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Noel Arnold

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Everything posted by Noel Arnold

  1. Noel Arnold


    One thing that I have not heard talked about is the fact that we have some people working in the game and fish department that are not hunters. They think that archery elk hunting is cruel. I was helping a friend on a cow hunt last week and came upon a guy from the department that was doing some antelope habitat work.He basically confirmed what I had heard. Noel
  2. Noel Arnold

    Livestock Grazing

    Bret, Good point about the private land. I am a third generation native of Arizona and I have been spoiled to have all of this public land to hunt on. In state's like Texas there is no public land. I think that is why it is so hard for me to see the areas to hunt becoming more limited. The way this state is growing,I fear that in 15 years when I want to retire I will have to move to another state (Maybe Idaho). Noel
  3. Noel Arnold

    Good Buck

    I can see him now. No wonder they call them the Grey Ghosts. Noel
  4. Noel Arnold

    Livestock Grazing

    Jvs, I totally agree . My biggest complaint about ranchers (not all of them) is blocking off public land. Noel
  5. Noel Arnold

    Livestock Grazing

    I think Ranches do some good for wildlife and some bad. Good examples are = water sources in dry areas,and lion control. Bad examples= Some of them do overgraze and my biggest complaint is blocking off lots of public land. I made a comment in another post that I would like to see the Game and Fish or Forest service put in roads around ranches that block public land.Most ranches in Arizona own some land, which they can do what ever they want With.But when it comes to blocking off our public land, that is a problem for me. Noel
  6. Noel Arnold

    Who says you need a truck?

    You might be a redneck if. !!!!!!!!!!!! Noel
  7. Noel Arnold


    I have shot three deer between 450 and 597 yards and recovered every one of them. I have shot lots of other deer at shorter distances and have wounded a few over 33 years of whitetail hunting.I Do not think we should clump everybody's max shooting together. Michael Jordon could shoot three pointers all day. While Shaquille O'Neal can not hit the broad side of a barn past 10 feet.I always try to get closer if I can, although sometimes it is just not possible. Noel
  8. Noel Arnold

    Game and Fish

    For the most part I think the Game And Fish are doing the best job they can. There are good and bad in every occupation in the United States. Not being there myself, it would be unfair to make any decision on what happened. As far as managing game, I think it is a no win situation for the game and fish. If they drop the number of tags, some people will be mad because it will be even harder to draw.If they continue to let out larger numbers of tags in some of the units ,then some of the people will be mad because the average age of the deer will be younger. I hunt in unit 32 and The number of tags for the early hunts have stayed about the same the last few years. The problem with that unit is over the years the ranches have been blocking more access. I have never seen before as many people in the area that I hunt as this year. I understand the reasons why ranchers block access (slob hunters) But I also think that if a rancher is blocking a large area of public land behind the ranch, then the game and fish or forest service should push in a road around the ranch. Noel
  9. Noel Arnold

    Leupold VX-III help with a decision

    Amanda, I have the same scope with the 40m. My dad send's his scopes back east to a guy who puts crosshair's in them. It is a very sophisticated system. You have to use only one load for this system. Also you have to chronagraph your rifle.And you tell him the average elevation you will be hunting at. Long story short ,I used one of his rifles a few years ago and shot a whitetail out of his bed at 597 yards. If anybody is interested I can get this guy's telephone number from my dad. Noel
  10. Noel Arnold


    Congratulations, That first buck look's to me like he will net at least 108 and maybe hit 110. I can not tell if the third point on the one side will make one inch.If it will ,then it will help on the already good mass measurements. Noel Arnold
  11. Noel Arnold

    Official score

    I always go by the gross score of any animal I kill.I do not really care about record books. So when somebody tells me the gross score it is a way of knowing how much bone they grow.That is a awesome bull with great character. Noel
  12. Noel Arnold

    Arizona 34B Luck

    Congratulations, He look's about like the buck I shot this year.Mine grossed 91.Although pictures make it hard to tell some times.Regardless of what he scores he is a pretty buck. And these deer sure taste good on the table. Noel
  13. Noel Arnold

    A NM Bear

    I shot one years ago that is in the Arizona book and scores 20 10/16. This bear appears to be at least as big as mine. But I am guessing he will make 21. Do not make the same mistake I made and boil the heck out of his skull. The Guy that measured mine said I shrunk the skull. Check with ASU . I hear they have meat eating beetles. Noel
  14. Noel Arnold

    Passion for the Hunt

    Enerst, Sounds like we have a lot in common. I am 42 and been hunting since I was 10 also. Every year has been coues except three for muley's. My dad is 66 and has been my best hunting partner. We both have oct. tags and I am hoping my dad can get one more nice one. We have one located that is not to bad of a hike.If we can not get him it is ok. Just being out in God's wonderfull creation is what really counts. Good luck to every one this weekend. Noel
  15. Noel Arnold

    Best time to glass

    I would agree with glassing all day. The only thing I would add is to take breaks every now and then to let your eyes rest. Even with the best bino's if you glass all day your eyes need a rest. Noel
  16. Noel Arnold


    I have seen a lot of smaller bucks sparring on the early hunts.But I Do not recall ever seeing one over 80 points. Of course there is always exceptions to the rule.And the little ones were never having a knock out fight. Noel
  17. Noel Arnold

    Just two weeks to go

    I am excited about this hunt. I did not get a chance to scout this year because I had a archery bull tag. My Father, who has a oct. hunt with me just got back from scouting. He saw a buck that could go as high as 120. Normally the first buck I see that is in the mid to upper 90s I shoot.I have a freezer full of elk meat so I think this year I am going to raise my standerds. And if I do not get one, hit them hard on the dec. archery hunt. Noel
  18. Noel Arnold

    Awsome Growth

    I will guess that he grosses between 104 and 108. It would be hard for me to pass, unless I had a dec. hunt. Noel
  19. There are some monster bucks down there on the flats.I shot a 180 buck with my muzzle loader in unit 40 real close to unit 39. Hunted four days before I saw any bucks. I do not know how many deer per square mile, but I do know it is very few. Noel PS My guess would be 170.The spread and eye guards hurt his score. But he is a true trophy deer anywhere.
  20. Noel Arnold

    Burro Mountain Sunset

    Thanks, I was tired of looking at my yellow lab as my screen saver.Although I might have to change it after I shoot that 400 point bull in three weeks (wishfull thinking). Noel
  21. I wonder how much more antler growth.What do you guys think, maybe two to four more weeks? Noel
  22. Noel Arnold

    broadhead comparison

    I guess I spelled wacem wrong. Noel
  23. Noel Arnold

    broadhead comparison

    I am in the same boat.I got drawn for elk also.The two I decided to choose from was the wacums and the Montec. I decided on the Montec for the sole reason of being able to resharpen the broadhead.The broadheads are all so much better then the last time I got drawn. Noel
  24. Noel Arnold

    training day pics

    Great pictures. They should get lots of practice this oct. It is going to be one of the best quail years in decades. Noel