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Everything posted by Shawn

  1. Shawn

    Close call-almost lost gear

    Got lucky. I bet that was a long hour drive back.
  2. Shawn

    Elk backstrap

    Man that looks good
  3. Shawn

    Dry Winter

    I am worried about fawn survival if we don't get some good rains soon. I think could be lots of miscarriages from stress. I went backpacking last week for a couple days and I could not find any water in the canyons I went down. Had to hike back a few miles to a water source I new of. Crazy dry down south. I have never seen it this dry this time of year. Predators are going to be eating good.
  4. Shawn

    Zeiss 15x56 and Kuiu Utra 6000

    Almost 2 years. I got them new
  5. Shawn

    How bout them Devils!

    This is ASUs best team I can ever remember. Cats have had probably 20 teams as good or better than ASUs best over the last 30+ years. Great game and should be fun when we go up there. Maybe ASU fans will show up. Go Cats
  6. Shawn


    Congrats! 36 coyotes with a bow is very impressive
  7. Shawn

    Zeiss 15x56 and Kuiu Utra 6000

    Zeiss $1225 cash. Or 12x50 razors and $300 or 12x50 Euro/Meopta HD and $200
  8. Shawn

    Rabies Alert

    Thats about 1/4 mile from my house
  9. Shawn

    How bout them Devils!

    Pedroia will never come close to Biggio stats. Alomar was a POS but he was way better than Pedroia also. Can't wait for that basketball game December 30th I like having ASU be relevant for once
  10. Shawn

    How bout them Devils!

    Pedroia one of the best second baseman ever? Come on man you're kidding right?
  11. Shawn

    How bout them Devils!

    Well, youd have to take the juice away from the rest of the league to be able to judge that. But just for fun we can go to second best. Its a tie between Dustin Pedroia and Andre Ethier. What else ya got? I will take Kenny Lofton and Trevor Hoffman over Pedroia and Ethier any day.
  12. Shawn

    How bout them Devils!

    The Kansas game was one of ASUs best wins in the last 30 years. Cats have had dozens of wins like that and better over the last 30 years. Should be fun Dec 30th. Go Cats
  13. Shawn

    First coues

  14. Shawn

    Cheap packs

  15. Shawn

    Cheap packs

    Allen pathfinder fanny pack - basically new $20 Cooler backpack - like new $10 Fieldline pack - $10 Fieldline pack - side pocket zippers messed up Free Or all for $35 Price drop $30 FOR ALL East side of Tucson 520-461-8507
  16. Shawn

    Zeiss 15x56 and Kuiu Utra 6000

    Willing to trade the Zeiss for good 12s and cash if needed. 520-461-8507
  17. Shawn

    NIB Burris 4.5-14 fullfield ii

    Bump for a underrated scope. Have had one on a 300 mag for 4 or 5 years and have been happy with it.
  18. Shawn

    Cheap packs

  19. Shawn

    OLD buck
