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About Riley

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    Ram Hunting

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  1. Riley

    46A sheep, previous tag holders.

    I bet there’s a ram in the Dolces with your name on it.
  2. Riley

    46A sheep, previous tag holders.

    How goes the hunt?
  3. Riley

    46A sheep, previous tag holders.

    It was not open last year. The refugee manager would not give a reason why. We killed our Ram with a 70-year-old, 8 1/2 miles one way from the road in the growlers. Now that it’s combined with West, there is fantastic country to hunt. I wouldn’t waste more than a second on Childs.
  4. Riley

    Shockey’s sheep

    How’d somebody that only bought two lottery tickets win, when I bought 5?
  5. Riley

    Opening day success

    With a little imagination, this could be quite the story. But, the truth really isn’t that interesting. We were hunting where we had been, for a ram that we had seen previously. From my understanding, the other group was doing the same a few miles away for a ram that they had seen. While trying to relocate our ram, we stumbled right into the ram that we killed. According to the other group, it is the ram that they had seen previously. I’m not sure what we would do differently. When they came to our camp, we gave the other group info that night on where to hunt for the ram that we had been after, which is a heck of a big ram. If anybody that was actually there feels that they were wronged, we haven’t heard about it. I hope that clears it up. -Riley Pearson