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Coues Archer

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Everything posted by Coues Archer

  1. Coues Archer

    .243 105 gr AMAX Reloading Help??

    Here is a pick of the reloading data. The brass I'am using is Federal brass
  2. Coues Archer

    .243 105 gr AMAX Reloading Help??

    The reloading handbook I am using is the "Modern Reloading" Second Edition Richard Lee
  3. Let me just start this off by giving Thanks to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; for giving me the ability to bag an absolute toad this season. So it was Thursday morning and I and best friend went out to our favorite spot for whitetail hunting. Weather conditions were exceptional; nice clear sky, wind @ 4mph and a blistering cold temperature of "8 degrees F", yeah extremely cold! These conditions offered the perfect setting to get those big bucks up and moving. As we got to our blind my best friend and I sat there patiently waiting for a buck to present itself. After sitting for 3 hours and nothing showing up; all of a sudden directly 12:00 O'clock from my position I noticed movement in a mesquite thicket, as slow as can be I raised my binoculars just to see that an absolute toad was headed down a heavily used trail directly in front of my blind. I then told my buddy that a monster buck was headed right for us. Immediately I ranged several positions on where I thought that buck would step out from the thicket. There were approximately 3 trial heads that the buck could of chose to take, the 1st being 30 yards from my positon, 2nd being 40 yards and 3rd being 50 yards. As the buck inched his way through the mesquites he finally got about 70 yards from my blind; I then drew my bow and held it there waiting for him to present a shot. And Yes, My heart was racing a 100 mph but being experienced I calmed myself getting strait into kill mode! The buck then decided to take the 3rd trail head which was 50 yards from my position; as soon as the buck came out of the thicket I put my 4th pin directly on his vitals; completely focusing on that alone and not the giant set of antlers of this mature Coues buck. I then let it fly; just to hear from my buddy that I shot a foot and half above his back lol.. I couldn’t believe it! I asked him are you sure? A foot and half? That would mean I measured the wrong distance.... It just didn’t add up, I asked him to range the trail head and he said 50 yards!? I then replied saying well I used my 50 yard pin. We then had a discussion about how the buck responded after the shot, as soon as the arrow went his way the buck expressed tell-tale signs of being whacked as he bolted over everything and anything in his path. Running over mesquites and brush like a bat out of heck! That alone was enough to convince me that I did in fact hit the buck so we sat there for the next Hour and half waiting for this buck to die. "Assuming I even hit the dang thing" haha... As we got to where I shot the buck, we combed the area just to find that there was no arrow to be found. I then walked about 30 yards down where he bolted, just to have a huge sigh of relief as I feasted my eyes on a nice bright pool of blood. This next part of the story will literally take pages of writing to explain because SO much happened trying to find this buck. Long story short we tracked this bucks blood trail for the next 6 hours in the nastiest of terrain. The thickets he went through were just absolutely insane! God literally tested every ounce of hunting ability within me to find this buck. There were times where there was no blood to be found and we had to go off of the tracks and occasionally the only blood was just a little streak on a strand of grass that was size of a cm. Needless to say I also couldn’t have done this without my best-friend; he was tracking that buck like a bloodhound! Working as a team we were then able to find this buck. I owe him one for all his help and gratitude. Here he is as he lays: Finally made the 100 Inch Club!!!
  4. Coues Archer

    My December 2015 Archery Coues Monster!!!

    Thank You guys, appreciate it! Redman: I hit him a little far back in hit guts, but since it was angled I still hit some lung. Rancilio: my uncle killed that buck earlier in the week he just happened to still have the cape in some ice, so we took a picture.
  5. Coues Archer

    My December 2015 Archery Coues Monster!!!

    Here they are!
  6. Coues Archer

    My December 2015 Archery Coues Monster!!!

    Sorry for the inconvenience, the dang uploader is not working..... I'll post the pics soon!
  7. Coues Archer

    Couple of 110+ Coues Finished

    Beautiful mounts! What awesome bucks
  8. Coues Archer

    15yrs + Bull Elk "Old Monarch of the Mountian"

    Wow what an awesome trophy!! Thanks for sharing..
  9. Coues Archer

    Sally- My Trophy Buck

    Awesome buck! Thanks for sharing and welcome the site..
  10. This past weekend I shot a tremendous Coues buck pushing about 110..From the looks of it, it seemed as if I hit him in the pocket inbetween his spinal chord and his lungs..I have yet to find the buck. I've been to the area once since I've shot him, with no luck. The deer was posted up at about 35 yards when I hit him, he then ran about 80 yards and stayed standing for about 25 minutes pulling out the arrow and bleeding before walking off. I then tried to cut him off to try and stick him with another arrow but he busted me and ran into some extremely thick mesquite flats. The arrow was full of red blood kinda on the brighter side. I followed the blood trail for about 200 meters before disappearing completely. My questions are, was this shot lethal? Will it die? Has anyone ever experienced anything like this and did you ever find the buck? Any advise is greatly appreciated.
  11. Coues Archer

    Elkman's NM Coues Hunt

    Awesome buck! Great job
  12. Coues Archer


    Wow that's awesome! Congrats on a brute of a buck
  13. Coues Archer

    Archery bobcat

  14. Coues Archer

    Monster dead head

    My gosh that buck is massive!! I say 135
  15. Coues Archer

    Another Short Season for Garrett

    Congrats on an awesome buck!
  16. Coues Archer

    Skullz and Shedz

    My gosh is that an awesome collection! Congrats on the tremendous finds!!
  17. Coues Archer

    big old sheds

    Wow thats a heck of a find! Sweet shed
  18. Coues Archer

    New Years Eve Buck

    Excellent buck! Congrats
  19. Coues Archer

    Just back from Sonora

    Congrats on crackin some good bucks!
  20. Coues Archer

    Ben's late December buck

    Wow that's a stud! Congrats to your buddy on a tremendous buck
  21. Coues Archer

    My first 100"+ Coues deer

    That is a stud of a buck! Great job
  22. Coues Archer

    Back in early 80's with my pops

    Awesome! Very cool pic
  23. Coues Archer

    November Hunt - New Member

    Welcome to the forum! And congrats on your previous success... Very nice bucks
  24. Coues Archer

    December 2012 AZ Coues Hunt.

    Congrats on some studs! Thanks for sharing
  25. Coues Archer

    First bobcat

    Awesome cat! Congrats