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Everything posted by oflag

  1. oflag

    Updates on Outdoor Writer ???

    +1 for missing the old timers and all the knowledge they shared.............
  2. I've been shooting 100 gr. partitions out of my Ruger M77 6mm Remington for 30 years. It has performed very well on varmints, javelina, deer, pronghorn and an elk. I have the same 1:9.5 twist. Took a long time to find a load it liked though.....
  3. I'm looking for a desert bighorn cape for a shoulder mount. If you have one or might know someone who has one, I would greatly appreciate a PM. Thanks Oflag
  4. oflag

    Rotomold Coolers

    Here's a little cooler hack. Pre-cool for sure then load the cooler up with ice and whatever you plan to put in it, put enough water in the bottom to cover the drain. Latch the lid and then open the drain and let some of the water out. It will create a vacuum that will seal so well you will have to re-open the drain to get the lid open! The ice will last much longer!
  5. I took the pup out for squirrels today. Saw 13 and killed 3 in 2 1/2 hours. They were all hanging near water! It's incredibly dry and dusty out there! Be safe out there and don't park your vehicles in any tall grass!
  6. oflag


    Curmudgeon set me up with an elk head so I'm all good now. Thanks, Oflag
  7. oflag


    If any of you archery bull hunters are successful and would like to sell me a symmetrical 4, 5 or 6 point for a decorative wall euro mount please PM me. I'm located in Flagstaff and can meet you anywhere nearby. oflag
  8. oflag


    I believe it's about $14/lb for brown antler...
  9. I've seen life size capes recently go for about $2500 so I'm hoping to find a shoulder mount cape that someone decided to just go euro and has the cape in the freezer.....definitely a long shot but gotta try.
  10. oflag


  11. oflag


    If any of you archery bull hunters are successful and would like to sell me a symmetrical 4, 5 or 6 point for a decorative wall euro mount please PM me. I'm located in Flagstaff and can meet you anywhere nearby. Oflag
  12. oflag


    Pre-season bump. Thanks Oflag
  13. oflag


    Re-post before the hunt starts! Thanks Oflag
  14. oflag

    Who am I?

    Was one of the Alchesay?
  15. oflag

    Who has the early hunt?

    I have a 6B archery tag. I have been scouting 9 times and have only seen 3 bucks. Unfortunately, only 1 of those is bigger than his ears. I am thinking about using my Point Guard and turning this tag back in and regaining the 13 points it took to draw. If anyone has any intel that would convince me otherwise, I would be very grateful for a PM. I had this same tag 11 years ago and was on good bucks every day of that hunt. It just seems the population in the unit is way down from where it was back then......
  16. Seems I've lost my tripod adapter for my Swaraovski 15X56 SLCs. Anyone have one to sell? Thanks Bill aka Oflag
  17. oflag

    WTB Swarovski Tripod Adapter

    Anyone have an Outdoorsmans adapter they'd like to sell?
  18. oflag

    WTB Swarovski Tripod Adapter

    Thanks for the suggestion!
  19. oflag

    Binocular Tripod Adaptor- SOLD OUT

    Would this work with Swarovski 15X56 SLCs?
  20. oflag

    WTS: Hawken .50 caliber

    I have a .50 caliber Hunter Hawken for sale. Only used on one pronghorn hunt. It has had less than 20 round balls through it. Percussion with Montecarlo stock, heavy octagon barrel, set trigger and recoil pad. It needs a new ramrod as I broke the wooden rod it came with. Located in Flagstaff. Asking $450 OBO. Thanks Bill Oster aka Oflag
  21. oflag

    How much REALLY?

    I must say that all that snow looks a whole lot better from this perspective!