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Everything posted by FOGGER


    trail cams

    im Talking about General trespassing not anything to do with hunting regs.

    trail cams

    D. The entry of any person for the taking of wildlife shall not be grounds for an action for trespassing unless the land has been posted pursuant to this section. ok tam and catclaw read my post before you comment..maybe i was confusing you im not talking about taking wildlife on private property im talking trespassing in general two totally different things....in the STATE OF ARIZONA ""not""" game and fish hunting laws you cannot be convicted of trespassing unless, there is a fence x amount tall or a sign every 15 feet....not hunting on private property thats two different deals yes you might be able to get your hunting right's taken away for hunting on private property wich obviously you guys know the law at gates,corners, every 1/4 mile blah blah...Trespassing and illegaly hunting on someones land might be confusing but if i was to walk on to your property not hunting and you do not have it posted every 15 feet you cannot legally in the STATE OF AZ prosecute me for TRESPASSING now if i took my bow/rifle/harpoon or whatever in there intending to hunt and it meet the requirements for keeping hunters out you could get me for hunting on private property but never will you get a trespassing citation..first hand i have been sighted at 2 golf courses for fishing in the ponds and they could not prosecute me because it was not posted..Or maybe i got lucky and the judge had no idea what he was doing after all its only his livelyhood..

    trail cams

    sorry the resolution isnt good but any one know this guy?

    trail cams

    ya im sure they say that but it wont hold up in court...from first hand experiance i know...

    trail cams

    in arizona to convict someone of trespassing on property(not enclosed structures such as houses) there has to be a posted sign every 15 feet..Thats why golf courses cant get you for trespassing for fishing in the ponds...now if your told to leave you have to or you can be sighted...so not saying that these people are right for trespassing but good luck trying to get them in trouble..Now im not sure about the laws with hunting on private property im sure you can get them for something there but as far as trespassing its very hard to get anyone on that.

    Bulls with Cows

    Its getting close seems like he's interested elk1.bmp

    trail cams

    what unit is your property in...

    More Cam Pics

    140-150 hes about 22in wide and those back short forks kill the score still a great buck..but thats my guess

    Sunday Morning Go To Meeting Buck

    awsome buck congrats
  10. FOGGER

    Hardscrabble Canyon

    its a long walk
  11. Lets see how many cams/SD cards have been stolen this year..And are some units worse than others? Like are local people going during the week and getting them or is it just equal all over from hunters and recreationists.. I have 7 cams now and knock on wood ive never had one stolen and they are all up usually from May-Sept and then they get moved south from late oct/early Nov to Dec/Jan..It must be the hundereds ive always past up and never touched..maybe Karma..But usually in Units 22/39/42
  12. WOW what a buck congrats
  13. FOGGER


    congrats great buck
  14. what unit if u dont mind me asking were they on waterholes trails or backcountry..
  15. FOGGER

    Want to hunt in NM

    hey gr8 ya allot of that is all private my family has a ranch in Roy which is about 45 min south of springer and the only parts you might find public are on the canadian river but other that that i couldnt tell you one place that is public...get on the nm g&f website and go to antelope regs and search around and it will list all the ranches that have antelope tags with contact numbers and you can call around and ask to hunt coyotes..we have 20,000 acres and dont see too many yotes allot of ranchers shoot them on site because they harrass the cattle and run all there fat off...so the numbers are really low..but its worth a shot.
  16. What Unit? I wanna know if some units are worse than others with having your cam ripped off.
  17. FOGGER

    Its a Sad Day

    i carve into all my cams if you are buying this its been stolen from with my initals
  18. Has anyone ever encountered stuff like this while out hunting/scouting..I hear allot of this goes on along the rim by payson, kinda creeps me out since ive been up there tromping through the forest bout once a week..luckily i havent seen any shananigains yet and hopefully not...just wondered if anyone has seen or heard about these pot gardens.
  19. FOGGER

    Bear Question

    Its actually any meat left you get a ticket..and yes people do that to deer and elk all the time and thats not right ,but bear has mandatory harvest reporting so its allot easier to track down a bear hunter in a unit that has 3 reported bear kills than lets say 6A for elk which has thousand and thousands of elk permits throughout the year. Last time i checked and im not good at math but its allot easier to find 1 out of 3 people who you have name, address ,unit killed,sex of animal, approximate location, and tooth for dna than find 1 out of 10,000.The G&F would crack down on more people if they could find them...But thats just my opinion.
  20. what unit of part of the state was it in.?
  21. FOGGER

    Bear Question

    As of last week i called the WM in 22 and asked the same question because i have a coues deer spot with a mineral lick and my lil bro wants to try to shoot this bear that frequents the lick and the WM said that anything that atracts the bear that is not natural such human placed salt/mineral or feed is baiting. Thats what i was told i would call the WM for your unit and get his/her answer because ultimatly they will be the one to write you a ticket..And be careful because I personally know guys who have had there bear gut piles checked and one got a ticket because when he deboned it he left the rib cage with the meat in between and a month later G&F went and checked it because they were doing a turkey survey and he got a 600$ fine for leaving prob 5lbs of rib meat..
  22. FOGGER

    Hunting Boots

    What are your favorite Bow hunting boots?? mine are an old pair of cabelas kangaroo boots with flat soles i dont think they even sell them anymore.
  23. FOGGER

    Barrel Hunting?

    im surprised they didnt have the Montec on there
  24. FOGGER

    Checked the cameras today

    seems like a great spot u got elk,deer,bear and pigs all ya need is some sheep and some coues deer and youll be set
  25. FOGGER

    Hunting Boots

    hey clay do the jackels offer allot of protection in the sole from thorns and stuff i have seen them and they look like they might have problems with thorns coming through