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Everything posted by Shawn

  1. Shawn

    lion on the prowl!

    Very cool! I got that same sound from a cat on a cam a few years ago. Now when glassing and I hear a strange bird sound behind me I look lol
  2. Shawn

    Opening morning Jr success

    Nice buck! Congrats
  3. Thats a good deal on a good spotter
  4. Shawn

    First Archery Coues deer

    Great buck! Congrats
  5. Shawn

    Starting to check cams...

    Cool pics!
  6. Awesome! Another great video. Thanks for sharing
  7. Comes with everything that new come with. Great shape.
  8. I know man but want a few other things also
  9. Sold. I was sad to see them go. Every since I was a kid and my dad had a buddy that had Zeiss 15x60 since then I wanted some Zeiss 15s. I loved them and never felt like I needed to upgrade to Swaro 15s. Going with 12s just not sure what I will end up with (GPO, Razor, meopta). Porbably be ELs one day just not now.
  10. Shawn


    Horn hunter main beam XL and badlands clutch are great packs.
  11. Shawn


    Great deal on a great shooting bow. I have one as my backup and loved it
  12. Shawn

    Velvet bucks and lions

    Good pics
  13. Can call or text 520-461-8507