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Everything posted by WinMag

  1. WinMag

    6A Success !!!

    Danny, Congrats on a great Buck!! Thanks for bringing it over to show it off, you earned that right. Now come down on my hunt this Nov and lets get 4 for 4 in our camp. Shane.
  2. WinMag

    36A and 36B BBQ

    I know he or we missed this by a year........But I will be camped at Arivica Lake on the left top side camp area. If anybody wants to come by and say hello and or swap hunt stories we will be there for the Nov 27 - Dec 3 hunt this year. (Silver Duramax with a Tahoe 5th Wheel)
  3. WinMag

    Hunting with an AR

    ok......here is the next question along the same lines. What about using an AR in .223 for a coues hunt? Do you still think it is a good idea?
  4. WinMag

    Guess the Score Contest - Nov 09

    118 3/8 I'm thinking I may be a little high though. None the less it is an awsome buck at any score!!!
  5. WinMag

    Naked Without It

    My "Bugout" Pack. It has almost everything in it for what ever can happen. I never leave home for the woods, desert, or wherever without it for what ever reason i'm going.
  6. WinMag

    My First Giant Coues Buck!!!

    Nice Buck!! Congrats and well worth the wait.
  7. WinMag

    Held at gunpoint

    WOODS, AZ I have thought about this as well and I would think that based on the imminent threat of deadly force I would say YES, but I would like to hear others thoughts on this. I want to paint another picture for you all and see how you would respond to this situation: You are hiking with your hunting partner to an area you are going to glass. You both have your long range hunting rifles over your shoulders and .45 cal pistol on your hip in a holster. You come up over a rise and suddenly you see two smugglers with assault rifles over their shoulders just 20 yards in front of you. The smugglers see you about the same time you see them. What is your reaction? I think I know how I would react but I am curious to see what the rest of you say. Please respond to this as I see this as a very likely situation where a split second initial reaction could make all the difference in the outcome. In response to your question, I think almost anybody that comments on this is merely stating what they would like to think they would do only. The fact is that for most, what you say you would do and what you would do is two different things. Unless you train daily for this sort of thing then you are working on emotions only when it happens. When you train daily on this type of scenario then you build muscle reflex and can over power your emotional reactions. This is why Leo’s and the Military train constantly to avoid the emotional reaction. I won't say what I would do until it happens and then let's hope I make the right decision. But I will say 'I'm going to make it home to the best of my ability. Anything I would do down there is to "stop his actions" only to ensure my return trip home". With that said, here is a better plan or should I say challenge for our members. If we as members and hunters really care for the safety of our fellow hunters, then why not post up the areas that you feel are the worst areas and should be avoided. If you hunt the same area every year and feel it is unsafe then say so, and post it. Not just unit 36B blah blah blah, say it. As in Hells Gate, Apache Pass, The south end of the road where California Gulch and Warsaw come together, Tres Ballatos Ranch area and so on. I have hunted 36B every year now for 12 years or more and if you want to know what I have seen in a certain area then say the area and ask. I will tell you what I have seen and give you my thoughts on it. There is no "private" hunting area down there or anywhere worth letting somebody stumble into a bad situation just to protect my "Honey Hole". Not at any time would I would consider an area that is unsafe to hunt in one's opinion a "Honey Hole" so why wouldn’t I give it up. I have held off posting on this for awhile but felt the need to post my opinion now. Just my thoughts......
  8. WinMag

    Personal best?

    Oct rifle hunt 2004, won't say where just close to Arivica Az, he scores 102 3/8. I scouted him up two weeks before the hunt and again the day before opening day. I backed out of the area the day before the hunt and hiked back in on opening morning and was set up by 04:30 hrs. Took a little nap and waited for sunrise. Five minutes into opening morning sunrise I glassed him up at 410 yards. Five minutes and a couple heart beats later he was layed to rest. This was my first Coues Deer kill and will always be remembered as ONE of my best hunting moments. The field pictures are not that good as they were taken to far away. Lesson learned and I have not that mistake again. Then again I have only had one more (archery Elk) kill since then.
  9. WinMag

    Arizona Outfitter Missing

    That is great news glad he is found alive and well. Sad to hear about what happened to him. I will repost that he is found and alive on the Virtule Jeep club site so they know he is found. Thank God!!
  10. WinMag

    Remembering 9/11

    I was on the foot of the bed putting on my boots in the Super 8 motel in Cottonwood Az when the news came accross the TV. I was working for FNF Construction and demobing a hot plant south of Sedona at the time. Still sticks in my head as we looked to the skies later in the day and saw nothing flying as to the size of the events that took place earlier in the day. A sad time for the families and American history indeed. As with all our troops, I will pray for the safe return of your son. May God Bless him and I thank him for his service!!!
  11. Gentlemen, It was just announced (Wed AM) that the Democrats are going to ram through the Cass Sunstein nomination in the Senate today without public discussion. I strongly urge you to get out the alert to all your members NOW! Have them contact their Senators immediately and tell them NO to approving Cass Sunstein. It's another hidden vote before the public can object. (Copied from an email from Alarm and Muster.com) I strongly urge you if you like your right to hunt and don't know who this is, then goggle his name and find out who he is. Then contact you Sentators and tell them you don't want this nomination to go thru!!!!! Shane.
  12. WinMag

