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Coues Archer

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Everything posted by Coues Archer

  1. Coues Archer

    Another Giant! 127 3/8

    Wow congrats to a buck of a lifetime!!
  2. Coues Archer

    Palmated Shed

    Holy smokes!!
  3. Coues Archer

    Unit 23 New Mexico Muley

    Very nice buck, good job!
  4. Coues Archer

    Time for a new bow

    Either a PSE Omen or a Mathews Z7 extreme!!
  5. Coues Archer

    A couple 102 inch bucks and a sticker!

    Wow very nice bucks!
  6. Coues Archer

    Going to be a long years wait!

    Very nice buck, great job!
  7. Coues Archer

    My 118 inch late whitetail

    Wow wat a toad!! Good job
  8. Coues Archer

    Nice muley

    Wow nice symmetrical muley! Good job
  9. Coues Archer

    Last hours of 2011

    Congrats on a great buck!
  10. Coues Archer

    First Deer

    Nice buck, great job.
  11. Coues Archer

    Journal of My January Hunts

    Nice buck! Great job
  12. Coues Archer

    Ward's Outfitters Hunt Report

    Wow some real whopper bucks!! Great job
  13. Coues Archer

    Shot a coyote off my main deer trail today

    Ya the deer don't care! They are still gonna use the trail like before
  14. Coues Archer

    An Awesome Day!

    Haha nice story! Thanks for sharing your experience
  15. Coues Archer

    Huachuca Road closures

    That's fu@&in ridiculous!! I don't see why they would do such a stupid thing!!!
  16. Coues Archer

    Rutting Moon (full moon)

    Ya lol they are active the entire night gettin there hard on, when a full moon is present! I've had my most luck with these lil coues when theres no moon and it's pitch black all night long.
  17. Coues Archer

    Rutting Moon (full moon)

    Yes the relationship with the moon and the deer rutting causes them to stay up the entire night changing there normal everyday routes taken daily.
  18. Coues Archer

    Archery muley video!

    Nice buck!
  19. Coues Archer

    19b buck

    Wow thats a great muley! Great job
  20. Coues Archer

    19b buck

    Wow thats a great muley! Great job
  21. Coues Archer

    19b buck

    Wow thats a great muley! Great job
  22. Coues Archer


    Dang those bucks are beasts!! Nice collection
  23. Coues Archer


    Wow sweet find!
  24. Coues Archer

    Giant Coues ****B&C Score updated*****

    Awesome buck!! Great job