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Everything posted by RoughCut

  1. No problem guys.There's something about seeing the new color of the regulations that get my heart pumpin.
  2. So Governor Jan Brewer just signed in this new reform minutes ago.. What is everyone's thoughts? How do you think it will change hunting down south?? I figure if Obama hates it, it's probably something that will actually do this country/state some good.
  3. RoughCut

    Illegal Immigration Refrom

    If you can't turn a profit by running a LEGAL business then I think it's time you re-think your business plan and possibly your country of citizenship. How is that fair to those who run legit businesses?? IMO
  4. RoughCut

    Illegal Immigration Refrom

    I definately think there are some really valid points out there. I think it's odd when people talk like it's a big civil rights issue. I think it's crap when people say they will be pissed if they ever get checked by police if they look mexican. Sometimes I think we as legal americans have to stand up and deal with certain issues to protect our country. If I got pulled over by police because I looked mexican, that's fine. I would just show them my documentation that I was a legal american and go on with my day. Why does everyone have such a hard time with this? I don't care what anybody says, there will be a certain degree of profilling going on from here on out. In the end this will lead to smaller class rooms, shorter wait times in the Emergency Rooms etc. etc.. Why is everyone so shocked when we take a stand to enforce the law????
  5. RoughCut

    6A West archery bull tag

    Google Earth my friend!!! Find a hill away from roads and glass. I guarantee you will see some elk. Highest density of elk in any unit in the state.
  6. First I have to say thanks for taking the time to clear up a lot of questions. Many of these have been asked without a clear answer over the years. I think many of us can understand the complete overhaul that it would take to completely eliminate a hunter from all hunting privileges if they fail to report their harvest. I do think however that eliminating those who fail to report from the draw hunts would be a huge step in the right direction. New Mexico has a great system as you know, and is essentially no different than the online questionnaire AZGF has currently. Issuing a confirmation number at the end of the survey would be easy enough, which could then be used in-turn as a key-code in order to apply for draw hunts. Granted, it would be easier if we had our online drawing system back. Which leads me to another question, why don't we just adopt a similar system to that of Utah and Nevada? Their systems are identical and are incredibly efficient. No sense in re-inventing the wheel.
  7. RoughCut

    Google earth question!

    Didn't know any version had the names of tanks. I too am interested now.
  8. Anybody else wondering why there are leftover Rifle Antelope tags this year for a unit that drew 6% last year. Also what are the Hunt number 3811, 3812,3813 hunts?????? Are these the Hopi Unit Hunts???
  9. Some are saying they are the hopi hunts, but I don't ever remember them showing these leftovers before.
  10. RoughCut

    Finally They're UP

    Lady said by 10:30 Phone and online at the same time. She just gave me my wife's results.
  11. RoughCut

    Finally They're UP

    Wait. are results up???
  12. RoughCut

    Finally They're UP

    All I know is it will be one of the longest weekends of my life if they don't come out today.
  13. RoughCut

    Finally They're UP

    Ok, so I really thought that I read somewhere that Game and Fish was going to try and release the results on the web and phone at the same time this year? Am I crazy? I can't find where I read this. Anybody hear this too?
  14. RoughCut

    Calculating Draw odds

    that suckes if thats the case 10% for non-res it sould be more on the 5% non res It's UP TO 10% for Non-Res... meaning they have to go through the process against all of the residents to draw, but once they are allocated 10% no other tags will be given out to Non-Res. Hypothetically there could be 0 non res tags issued if they are really unlucky.
  15. RoughCut

    Calculating Draw odds

    That's because the will go in the bonus pass.
  16. Hello everyone, I was hoping someone would might be able to steer me in the right direction. I am and have been really interested in getting into muzzleloader hunting. I would really like to buy one, but from a purchasing standpoint, have no idea where to begin. I have spent some time on TC's website since they seem to be a big name. I can't BELEIVE how many different types there are, all for the most part in the same caliber. I guess I don't really know what to ask. Any links to resources would be great or just some personal experiences. Thanks Chris
  17. RoughCut

    New to Muzzleloaders

    Thanks again for all of the comments, Keep them coming. It sounds like the gun is gonna be great. I have also read good things about Blackhorn powder, though it seems a bit higher priced. Do Sabots really foul up your gun quicker than shooting, say... Powerbelts? Another quick newbie Question. When everybody refers to their specific grain powder charge (especially for loose powder) are you referring to Volume grainage or Weight Grainage. I've read that 100 grains (by a volume measurer) really only Weighs about 70 grains. A bit confused, I am assuming it's by volume.
  18. RoughCut

    2010 Archery Javelina Double!

    This post is downright hilarious. I love the pic of you holding the handgun about to go in. I just have this hilarious vision in my head of how that POTENTIALLY could have gone down. I hope you were wearing earplugs. I was laughing hysterically reading this post. Also love the pic of you guys proping the pigs over the truck bed. Classic! Congrats!
  19. RoughCut

    New to Muzzleloaders

    I really appreciate the comment 555. I ordered the Accura last night along with some cleaning supplies. I can't wait to get it. I am glad you said that about the powerbelts. I was looking closest at them, and not just because CVA endorses them. Seems like they have great reviews for the most part. Do you shoot loose powder or pellets? Thanks again
  20. RoughCut

    New to Muzzleloaders

    Who is out of business?? I think I am gonna go for the CVA Accura. Seems to be a pretty great gun for $230
  21. RoughCut

    New to Muzzleloaders

    Do you guys think there is any practical difference between stainless steel barrels and Blued barrels?
  22. RoughCut

    New to Muzzleloaders

    Thanks for the replies guys. That would be great to start out with a less expensive CVA, just to get the hang of it. Especially if you think they aren't junkers. Keep the replies coming.