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Everything posted by RoughCut

  1. 8 points is impressive, You will be guaranteed a Dec. tag in any unit you choose if demand falls similar to last year. Having said that you can go anywhere you choose. Anybody will tell you that you can find a book buck in virtually any unit in the state that hold Coues deer. 31,32,33 have produced incredible numbers of book bucks and are all good. I wil PM you what I think you should do. I would also say that just because you have a Dec. tag doesn't mean you will have massive bucks blazing every which way.
  2. You looking to hunt near home? Do you like high country/ low country? How many points? Are you REALLY wanting to draw a tag this year or are you okay risking tough odds and possibly sitting this year out?
  3. RoughCut

    Help me understand

    Thanks Any idea how AZGFD chose the units they did for this. That is a great question to which I don't have an answer. I bet it's easy to find on their site though. I will look and post if I find anything. 308Nut: I hear what you are saying, I know a lot of people that agree with you too. Though any Coues fanatic would love to hunt the Late hunt. I personally would rather hunt 5 early hunts than one late hunt. I like the better draw odds for the earlier hunts. I also think it makes it pretty special if you draw a Dec. tag as you won't have to be fighting off other hunters. I drew a late tag last year and it was really not being bombarded. my 2 cents
  4. RoughCut

    Help me understand

    A couple of units including 31 are under the "Alternative Management Strategy" which is supposed to enable hunters higher hunt success rates and opportunities to harvest older-age bucks.
  5. RoughCut

    Giant Coues Set

    I Knew 46a was a sleeper!
  6. I swear,every year it never takes long to find a goof in the Regs. How are the draw odds for the early 36b hunts in 2008 87% 97% 97% respectively when each of these hunts had leftovers? how many people are going to look over 3-5 choices here because the regs say less than a 100 % draw? Just Curious
  7. RoughCut

    Life and Death struggles

    The horn is like a sheath, similar to antelope. That's the "Root" of the horn for lack of a better term. Could of warned be better, I just ate a greasy lunch and almost yacked.
  8. RoughCut


    Welcome, hope you're not a wise guy.. we have plenty.
  9. RoughCut

    Arizona Deer Assoc. HELP

    I see that as being a regular occuring problem with the various organizations here in AZ (ADA, ADBSS, AAF, etc).. all are located and have their fundraisers, dinners, meetings, etc in the valley.. and ALOT of folks just flat out refuse to go there. If they would move they're get togethers around to diff locales in the state such as Tucson, Flagstaff, Prescott, Sierra Vista etc. I think that alot more folks would become involved in the org. and be willing to show up and help at the functions.. I try to go to the PHX area only when I HAVE to!! Suns and D-backs games on ocassion, the NRA convention this yr, and a couple of flights that I have to catch from there.. other than that, I avoid at all costs! +1
  10. RoughCut

    The Draw System

    if you have 6 points you will be given seven random numbers in total. Once everyone has their respective numbers, they start at the number 1. They pull up xyz hunter that drew the number one, they check there first choice and give them the tag if there are tags left (which if you drew the number one you will obviously draw your first choice) Then they move to whoever drew the number 2 .... and so on until all tags have been given. The more times you are in the hat (seven) the better chance you have at drawing a really low number.
  11. RoughCut

