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Everything posted by WinMag

  1. This looks like it might be a good show to watch. I thoughtI post it up for others to see. http://www.history.com/shows/top-shot/vide...shot-sneak-peek
  2. The P/C could be tire bulge. Maybe as a result of being over wieght with all the crap inside the limo.
  3. WinMag

    Looking for HELP!!!

    Just a thought.......I have busted a spring out in the woods on my5th wheel and just pulled the tire off that axle and drove it home slow. Would this be an option for you??
  4. WinMag

    Google earth question!

    If you use Google Earth in conjunction with Garmin Map Source you have the best of both worlds. Map Source will give you all that info in topo and then you can view it in Google in Satellite imagery.
  5. Since you know the location of the store and want to find out who the owners are and also their unlisted number ect ect.. The Look in Maricopa GIS maps for the parcel number of the property and then look into the deed thru the Asessors office for names and phone numbers all of this is on-line. From here you should be able to make contact with them and find who the kid was. This is just one way of searching....there are tons more ways to find out what you want. If you dont have any luck then shoot me a PM and I will help.
  6. WinMag

    150" WMAT Coues

    That's what dreams are made of, congrats on an awesome deer!!
  7. WinMag

    Woke up terrified.....

    I got back from hunting a few years back and as I was unloading the truck and did almost the same thing. I laid my rifle still in the case on top of the 2.5' brick wall between my house and my neighbors house next to the street. Went to bed and then to work the next day and found it still laying there when I got home from work. I had luck on my side that day it could have been bad. I have a Jr High right down the street from me and the kids walk past my house everyday on the way to school.
  8. WinMag

    My December Buck

    Awesome Buck and a great story to go with it. Congrats!!
  9. WinMag

    stuck case

    I'm not sure how to describe it to you but I had that happen before and got it out with a home made device. I took a sleve that fit over the Die but not over the jam nut welded the other end closed and drilled a small hole in it. From here I threaded the hole and ran a screw threw the hole and tight into the primer pocket (Drilled and threaded also). Then I used the Jam nut on the die to press the cartridge out of the die. When I turned the Jam nut against the sleeve it worked like a press to move the sleeve that was bolted to the cartridge. I have also seen it done almost the same way but......Instead of threading the hole in the sleeve just over size it and drill and thread the hole in the cartridge. As the bolt tightens against the sleeve into the cartridge it will pull it out. Dont know if how I wrote it makes any sense but it worked for me. I still use the same die to this day. Good Luck.
  10. WinMag

    A Worthless Waste of Hunting Gear

    I used them on the late Nov hunt down south. At first I would have agreed. But I found if you put 2 of them side by side they seem to work once they are in your pocket or gloves for awhile. Another worthless item is a digital camera. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Only if you leave the memory card in the computer at home after downloading the old pictures out of it before your trip. Found this out the hard way a few years ago.
  11. WinMag

    missing hunters

    WOW.....Muleyman you are a class act. What an asshole!! My thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the ones who have lost their lives.
  12. WinMag

    my husband's new jeep

    Congrats on the new grocery getter and nice sticker.
  13. If you have a good 4x4 and not afraid of Az pin-striping or maybe even some body damage. Then 36B has a ton of high roads on ridge lines that will provide for good glassing. The 102 3/8 deer I pulled out of that unit was spotted on my scouting trip from a road 4 years ago. I hiked back into the same spot before sunrise on opening day though to take the shot. My partner got off three rounds on a 105+ this year as we were driving into an area to hike. I have to agree with what alot of others have said above though your chances go up if you beat the feet more than the tires. Good luck.
  14. WinMag

    A Worthless Waste of Hunting Gear

    Game Cameras, Range Finders, Mineral licks............they have taken the "hunt" out of hunting. Thats just my .02
  15. WinMag

    Handgun and .223 ammo

    PM sent
  16. WinMag

    Handgun and .223 ammo

    PM sent
  17. WinMag

    Short and Sweet

    Congrats on a good looking buck. PM sent
  18. WinMag

    36B hunt

    I just got back and saw plenty of deer...even in the Yellow Jacket area. We only saw one buck and it was a 100+ but I grabed the glasses to keep an eye on him and let my buddy take the shot. Well.........don't ask. Yes he missed both shots on him and we never found him again. Oh that was way up high in the _________ area of the unit. Most of the deer were up in the mountain tops this year as we saw them anyway. 90% of them were with-in 100 yards from the ridge lines in the high areas of the unit. Fun hunt but windy and cold. We even had snow flurries on Sunday at mid-day.
  19. WinMag

    Fire Wood Rack

    nice work!!
  20. June I feel your pain and agree 100%. It's not just hunters, Jeepers, Campers, Quad riders, Shooters or Ect , Ect, Ect, It's people in general. There are alot of people out here in the world that are plain ol' simple slobs!! I see it every year and every day when I go out in the back country. There are new trails that did not exsist before, from Quads, Jeeps, hikers, campers and others along with tons and tons of shot up targets from the shooters left behind from the days events. The best way to deal with this is to get involved and participate in every clean-up you have time to do. Then it is our job to educate every person you see in the outback acting like an idiot. We can educate them by ethier making this same point to them as to why it is important to show a good image. Then there is the other education we can do. Which is write down plate numbers and take pictures of thier camps and turn them in to LEO. If we dont we will loose that right to use our lands very soon.
  21. WinMag

    Obama and islam

    I think we should all pray for Obama. This should be a good place to start. Psalm 109.8
  22. WinMag

    Digiscoping with a cell camera

    Nice Pig picture. I tried that last year on my hunt and was suprised how well it turned out. Here are few I took the same way you did through the binos. I edited this one afterwards to show night vision....just goofing around. Same pic without edit.