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Everything posted by Shawn

  1. Shawn


    Great 1st buck! Congrats
  2. Shawn

    1st Archery Coues Buck

    Congrats! Nice 1st archery coues!
  3. Shawn

    first archery deer

    Great job! Congrats
  4. Shawn

    121 4/8 October Coues Buck

    What a stud buck! Congrats
  5. Shawn

    Dec Tag Filled

    Great buck! Congrats
  6. Shawn

    Cardiac Cats

    What a day to be a Cats fan!
  7. Shawn

    Had a fun coues hunt

    Great job! Congrats to your dad and step son! You and Carlos killed some great looking bucks!
  8. Shawn

    Redington Pass coues Whitetail

    Great buck! Congrats
  9. Shawn

    November Archery Bull

  10. Shawn

    Hunt success Dad, Brother, and Me

    Great looking bucks! Congrats
  11. Shawn

    Better to be lucky

    Thats a great week! Love the eye guards on that buck. Congrats
  12. Shawn

    Bad Weather, Good Hunt

    Great looking bucks! Nice write up. Congrats
  13. Shawn

    Chrystie's Buck

  14. Shawn

    3 buck in two days

    Weekend to remember for sure! Congrats
  15. Great job! Heck of a 1st buck! Congrats
  16. Shawn

    Unit 30A sucks!

    They are there. This is my buck on my leftover solo backpack hunt last year in 30A. Saw 5 bucks in 2 1/2 days. You do have to hike your butt off and keep the binos to your face. My daughters leftover tag buck 30A about 5 years ago.
  17. Shawn

    What is this?

    Was down helping a buddy out on his mule deer hunt today and came across this in a wash bottom. No other buildings or ruins of anything around it that I could find. Does anyone know what it is and what it was used for?
  18. Shawn

    What is this?

    Thanks for the info! Thats cool
  19. Shawn

    Possible answer to "what is this?"

    Thanks Bill for the reply. My dad was thinking it was an old smelter also when I showed him pics. I thought it was to big around for a well, it was about 10 feet across and 15 feet deep. Im thinking it was form the early spanish, I couldn't find sign of anything else around it. It was about 30 miles from Arivaca.
  20. Shawn


    What scares me is another supreme court justice nominee from him! I am sick
  21. Shawn

    2 for 3

  22. Love that kids smile. Great job