk and Antelope Draw Odds

    What would the draw odds be for Unit 27 early archery bull with 7 points? Thanks.
  4. firefighter166

    Loc Jaw Rifle Railz

    Thanks for the response. I will order one soon, cant wait to try it out!
  5. firefighter166

    Loc Jaw Rifle Railz

    Will the Loc Jaw Rifle Railz fit on a Rem 700 ADL?
  6. firefighter166

    Finally got to check a cam!

    I have been busy scouting for antelope, but finally made it down to check one of the cameras.
  7. firefighter166

    The Bar Flying V Ranch in Unit 1

    Has anyone ever hunted this Ranch or have any contact info to gain permission to hunt? I have placed a call to the wildlife manager in the area, but have not heard back from him yet. The name of the Ranch is the Bar Flying V Ranch and is East of Springerville on Hwy 60.
  8. firefighter166

    They are out for Real!!!!!

    Oct 27... It will be my boys first coues deer hunt/ first deer hunt period. Stoked!!!
  9. firefighter166

    Vortex Nomad Spotting Scope

    Hey Tines.... Do you still have the spotting scope? What is the bottom dollar you would accept?
  10. Does anyone have a youth rifle for sale, l am looking for either a 7mm-08 or a .243 for my son. If you have a different caliber than the ones mentioned I still might be interested. Thanks.
  11. firefighter166

    Got Lucky on Opening Day

    Right on Darren!
  12. firefighter166

    Decoys for Antelope

    Thanks for the advice guys, I will look all the decoys over. Hey matthewp45, I also have the Unit 1 archery tag, should be an awesome hunt! Bucks and Yotes could you get me that e-mail address? Thanks again brothers.
  13. firefighter166

    Decoys for Antelope

    I was just wondering if anyone on here has tried using decoys for antelope in AZ... If you have, what has been your experience? Good or Bad.
  14. firefighter166

    24 foot pontoon boat

    I am interested, could you give me somewhat of a price range? Also does it have any kind of canopy?
  15. firefighter166

    Thread Display

    It finally worked! Whatever code tech support reset it worked. Thanks for all your help Amanda. I can now browse without getting mad!