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Everything posted by TakeThePoints

  1. details to come Details in comments below
  2. TakeThePoints

    Christensen Arm 300 Ultra Mag for sale

    Deposit taken, sale pending.
  3. TakeThePoints

    Christensen Arm 300 Ultra Mag for sale

    Rock bottom price now.....$2000 for rifle and scope both.. Will give great deal on ammo if purchased. Thanks.
  4. TakeThePoints

    Christensen Arm 300 Ultra Mag for sale

    Will separate scope from rifle. Open to offers.
  5. TakeThePoints

    Christensen Arm 300 Ultra Mag for sale

    $2300 for everything. Thanks. The rifle by itself was almost that much with tax, etc.
  6. TakeThePoints

    AKC German Shorthaired Pointers

    I already have 2 GSPs...greatest dogs ever. But at least I can bump this up for you. lol
  7. TakeThePoints

    Christensen Arm 300 Ultra Mag for sale

    Hello, cleaning out my safe of several nearly new firearms. First is this Christensen Arms Ridgeline 300 ultra mag. It was only shot to break in the barrel per CA guidelines. It has a Vortex Viper PST 5-25x50 scope ($1100 at Scheels) Rifle cost a little over #2000 otd. Asking $2500 and will throw in a box of premium ammo. I have other ammo that I would let go real reasonably. Not interested in trades. Other firearms will be listed shortly. Thanks for looking. Don. Located in East Mesa