    In the Mode for a Tear Jerker

    Good story ......Thanks for sharing.
  13. About 12 years ago down in Chimny Canyon....you know the unit. We walked up on a water hole just before first light only to find a pickup parked right on the edge of the water. As I shined a pinlight into the window there were two people doing the nasty thing in there. After Mike and I stopped laughing I asked them what the heck they were doing and they told us they did not think anybody would be out there. I told them they should read the huntting regs once in awhile, as it was opening morning for the WT hunt there and they are far from alone in the woods. Toward the end of our hunt last year I pulled a joke on one of my buddies and his son in law. As I sat glassing into a canyon I kept hearing voices in the canyon below so I repositioned myself for a look and saw they were glassing the other side of the same canyon. So I gave out a few wolf wistles at them and sat back hidden from them. After about three times of this I pulled out my cell phone which has duelling Banjos as a ring tone on it. I held it up in the air and played the Banjo for them. His son in law jumpped up and said. "What the heck, first we a gay hunter wistling at us and now we have Deliverance. They left the area real fast! We all had a pretty good laugh back at camp the rest of the hunt over that one. .
  14. WinMag

    Fed Gun Tax?

    Snoops .com said it was a rumor.
  15. As an ex LEO from the city of Scottsdale I'm ashamed to hear he was charged. I dont see a problem with anybody that is legal to carry in the state, carrying where it is legal to do so. The more we let the left chip away at our rights the faster our rights will fall. It's about time America wakes up and takes a stand on what we have left before nothing is left worth fighting for.
  16. WinMag

    What would you do?

    1st come gets the spot on any day. A camera or tree stand dont mean anything..........most people that have them out there have serveral out there. Are they going to hunt them all at once at the same time.
  17. WinMag

    Theyre up!!!!!!!

    My Daughter got skunked for her youth hunt......Not Drawn, Bummer. I was really looking forward to her first tag holding hunt where she was the hunter. As for me I got drawn for 36B late Nov hunt (1139) should be a good hunt. But now I have a question.....Why would I have gotten drawn for my 2nd choise when my 1st choise still has plenty of leftover tags available? It dont make sense.
  18. WinMag

    Holder Cabin?

    Download and listen to some of the history for the Holder Family up in that area. Here is the link. http://azmemory.lib.az.us/cdm4/item_viewer...BOX=1&REC=1
  19. WinMag

    Thieving hunters

    I would only hope that the person that actually stole your camera is the one that shows up on opening morning. I hope one would not assume someone is guilty just by being there. I find the comment about Az hunters "claiming" an entire area to be funny. It is funny due to the fact that some or most "hunters" who use trail cams think that the use of a trail cam gives them a right to a certin area. This is simply due to the fact that they have a camera posting thier teritory or "honey hole" there-for it should be off limits to everybody else. How do you know that area has not been hunted for years by somebody that does not use trail cams or salt licks and choses to leave no trace of thier ever being there from year to year. Now back to the comment about Az hunters. Answer this question, where did or what part of the country did the use of trail cams originate? It was not with Az hunters!!! You need to go east for that. I agree there are some bad apples amoung us. Oh and by the way, I never said it WAS NOT a hunter that stole your camera. I simply said to look outside the box once in awhile. Dont look for you winnings on the bet to fast. Good luck to all on the draw this year.
  20. WinMag

    Thieving hunters

    As a person who does not believe in trail cams, salt licks, guides and all the other BS crap but does believe in hunting the old way I must say. I'm sorry to hear that some asshat stole you camera. But now after reading this thread I have a question. Why is it that every time a trail camera gets stolen it's is always some "Thieving Hunters" that stole it? Has it ever crossed your mind that it may be some tree hugging PETA loving POS that stole your camera? It's always easier to point the finger at one of our own rather than looking outside the box. Most if not all the hunters I know would never steal another trail camera or anything from another camp. But then again we swap hunting stories and locations also to help improve each other and the heritage of hunting.
  21. WinMag

    Fee Increases for next year

    I agree 100%....Why do you think the State just last month lowered the State Trust Land permits fee's back lower again after they raised them last year? I for one let mine expire and did not re-new it at thier BS price that they came up with. Now that they lost revenue and have lowered the price back down to a reasonable price I will again run the trails legal with a permit. Also when others that did the same renew thier permits they will make the money back in time that they lost when they tried to RAPE the public on thier own land. Our Govt' sucks these days and it is only going to get worse in the future with what we have leading us. Unless we as people make the change ourselves.
  22. WinMag

    Camo job on my AR-15

    Looks good.....dont lay it down in the grass, you might not find it again.
  23. I have been huntting 36B for 15+ years now and have never had any problems down there. Although I have seen lots of Illegals down there while scouting and a few during the hunt. Most of the time all they want is water and directions, which I dont give either. The only thing I give them is a way point on my GPS and a quick phone call to the BP when I get service. The main thing is to hunt smart, either in pairs or in radio contact with your huntting buddies and stay alert and aware of your surroundings. It is as safe or unsafe as you're willing to make it.
  24. WinMag

    Thieves suck!!!

    I'm glad I just saw this thread today and did not have to put up with a month of waiting for nothing. Sorry you had your camera stollen, that sucks. I would have posted th pics a month ago!!
  25. WinMag

    draw results

    The wife was trying to get through for me on the phone..........Then later she called me and told me she had good news for me and some bad news also. She told me that I would be getting some money in the mail coming soon. I said cool..... now what is the bad news? Oh it's the refund on your Elk tag as you were not drawn.