Hello. My brother and I will be heading to AZ this Jan for our first coues hunt. I figured you guys were the coues guru's so I thought I would start asking some questions. We would like to do a coues/javelina combo if possible. We have looked at 22/23/33/34 as our best bet, would you agree? Are all Jan archery coues tags OTC? What are the best dates for an archery rut hunt? Can you guys give us beginners some pointers and tips. I have been elk hunting several times in the mts so I'm not a beginning hunter, just new to the coues.
We will be traveling from IN by plane and renting a vehicle. Should we plan on picking an area, hiking in a few miles and staying in that general area all week, or would it be more beneficial to try different places each day? We have never been to AZ and have really no idea how to hunt these guys, but from what we have read it sounds like fun (not to mention challenging). Tree stands? Can you find water holes very easy? I know it's a lot of questions, but if there is anything you guys can help with I sure would appreciate it. Thanks a bunch. Troy