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Everything posted by Shawn

  1. Shawn

    free .270 brass

    I have a little over 80 rounds of .270 once fired brass free. Most are from winchester ballistic silvertip. located east side of Tucson
  2. Shawn

    free .270 brass

    Brass is gone to hoghntr. Good luck on your deer hunt!
  3. Shawn

    Son's first coues

    Awesome buck! Congrats
  4. Shawn

    Opening day, first couse buck

    Congrats, It is a great feeling when your kids take that first one!
  5. Shawn

    Jr Hunt Success!

    Great job! Congrats
  6. Shawn

    Tough buck.

    Congrats! Very cool, can't wait for the pics!
  7. Shawn


    Good looking bull congrats
  8. Shawn

    Peaks Hunt 2014

    Cool pics. Good luck this year
  9. Shawn

    Unit 1 Bull tag filled

    Great bull congrats
  10. Shawn

    archery success 2015

    Good looking bull congrats
  11. Shawn

    2015 Archery Bull

    Great bull congrats
  12. Shawn

    It finally happened!!!

    Congrats on a stud!
  13. Shawn

    Anyone using the horn hunter full curl system?

    I have had it for a couple of years now and its been great. It feels more comfertable the more weight thats in it to me.
  14. Shawn


    Nice buck congrats
  15. Shawn

    Dream Buck

    Dream buck for sure! With a bow that much sweeter! Congrats man
  16. Shawn

    Camera Etiquitte

    I had a couple cams 4 miles from the road once. I had them up for 2 months. Someone found one and turned it off the 2nd week it was up. My last pic was him walking up to it. I was happy he didn't take it.
  17. Shawn

    ISO: Used 15x56 Swaros

    The Zeiss 15's are awesome. I wish I would have gotten mine at that price.
  18. Shawn

    Zeiss conquest 15x56HD

    Great binoculars, I love mine!