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Everything posted by PAugie17

  1. Call or text Patrick. 623-693-2815 Face to Face only Northwest Peoria Thanks
  2. PAugie17

    500 Rounds .223 Wolf Ammo FMJ

  3. PAugie17

    looking for a boat motor...

    Sent a pm.
  4. PAugie17

    Elk Print Price Reduced

    New Price $50 44 1/4"W x 37"H Please call or text Patrick 623-693-2815 Thanks Located in North Peoria
  5. PAugie17

    Elk Print Price Reduced

    This picture needs a new home since I don't have the wall space for it.
  6. PAugie17

    Elk Print Price Reduced

  7. PAugie17

    Honda 100 Outboard/ Moultrie Trail Camera

    Camper is SPF.
  8. I have a few items I don't need and would like them to go to someone who has a use for them. I am open to trades too, let me know what you have to offer. My son needs a pair of 8 power binoculars. Second a Moultrie D-55 IR Trail camera brand new never used in the package. $65 Third A Honda 100 outboard motor with the gas can. My father was the second owner and it has less that 30 hours on it. It starts up on the first two pulls and it's a clean motor. I've researched others out there and I'm listing it for a very fair price of $650obo. Please call or text Patrick at 623-693-2815 I'm located in North Peoria Thanks
  9. PAugie17

    Honda 100 Outboard/ Moultrie Trail Camera

    GOTMNTS Give me a call or pm me. 623\693\2815 Thanks
  10. PAugie17

    Ruger M77 MKII 300 Win Mag. SS All Weather

    I'll take it for $30 since that's your lucky number.
  11. PAugie17

    Honda 100 Outboard/ Moultrie Trail Camera

    It is a 10 horsepower motor.
  12. PAugie17

    Honda 100 Outboard/ Moultrie Trail Camera

    It is a 10 horse power motor and in excellent condition.
  13. PAugie17

    2004 Bowtech Pro 40

    I'm selling my 2004 Bowtech Pro 40 Freedom Cam bow. It comes with a Winners Choice string, string suppressor, G5 peep, and a NAP Quick Tune rest. I have some arrows to go with it. Some of the paint has worn off at the handle from use. $250.00 obo If interested please text me. Patrick 623-693-2815 Specs: 37.5 ATA 8 1/4" Brace Height 27"-32" Draw Link 60-70lbs Currently set at 31" 70lbs
  14. PAugie17

    PSE X-Force AXE 7 For Sale

    Is your bow still for sale?
  15. PAugie17

    Anyone use the Tasco 5 Megapixal IR camra

    I bought one from Cabelas last year and it's ok. It takes really clear pictures during the day. At night they can be blurry if the animal is moving and bright white if it's too close to the camera. It triggers at approximately 16 feet when it's 80 degrees or higher. The farthest I can get it to trigger is 32 feet when it's cooler out. I don't think it's bad for the money and the batteries last a long time.
  16. PAugie17

    Mule Deer Poaching Near Wilcox

    That is just unbelievable! It makes me sick when I hear news like this. I hope they catch the jerk or jerks!
  17. PAugie17

    Fishing Blue Ridge reservoir

    That was a long time ago....
  18. PAugie17

    Is this a wolf or hybrid?

    I agree. My female looks just like it.
  19. PAugie17

    Can't Wait

    Hey Joe, Long time no see...... I'll be hunting in 22. Good luck to Garret, he should have one down in the first two days.
  20. PAugie17

    Can't Wait

    Hey All, I can't wait for September 25th! Early Rifle Bull in one of my favorite units. I was fortunate to draw this hunt two years in a row and still can't beleive it. Last year was tough due to family and work obligations but, I still managed to get out and enjoy the outdoors with my then 2 year old son and father. I can't even describe the feeling when I called in this bull at 35 yards the week before the hunt and had my little bud at my side. It's a moment I will never forget. I was lucky enough to return the next weekend and harvest that elk. That's the great thing about hunting, just getting away and creating some of the most special memories. Hope eveyone enjoys the pics and hopefully will have new ones in four weeks. Good luck on your hunts!
  21. PAugie17

    Can't Wait

    Hey Jeff, Glad that pic put a smile on your face today. I'm assuming your serving our country and want to send a BIG THANKS to you and all others who are serving too. I work in the construction industry and last year was tough on vacation and family due to the economic challenges. I was able to take off the entire hunt this year and will be able to make the best of it. The bull last year was special to me since my son Logan was with me the weekend before and that was the first bull he ever laid eyes on. I told him if I see that elk opening day bud, I'll take him home. This year I hope to maximize my hunt and bring a toad home. Take Care and Godbless
  22. PAugie17

    Can't Wait

    Like I said I still can't beleive it..... I was looking forward to my wife drawing a cow tag this year. Luck was on my side I guess. The cool thing is my 3 year old son and 2 year old daughter have tagged along on some scouting trips and it's cool to see how pumped they get when they see deer, elk, and turkeys. Get those kids out guys!
  23. PAugie17

    They are up!!

    LUCK! LUCK! LUCK! 22N Early Rifle Bull Two years in a row! Good Luck to EVERYONE!
  24. PAugie17

    North of the River Muley's

    Here's a desert floppy ear I got a few years ago. Like all the pics! Pat