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Everything posted by mexican_mullet

  1. mexican_mullet

    Unit 6A

    I have! Been hard at it since opener Friday. I am the one random pass non resident tag holder for this unit. I’m up in the northern part of the unit by Lake Mary. I haven’t seen a ton of goats but this is where some employees from AZGFD recommended. I got into 70 yards of a good buck but he just wouldn’t turn broadside. I keep running into elk everywhere, archery season in a couple weeks should be good for those folks. Still going to keep at it for that big buck!
  2. mexican_mullet

    Unit 6A

    I was actually looking at that area on OnX, I'll go check it out on my scouting trip!
  3. mexican_mullet

    Unit 6A

    It was actually an archery tag. So a little easier to draw, but still a longshot! The way work is going, I may only be able to get out to scout in late July but I will sure try to get there well ahead of the opener! I have been hearing that some of these bucks hang out in the trees. I am slightly worried about the archery deer hunters out there moving animals around but it's a big unit so hopefully it doesn't feel too crowded.
  4. mexican_mullet

    Unit 6A

    Nice! How did your hunt go? Definitely would appreciate any advice. This thread has been super helpful so far!
  5. mexican_mullet

    Unit 6A

    Well to be honest I didn’t want to respond because I was afraid of guys being mad and shutting me out but if it really interests you I will admit that I drew with only 1 point as a nonresident. I couldn’t believe it when I had the charge hit my credit card. I know it’s insanely lucky and I don’t take that lightly but I am looking for advice from anyone who hunted the unit before so I have a great hunt. Would prefer not to hire a guide, have always gone DIY. I do plan on scouting the unit this summer so I’m looking forward to that.
  6. mexican_mullet

    Unit 6A

    Oh I was extremely lucky as is anyone who draws this tag. 😅 Trust me, I don't take it lightly!
  7. mexican_mullet

    Unit 6A

    I read their info sheet they have online. I'm really excited about it! Planning on scouting in July.
  8. mexican_mullet

    Unit 6A

    I just drew this tag! How did those that drew before do?