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Everything posted by RoughCut

  1. RoughCut

    Who didn't draw?

    I always thought Colorado's system was a bit kooky until I became a resident here. Now I truely think it's amazing. It's a true preference point system. Whoever has the most gets the tag. Makes planning and clearing your schedule a bit nicer as well. They also have a hybrid for high demand hunts that gives those with less than max points a chance. Pretty cool. Should az change over?
  2. RoughCut

    CC Hits

    Don't want to hijack this thread but this truely infuriates me. I agree I guess AZ should limit them as well. I wouldn't mind having better odds.
  3. RoughCut

    CC Hits

    +1 Don't think it will happen though
  4. RoughCut

    Guess the Date and Time Contest

    MArch 30 2:10 pm
  5. RoughCut

    ??? Posting Scores ???

    I never understand this attitude. What is wrong with someone going on a treasure hunt for something they find satisfying to their soul? I would hunt any size whitey, but would love one with a lot of bone. What is so wrong with that? We are all very similar in that we enjoy god’s country and have a passion for these beautiful deer. Some people would rather take the extra time to look for a diamond than a piece of limestone. If you are happy with limestone, then wonderful for you. Pretty sure “Trophy hunters” wouldn’t “pity” them. I personally hate it when the hunt is over (success or not). I find looking for bigger deer keeps me out in the field enjoying the hunt a little longer. It's been human nature since inception to "want more". I would rather pity those whom never get the chance or opportunity to hunt at all.
  6. RoughCut

    Drawing Results Contest "OVER"

    7/22 10:14
  7. RoughCut

    Win a Rifle Railz/Loc Jaw Combination

    119 1/8 Awesome buck!!!
  8. RoughCut

    Guns for Sale!!

    Hey guys, I've got a couple of guns for sale. The first is a Savage Model 10 in 300 WSM. My wife got it for me for Xmas and accidentally got the wrong one. And of course you know how Bass Pro, Cabelas are about returns. I pleaded just to exchange it and it was a no go. The gun needless to say is flawless and comes with everything you would get from the store, box, manual, etc.... Also comes with a Blazer 3-9x40 scope. Never Fired, though it's killing me because I really want to. Paid just under $700. would possibly throw in a box of Winchester power max. Make me an offer Other gun sold Let me know if you have any Q's
  9. RoughCut

    Guns for Sale!!

  10. RoughCut

    Guns for Sale!!

    Still for sale. Reduced!! Make offer
  11. So call me crazy fr posting on XMAS, but new toys equal new questions. My brother in law has a new Barrett .338 Lapua with a NF 5.5-22x56 mounted with Ultra high rings. We have an issue with having to cock our heads at a pretty extreme angle to get a full circle in the scope. As a result we are both kind of smashing our cheek bones into the stock to get in line with the scope. Anybody have experience with this and/or similar setups. Its just odd trying to learn to shoot with our heads cocked at such an angle. Any thoughts would be awesome. Thanks and Merry XMAS
  12. RoughCut

    Mounting NF Scope on a Barrett 98B Issue

    Forgive me, I don't know much about terminology. I have the cheek piece lowered completely. Raising to make my cheek weld or anchor point more comfortable will not allow me to have vision through my scope. When mounting the scope I mounted it moving scope forward and backwards until where I cheeked gun was in the middle of eye relief range. If you look at the barrett design the lower assembly is straight unlike most rifle stocks that are lower than the barrell. I'm thinking the only solution is getting a different lower reciever, but I don't know. As far as the scope mounts. I've shot the gun out to 1000 yards and the gun shots just like other .338 lapua's as far as bullet trajectory.I don't understand the response about using 20 MOA mounts maybe you can explain more. Thank you
  13. So how does one exactlly keep the bubble within the lines from 1 degree left or right while holding the crosshairs on a tiny coues deer at 400 yards while buck fever is setting in? Do they sell a product for that??
  14. RoughCut

    Recommendations are UP!!!!

    Thought I would post these for you guys. A lot less elk and antelope tags this year with some interesting sub-units added. 2011_Elk_Antelope_Recommendations.pdf
  15. Thought I would post these for you guys. A lot less elk and antelope tags this year with some interesting sub-units added. 2011_Elk_Antelope_Recommendations.pdf
  16. RoughCut

    State land access closed in 36b

    Mr. Quimby Thanks for the great info and I apologize if there are threads on this Brown Canyon topic already. If you know the link I would love to check it out. Are the boundries of this refuge marked with fence line or signage? All I know is I was at the Brown Canyon Kiosk and talk about a neglected weather ridden booger it was. The little handout brochures were faded and wrinkled from being rained on and in the sun for so long I couldn't even read them. Is there a better place to get information on where exactly I can and can't set foot? Not lookign to hunt in the area, just around it and don't want to cause a raucous. I'm all about being a ethical and legal hunting but it sure seems fishy in this area, or so it seems. As always, thanks for your input and knowledge.
  17. RoughCut

    State land access closed in 36b

    Look at the map that someone provided in a previous post. That will give you a good idea of the boundry line. There are signs that tell you what is closed and what is open. If I remember correctly there is a road that on the south side you can't hunt and on the north side you can hunt. Thanks guys. The area I am looking at in particular is the brown canyon area in 36c. You can drive up to a spot where there is a locked gate and a little parking area and that is where they say it's closed. There is a little sign that says foot access here, and points to a trail. The trail goes all of 30 yards maybe and is so grown over that there is no way through it. I tried glassing the eastern edge of it so I could make a way around it and I couldn't see anything, (signs fences, etc).
  18. RoughCut

    State land access closed in 36b

    Does anybody know if there is a place where you can get gps coordinates for the boundries of these refuges. What really chaps me is that there is one spot down there where they basically say they will castrate you if you step foot on the property but there isn't any fence line or signage to designate boundry lines. Any help would be great. Thanks
  19. Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone has a suggestion on how to cover your Swarovski scope when you are packing in. I bought a 65mm and obviously don't want to haul it around in it's box everywhere. I see that Swarovski makes a glorified sock for your spotter if you want to pay another 200 or so bucks. Just looking for a way to protect it when I throw it in my pack. Thanks guys
  20. Giant Deer Lottery. You get a number for each bonus point you have and one additional. Ex. 2 bonus points = 3 random numbers. Then they only take your lowest (best) number that you drew. They start to see who drew the #1 and give them their first choice and move on down the number list until all of the hunts are filled. There's also a bonus point round prior to the above, where 20% of the tags for each hunt go to those who have the most bonus points. Hope that clears it up a bit.
  21. RoughCut


    I wish the results came out a week earlier then I would have a better idea of whet to put in for in aZ
  22. They're up Guys http://www.azgfd.gov/eservices/documents/H...ations10-11.pdf