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Everything posted by jessefrost32

  1. I am planning to go on an OTC Black bear hunt the third week of Oct. I want toi know where the best places to have a successful hunt are. This is my first year hunting Black Bear. I do not care about trophy or not, I just want meat. I have done some looking at 19B, 17B and 17A. Out of these options which would be the best? The more detail in the description the better. Like I said, I am a novice to bear hunting. Or if someone is willing to go with me and teach me, I will split the meat.
  2. jessefrost32

    Bear Hunting Units

    To clarify to all of you that like to troll for no absolute reason, there is in fact a reason I am asking for hunting spots. 1. I am a medically retired combat veteran who cannot access certain areas due to limitations. (wounded warrrior project hunts, yes I know). 2. I am not going to kill a sow, or a cub, or a small bear. That is not the intrinsic thought behind that statement that I made., Obviously I want to kill a boar of good size because more size equals more meat. I stated that I am not hunting for a trophy because I do not want to be labeled a "trophy Hunter" in a negative conotation. 3. I am not offended by the teasing, I could care less, it is just unneccessary and a waste of time. Which I am now wasting to elborate on reasoning for even joining this post thread which seems to have been a mistake. However, I would like to thank those of you who were kind enough to respond in a respectful manner instead of playing keyboard warrior. And no @jgraffaz I did not vote for Biden, however with your maturity level, I think you should wait a few years before making the decision to do so yourself.
  3. jessefrost32

    Bear Hunting Units

    @jgraffaz I came here looking for advice, not idiocy and sarcasm. Beef is not cheaper, nor does it taste "better". I love to hunt and I love to eat what I hunt such the same as the forefathers of hunting in the country. Though they may not have had a choice, I can guarantee they would not buy the beef unless they absolutely had to.
  4. jessefrost32

    Bear Hunting Units

    I am planning to go on an OTC Black bear hunt the third week of Oct. I want toi know where the best places to have a successful hunt are. This is my first year hunting Black Bear. I do not care about trophy or not, I just want meat. I have done some looking at 19B, 17B and 17A. Out of these options which would be the best? The more detail in the description the better. Like I said, I am a novice to bear hunting. Or if someone is willing to go with me and teach me, I will split the meat.