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About QuackingBuck

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  1. QuackingBuck

    Any avid fly fisherman in here?

    Pictures uploaded.
  2. QuackingBuck

    Any avid fly fisherman in here?

    Is anyone interested in buying feathers and buck tails for making fly lures? I have a selection of various duck, quail, and goose feathers to make custom fly lures. I also have roughly 20-30 full buck tails from various white tail and mule deer that I've shot in the past. I planned on starting a hobby making flies and potentially selling them, but I cant find the time to sit down and learn the craft. If interested, PM me, I'd love to sell the lot to you if you're in the craft.
  3. QuackingBuck

    Is this whitetail a hermaphrodite?

    I mean thats what I thought. Maybe I'm wrong and its a stag buck.
  4. QuackingBuck

    Is this whitetail a hermaphrodite?

    So I've had this deer on one of my parcels of land for at least the past 5 years(I have trail camera pictures dating back to 2019). I've never seen her/him during the day as 99% of the pictures I have are right around midnight. I did, however, have her come through last night right after 5:00 pm so I know she's still alive. I found one of it's sheds that I'm assuming is 2-3 years old. I'm curious what you guys think it is? True Hermaphrodite or pseudohermaphrodite?