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Everything posted by creed_az_88

  1. creed_az_88

    Trail cams for jobsite security.

    But since they should be a tax write-off, I say go with reconyx.
  2. creed_az_88

    Trail cams for jobsite security.

    https://www.natchezss.com/browning-trail-camera-security-camera-10mp.html https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B017LKTHJQ/ref=sspa_mw_detail_0?ie=UTF8&psc=1 https://www.amazon.com/Browning-Trail-Cameras-Elite-BTC-6HDE/dp/B01BE8GR08/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1533044762&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=no+glow+browning&dpPl=1&dpID=61fxxXkiy1L&ref=plSrch My vote goes to the Browning dark ops.
  3. This is what I see when I click on a link.
  4. Your links aren't working Doug. PS, ordered a kowa from you guys earlier this week. Dealt with Neal, he was great.
  5. creed_az_88

    Turkeys in the Chirichaua's in 1966?

    I've heard a bunch of stories from different guys about them seeing random turkeys in the chiricahuas throughout the 90's. Not sure if they were goulds or Merriam's but I've heard too many stories from different people for at least some of them to not be true.
  6. creed_az_88

    Leftover results

    Should have just bought a factory gun...I hear some are stupid accurate.
  7. creed_az_88

    Leftover results

    $20 per pound coues meat is a smoking deal.
  8. creed_az_88

    Leftover results

    Do any of your first four choices still have any tags available according to the updated leftover list?
  9. creed_az_88

    Lets talk boots

    Also, I wear uninsulated in all temps and seasons.
  10. creed_az_88

    Lets talk boots

    Lowa or Crispi. Pick the model based on how you hunt and how stuff of a shank you need.
  11. creed_az_88

    Kifaru - Attn Tall Peoples

    You truly can't appreciate that pack until you carry a deer and four days worth of gear out in it. It's at that moment that you know it was money well spent. And I can assure you, it was money well spent.
  12. creed_az_88

    Recommend me some books/novels please

    Reapers line.
  13. creed_az_88

    early unit 1 bull clothing

    What about FUBU?
  14. creed_az_88

    early unit 1 bull clothing

    You might need rain gear for that goat hunt though.
  15. creed_az_88

    early unit 1 bull clothing

    When men were men right?? And women were property. I did buy rain gear for my last hunt there. Then didn't even wear it and killed my bull in a down pour How did you get wet in your truck?
  16. creed_az_88

    Baby/ mom stuff-non hunting

  17. creed_az_88

    Baby/ mom stuff-non hunting

    Not sure where else to sell this stuff especially where I live. This is nice stuff and would make a nice gift for your wife and baby. Sakura Bloom chambray linen baby sling. We paid $148. Asking $100 obo. This has literally been used maybe twice. Looks unused. Used for babies 7-35 lbs. One size adjustable. Machine washable. https://www.target.com/p/eddie-bauer-fashion-heather-back-pack/-/A-51465602?ref=tgt_adv_XS000000&AFID=google_pla_df&CPNG=PLA_Baby+Shopping&adgroup=SC_Baby&LID=700000001170770pgs&network=g&device=m&location=9030193&gclid=Cj0KCQjw-JvaBRDGARIsAFjqkkrngVc1bD9bvFiNUrdoCaV771uoiITiC3LnDSCLY9KCSLxui9_UzpUaAk-jEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds Eddie Bauer backpack diaper bag. paid $50. Asking $40 obo. This bag has only left the house a few times. It looks brand new. https://www.target.com/p/eddie-bauer-fashion-heather-back-pack/-/A-51465602?ref=tgt_adv_XS000000&AFID=google_pla_df&CPNG=PLA_Baby+Shopping&adgroup=SC_Baby&LID=700000001170770pgs&network=g&device=m&location=9030193&gclid=Cj0KCQjw-JvaBRDGARIsAFjqkkrSSgwk7QNqOxcfkm62xWTRB_KfLxzt4Z5y6UGr_7M4-pKbbNLkfUsaAswcEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  18. creed_az_88

    early unit 1 bull clothing

    Kuiu attack pants or prana Zion stretch pants. And Crispi boots. You shouldn't be getting too wet unless it rains on you and in that case it would be wise to be carrying a lightweight rain jacket and pants. Kuiu rain jacket and pants are nice and small. There are others too. If the prana or kuiu pants do get wet they will dry quickly. My Crispi boots keep the water out well.
  19. creed_az_88

    Favorite Trail Cams

    If you check your cams often then your options are widespread but if you pack cameras in deep and leave them for 6-8 months at a time then I highly recommend Browning. I have a few other cameras that ive found that I really like but very few brands outside of reconyx and Browning have an entire lineup that I wouldn't mind owning. Even Browning cheapest cameras are good. My biggest problem with almost every other camera brand is that my cards get filled up with blank pictures. I've always just thought that was part of the gig, but after trying Brownings I realize that I don't have to tolerate a bunch of false triggers.
  20. creed_az_88

    2018 deer draw

    I guarantee you got one of your first two choices vitalzone. Very unlikely you drew 33 as a third choice.
  21. creed_az_88

    Looking for a good truck for my son

    Not sure how much wood he plans to haul around but for your price range I would highly recommend an f150 with a 2v 5.4. not to be confused with a f150 with a 3v. Those trucks last forever. I know of a bunch of guys that have trucks with those motors with well over 300,000 miles. I've read about tons and tons of the 2v 5.4's with half a million miles. When I was looking for a truck I found lots of those trucks in your price range. They do have a tendency to pop spark plugs but if he carries a kit around it's not a big deal and worth the issue considering how many miles he can expect out of one of those trucks. He may not want a half ton but if it will work I would consider researching them.
  22. creed_az_88

    Turned in AZ BULL Tag

    Would he keep his points if he donated it?
  23. creed_az_88

    San Carlos

    Standman caught all of the crappie out of there before they had a chance to die.
  24. creed_az_88

    2017 Original Deer Leftover Tag List???

    I'm picking up what kaffer62 is laying down. And I agree. It's a shame they got rid of leftovers.