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Everything posted by creed_az_88

  1. One thing I've learned after taking many pictures of different deer including deer of my own, pictures are very deceiving. Some deer just don't look as big in pictures as they really are no matter what angle you take the picture from. Some deer look way bigger than they really are in pictures also. You just never really know until you hold the deer on your hands.
  2. creed_az_88

    Matched it up!

    That's nuts. Obviously a small critter drug it there. You're fortunate the critter didn't munch it down to nothing. Impressive find. The fact that it's a match is even cooler.
  3. creed_az_88

    Dream Buck

    Jaw dropper.
  4. creed_az_88


    Basically it comes down to whether or not he is capable of tuning his bow properly. I pretty much exclusively shoot mechanicals, but for my elk hunt I shot slick tricks. I personally feel much more comfortable shooting fixed blades at elk. But If I was incapable of properly tuning my bow I would have no problem shooting a well made mechanical into an elk. Unless I was shooting under 60 lbs of draw weight and ultra light arrows.
  5. The last sentence of your post makes me relate to auction tag hunts with big outfitters more than ever before. Although I still think I would get more out of it doing it diy, I'm glad you made this post. It goes to show that maybe there is more to this than just showing up and pulling the trigger. Congrats on a superb buck, and more so, congrats on some memories that surely won't leave you anytime soon.
  6. creed_az_88

    Coues or Muley

    Pixman, that probably explains why they've survived. I've read that most hybrids don't survive because they get confused about how to run, or stott. Those deer got it figured out I'd say. A buddies wife killed a confirmed hybrid. I'll see if I can't get permission to post it. Pretty much looked identical to the deer in your pics. Had a black tail tho, rather than rust colored.
  7. creed_az_88

    Big Thanks to Amanda and the CWT Crew

    I agree...best site there is. Glad to see that it's not going to change.
  8. creed_az_88

    Coues or Muley

    Pixman, those pictures are impressive. There's not too many people with hybrid pictures as clear as those. It's also good proof that hybrid does can reproduce, which has been a topic of discussion by many. Have you been able to see them run? Do they carry a mule deer's gait or a whitetail's gait. I used to occasionally watch a hybrid doe that lived with a group of mule deer does and she looked exactly like that. The rancher in the area, who is an avid hunter, knew of the doe and we exchanged info about her everytime we saw her. I never spooked her so I never saw her run but she walked just like the rest of the mule deer she was with.
  9. creed_az_88

    Coues or Muley

    I'd say the first set of pics is a 100% coues deer doe. The second set of pics is a set of mule deer does with a hybrid doe, most likely offspring from one of the older does in the bunch.
  10. creed_az_88

    Big Coues on Cam

    Depending on what his g3's do, I'd say he's gonna be closer to 100 than 90. He's got alot left to go on his main beam too.
  11. creed_az_88

    Too good to be true???

    Area code for the phone number given is hawaii. Just saying.
  12. creed_az_88


    My mom shot a bedded bull at 300 yards last year with a 165 accubond. Bull jumped up and fell right back down. Bullet broke both shoulders with a nickel sized exit.
  13. creed_az_88


    I know a guy who swears by his 22-250 and the all-coppers.
  14. creed_az_88

    Any pest guys that serve the west valley

    Hunter pest control. 4803438141
  15. creed_az_88

    Next Generation

    Cute little guy. I've seen multiple newborn fawns, whitetail and mule deer. It always surprises me how much time the mom's spend away from their fawns. Last August I had an interesting encounter while scouting. I topped out on a Ridge and walked towards a small group of oaks. As I got close to the oaks, a coues deer doe blew out of the brush snorting and blowing and charging straight for me. She stopped about 10 feet from me and started stopping her feet and then bailed off the side of the hill, trying to lure me towards her. I knew why she did what she did so I crept forward and as I peeked I to the tree ahead, two coues fawns blew out running in the direction of their mama. Those little guys could move. What happened next really shocked me. A mule deer fawn blew out and headed in the same direction. The mule deer fawn hadnt quite figured out how to pick up speed like the coues fawns, mixing it's running with bounding. It stopped about 40 yards out for just a second and I clearly id'd it as mule deer with my chest binos. I'm assuming the whitetail was raising that mule deer fawn. I wish I could have videoed the whole thing
  16. I'm going to buy a pair of 12x50's or 15x56's but I'm torn between the two. I'm fairly certain that I'll be buying some of the euro hd's (meopta) but I may consider something else in the $1500 range like maybe the zeiss conquests. My question is, which do you prefer 12x or 15x? I'm not a sit in one spot glass all day kind of guy. I usually move to multiple spots throughout the day looking at as many different north slopes as possible from as many angles as possible. I currently only use 10x's and a spotting scope and this works very well for me. If I go the 15x route then I will have to keep the 10's on me at all times to look at the close stuff. If I go the 12x route can I get away with leaving the 10xs at home since the 12x's have a decent fov? I've looked through 15's enough to know that I'll always have my spotting scope with me for detailed antler judging. I glass with people that have the 15's and I almost always find most of the standing deer that we see but the guys with 15's find about 60% of the bedded deer we find. Can I expect the 12x's to fill the gap between the two and allow me to find a large portion of the bedded deer yet still find most of the standing deer? Do any of you own both 12's and 15's of similar glass quality and find yourself using one over the other strictly because of magnification differences? I know this has been discussed here before but I really want to get as many different opinions from other coues hunters as possible. Help me please!
  17. creed_az_88

    Antler value information

    ThanKS 4falls, Already traded the antlers off and got what I wanted for em. I Hope an old double main beam non typical scoring in the one teens was worth a new outdoorsmans panhead.
  18. creed_az_88

    Antler value information

    Id like to talk to somebody with experience in buying and selling coues antlers. Please pm me if you've delt with the sales of antlers I would like to ask you a few questions. Thanks, Creed
  19. creed_az_88

    Question on boots

    Anybody using 7 or 8 inch high mountain boots? If so, do you feel like they provide you with enough support in steep rocky terrain with a moderate to heavy load? Also, do they protect your upper ankles from the annoying stickers that you get from the southern arizona grass? I usually wear 9+" high boots but some 7 and 8 inch hiker/backpacker boots have caught my eye. Anybody have any experience with em? Thanks, Creed
  20. creed_az_88

    12x50 vs 15x56-help me make my purchase

    What did you end up with eagle eyes.
  21. creed_az_88

    Question on boots

    Anybody using 7-8" tall boots? I'm looking at a couple of different mountain boots and some of them are only 7 and 8 inches tall. My question is for those of you that have used them, do they provide you with enough support when carrying a moderate to heavy load on loose rock? Also, do they protect your upper ankles from the annoying stickers that you pick up from the southern arizona grass? I usually wear a boot that's 9+ inches tall but some of the shorter backpacker/mountaineering boots from asolo and soloman have caught my eye. Thanks, Creed
  22. creed_az_88

    Credit hit

    Anybody get hit for what they presume is a 3rd choice? Like 13b first choice 13a second choice and unit 35a third choice(example)?
  23. creed_az_88

    Who here likes to catfish??

    Those big ol flathead are delicious. Talk about a out a ton of meat too. There's some consequence that comes with keeping those big flathead though. Arizona waters are only so big, so if everybody that catches the big egg layers keeps what they catch, then eventually the flathead numbers are going to dwindle, if they haven't Already.
  24. creed_az_88

    Mangy Javalina

    Javelina spreading-yes. Javelina invasive in az-no.