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Everything posted by gmcbob

  1. gmcbob

    3C Mule Deer Sucess!

    Thanks. Yes, I did look at his teeth (I skinned off the hide from the skull to freeze it for mounting). Is there something to learn from his teeth? Thx, Bob Here's a site that will help explain: http://mdc.mo.gov/hunting-trapping/deer/how-tell-age-deer Bill Quimby Nice, thanks Bill. I'll look at his teeth tonight to age him.
  2. gmcbob

    3C Mule Deer Sucess!

    Thanks. Yes, I did look at his teeth (I skinned off the hide from the skull to freeze it for mounting). Is there something to learn from his teeth? Thx, Bob
  3. gmcbob

    spring draw results are out.

    #5088: Archery 24A January 1st.
  4. gmcbob

    spring draw results are out.

    Woo Hoo! - Drew a 3C Turkey. My first Turkey Hunt. Also got 37B Javi.
  5. gmcbob

    3C Mule Deer Sucess!

    Thanks for the replys and comments everybody. WadeNAZ: No, that wasn't me in the GMC, or with the CW.com sticker. Bill Quimby: Thanks for the feedback and information!! ac guy: Updated my Signature with 2011 AZ Spring Hunts!! Woo Hoo!! FYI, I'm leaning towards Shoulder Mount. It helps that my wife just told me that she doesn't like european mounts.
  6. gmcbob

    AZ Taxidermists?

    ...another vote for TR Taxidermy in Flagstaff. Excellent work.
  7. gmcbob

    Elk Calf Pictures

    I walked up on this calf in the afternoon while up on the rim. Looked perfectly healthy. Did not move an inch. The closest elk I spotted were about 1/2 mile away. The next afternoon, we was still there. Is that normal for the cow to leave it for that long?
  8. So L.A. wants to boycott Arizona??....then L.A. doesn't need Arizona's Electricity! See link below for letter from Gary Pierce, Commissioner, Arizona Corporation Commission, to the Mayor of L.A. Good Job Commissioner Pierce. http://www.azcentral.com/ic/pdf/0519pierce.pdf Bob
  9. gmcbob


    Hello - Not sure what the difference is, but Big 5 has an ad in today's paper for a Remington 770 7mm MAG (and .30-06 too) with 3-9x40mm scope on sale for $349.99, synthetic stock. (Phoenix Ad, AZ Republic) Good Luck, Bob
  10. gmcbob

    Life size javelina

    Justin - Here's some pics of my 2008 Javelina. It was mounted by Tim at T R Taxidermy in Flagstaff. He did an excellent job - I am always happy to show him off. Hope they help, Bob
  11. gmcbob

    Odd Spike - 2009 bull elk

    We filled a bull elk tag with this spike in 3C. His antlers are offset on his head....really wierd. We've hoping that he'll make a cool european mount. Bob
  12. gmcbob

    Quimby, my book finally shipped

    I got the e-mail too...mine shipped. Looking forward to reading it. Bob
  13. gmcbob

    Mountain Lion Track?

    I found this track this weekend - is this from a lion? Right in the middle of the picture, below the water. ...the deer tracks help put it to scale. Bob
  14. gmcbob

    Mountain Lion Track?

    It is from 3C on a tank. Looks like it came in to drink and then left (only 2-3 tracks - all right there).
  15. gmcbob

    Stolen F250 Diesel

    Another one stolen....2001 F-250 Diesel Crew Cab 4x4. Just stolen from Queen Creek. It was my Brother-in-law's. Police spotted it, and chased it, but lost it. Bob
  16. gmcbob

    Draw result contest?

    Thanks Amanda for the contest, and thanks again to Gary for donating the game bags. I am eager to try out the game bags, and put them to good use soon!! CWT.com rocks!! Bob
  17. gmcbob

    Draw result contest?

    yes...3a/3c Oct 30. Woo Hoo!! Bob
  18. gmcbob

    Draw result contest?

    Yup, I think I was first I even posted for CW that they were up before I checked my results!!!
  19. gmcbob

    They are UP online!!!

    I got my 3a/3c- woo hoo!!
  20. gmcbob

    Tank Pics

    Nice Pics...thanks for sharing
  21. I saw you on the 60 in Globe on Sunday afternoon. You had CW.com stickers on your front and rear windows. Bob
  22. gmcbob

    Water catchment

    pm sent, too