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About Warabi

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  1. Warabi

    Virtual hunter ed field day question?

    It took about 2 weeks for my son's card to arrive after his online course. I'd give it another week or two, then call the agency that handled the course.
  2. Warabi

    What's for dinner tonight?

    Leftovers! Unless someone wants to make a pizza.
  3. I’d say stick with your current camera if it’s still capturing decent footage and look into better software. I’ve dealt with the same problem using older devices that recorded in tricky formats. A few years back, I had a similar experience editing some old videos shot during a family trip. The files weren’t natively compatible with my editing software, and it drove me nuts until I found a converter that worked smoothly. If you’re saving clips in MPEG, a tool like Movavi Video Converter could simplify things. It helps cut and adjust MPEG files easily before burning them to DVD. You can check it here: https://www.movavi.com/video-converter/mpeg-converter.html
  4. Warabi

    Proof of residency

    Nah, Scheels (or any gun store) will want your new driver'
  5. Warabi

    RV on cold hunt question

    Dude, yeah, that's gonna freeze. High teens/low twenties is definitely freezing temps. Jugs are your best bet. Drain the tank completely before you leave, too.
  6. Warabi

    Young Man Training- Want to rope a calf

    Roping a calf is a fantastic challenge.
  7. They're a bit further out, but worth the drive.
  8. Warabi

    6A Muzzleloader Hunt

    Since you saw something each trip before, I'd give your original spot another try, but be flexible. Elk are creatures of habit, but they're not stupid. If they're not there, don't waste time. Solo hunting at your age? Smart to stay close to your vehicle.
  9. Congrats on the buck and on your recovery
  10. Warabi


    Props to that dog. Those gummies have no effect on me. I prefer vapes and I get them from Nexus Smoke.