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Everything posted by Jeremyks

  1. Jeremyks

    Leupold vx3 4.5-14x40

    Texas. But will ship at that price.
  2. Jeremyks

    Swarovski 20-60x80 spotting scope

    This is a non HD. Thanks
  3. Jeremyks

    Mexico 2014

    Looks like fun as always!
  4. Looking for a Swarovski Z5 3.5-18x44 BT with the 4w reticle.
  5. Looking for a Kowa Prominar 884 spotting scope. You can email at guges10@hotmail.com
  6. So who owns the big 95 mm Swarovski scope? How does it compare optically to the 80mm sts scopes? Is it worth the money?
  7. Jeremyks

    Talley, Leupold & Burris Rings

    I have these two left Brand new Talley 1 in Med Rings. Rem/Howa 940700 $30 Missing 3 base screws Leupold std 1 in med rings and bases $30
  8. Brand new Talley 1 in Med Rings. Rem/Howa 940700 $30 Missing 3 base screws Burris Zee 1 in med rings Remington $20 Leupold std 1 in med rings and bases $30 no base screws All prices shipped http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v398/JeremyKS
  9. Jeremyks


  10. Jeremyks


    I hate to get rid of these but I need the money for something else. These are great binoculars with the ability to switch from 10 power to 15 power quickly. Excellent image quality and ease of viewing. They were used by me for one season. Also has a Outdoorsman Tripod mount stud. New these are $2800. I would like $1925 shipped.
  11. Jeremyks


  12. Jeremyks


    $1200 rock bottom price
  13. Jeremyks


    These were purchased new from Camerland 2/10. They were sent into Leica less than a year ago because one of the diopoters adjustment rings had froze up. They fixed them and cleaned them and were given a clean bill of health. These are great binoculars and in perfect conditions I ranged a grassy hillside at 1375 yds. Hate to sell but need the money for something else. $1300 shipped
  14. Jeremyks


  15. Jeremyks


    More less brand new Weaver Tactical 4-20x50 mildot 30mm tube. Was mounted on a 204 and was shot about 25 times. $625 shipped. Great scope I got two other ones just like it.
  16. Jeremyks

    Mystery Ranch Flip Top Boxes

    How about $55?
  17. Jeremyks

    Mystery Ranch Flip Top Boxes

    Mystery Ranch Flip top boxes. $60 shipped
  18. Jeremyks


    Leica CRF 1200 $475 shipped
  19. Jeremyks

    Mystery Ranch Pack

    I have a Mystery Ranch Skiritai pack for sale. This pack is no longer made and I personally think is better than the longbow as it has pockets on the side to hold spotting scope and tripod or water bottles. Only thing wrong with it is the nice frame does have a tear in it. I have been using this pack for the last year like this and it does not affect it all. With that said it wouldn't take much to sew it up or I'm sure Mystery Ranch would do it. $350 shipped with out the two flip top boxes. M yoke and M waist
  20. Jeremyks

    Mystery Ranch Pack

    I have a Mystery Ranch Skiritai pack for sale. This pack is no longer made and I personally think is better than the longbow as it has pockets on the side to hold spotting scope and tripod or water bottles. Only thing wrong with it is the nice frame does have a tear in it. I have been using this pack for the last year like this and it does not affect it all. With that said it wouldn't take much to sew it up or I'm sure Mystery Ranch would do it. I would like $445 for it or $400 with out the two flip top boxes. M yoke and M waist
  21. Jeremyks

    Mystery Ranch Pack

    At this time I would rather not. How about $375 w/o flip top boxes?
  22. Jeremyks

    Mystery Ranch Pack

  23. Jeremyks

    Mystery Ranch Pack

  24. Jeremyks

    Governor's tag Coues

    Cool mount Clay!