    Bowhunting for Women

    That is really great that you are getting started. My wife is taking it up this year as well. She has a cow elk tag this sept. so she is pretty psyched to get her feet wet. We looked for the right bow for weeks, and we found the Razor Edge by Diamond to be hands down the best choice. I have no allegience to any bow companies. (I shoot a hoyt). They are super high demand and can be really hard to get. Sportsmans was out of them for like 3 months. This bow is great if you have young ones coming of age as well. It's versatility is unparalleled. It's draw weight can be adjusted from 29-60# (I have heard people crank 'em down to 15 and shoot great) with draw length adjustablity from 19" to 29". It shoots smooth and accurate and my wife loves it.
  12. Thanks for the comment Kent. Red, I will have to read your post a few times. I am not sure what you mean. My understanding, and I thought it was crystal clear till this moment, was that they took the number of tags in a unit and divided it by the number of first choice applicants to get the published draw odds. In the case of the OCT. 36b there were 800 tags and 452 first choice applicants. ( 800/452= somwhere well over 100%) Is this wrong??? EDIT: apparently I am wrong, that calculation doesn't hold up for any of the units. Confused.. ALSO: are you telling me that if someone has a reasonable amount of bonus points and draws their second choice in the Bonus Pass, they effectively never had a shot at their first choice???? I think I may remember someone discussing this before, but it just hit me.
  13. RoughCut

    Soloution to carry your Range Finder

    I don't see how one could not see using a rangefinder as PURSUING an animal. I guess like any politician will tell you, there is always room for interpretation. Fair chase is pretty much summed up as no electronics. I have spoken to several people that have called Pope and Young reps and they specifially said that if it has batteries it can't be used. Why they don't post that, I don't know.
  14. RoughCut

    Hunt Arizona 2009 Book

    Hey Red, Can you explain how there were 4 hunters with 20 bp's for antelope going into the 09 draw, there was 100% success. Then it says there are 8 people with 21 bp's going into next years draw? Did those 8 just purchase a bp? or better yet, why does the 2008 hunt data show 13 with max bps for antelope and the 09 data only accounts for 12? Thanks
  15. RoughCut

    Soloution to carry your Range Finder

    Yeah, sorry for taking so long to comment back. You can't use any "Electronic device as an aid" I beleive it says this verbatim on their websites. I will look and see if I can post a link. http://www.pope-young.org/bowhunting_fairchase.asp The Rules of Fair Chase The term “Fair Chase” shall not include the taking of animals under the following conditions: Helpless in a trap, deep snow or water, or on ice. From any power vehicle or power boat. By “jacklighting” or shining at night. By the use of any tranquilizers or poisons. While inside escape-proof fenced enclosures. By the use of any power vehicle or power boats for herding or driving animals, including use of aircraft to land alongside or to communicate with or direct a hunter on the ground. By the use of electronic devices for attracting, locating or pursuing game or guiding the hunter to such game, or by the use of a bow or arrow to which any electronic device is attached. Any other condition considered by the Board of Directors as unacceptable.
  16. Pretty soon we won't even need to leave the couch.
  17. cool replica. I am truely amazed that there are deer like that out there. Absolutely beautiful.
  18. RoughCut

    Soloution to carry your Range Finder

    Practice is the best way to calculate range. You can't enter your trophy into P&Y or B&C anyways if you use a rangey. I suppose most don't really care about the record books though.
  19. RoughCut


    Thems some good eatin. Gonna eat those back straps?
  20. RoughCut

    Unit Jumpers?

    yeah 33 stinks, I think everyone should not put in there.... especially the december hunt
  21. ........coordinates, picture of map with X marks the spot, ......
  22. So I have been wanting to post this for some time to get some input from you veterans. So here is the situation: So you put in and draw a tag in a unit you have never hunted before. You do however have a good idea of ABOUT where you want to hunt. My question is, how do you guys go about preparing for your hunt. You also are unable to pre-scout in person. I wanna know what maps you would get, how you would determine where that water is etc..
  23. RoughCut

    How Would You Proceed

    Does the NatGeo topo show wilderness areas and boundries?
  24. RoughCut

    How Would You Proceed

    dang, why didn't I think of that. I hope they bring back the Keystalope's, I have two mounted on my wall. yea them were the good ol days!! the ones around frye park are sneaky tho, you could drive right past em and not even see em! ha ha! heres the best one i put on my wall. bout 12 pack deep. That's a pig, was that the 6b archery tag from about 4 years back?
  25. RoughCut

    How Would You Proceed

    dang, why didn't I think of that. I hope they bring back the Keystalope's, I have two mounted on my wall.