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Everything posted by biglakejake

  1. biglakejake

    1.5 Day Offshore Trip

    looks like the San Diego bite went off the hook this morning. near limit fishing on yft with some bluefin and some fork. http://976-tuna.com/audios/70913
  2. biglakejake

    1.5 Day Offshore Trip

    can't go wrong w seaforth half-day trips. just avoid the drunken insanity of the night shark trips. lee
  3. biglakejake

    Camp Navajo

    Depot. Navajo Ordnance Depot. mom and dad lived in Wherry Housing unit 2 from 1946 to 1950. more than a few Depot stories. many historic buildings destroyed during the oct 6, 2010 northern arizona tornado outbreak. no elk info for you except that the commander can bar hunters from the post for little or no reason and has done it in the past. good luck. lee https://www.weather.gov/fgz/TornadoesOct2010
  4. biglakejake


  5. biglakejake


  6. biglakejake

    1.5 Day Offshore Trip

    the only thing worse is to buy an offshore boat!
  7. biglakejake

    Gov tag buck

    in the public realm....... https://www.google.com/search?q=trophy+mike+gallo&rlz=1C1CHBD_enUS710US710&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjyqJmev-3jAhUENn0KHXUQCH0Q_AUIESgB&biw=1280&bih=881
  8. biglakejake

    1.5 Day Offshore Trip

    burn some gas and wind some line boys 'n girls...... wide open apology to Heat. i remember what you did for all of us during the tag grab and am sorry for being a bummer. i will always believe in the line above-u gotta chase 'em to git 'em. lee
  9. biglakejake

    Veteran POW

    still going strong. helped publish a book about himself in april and started playing show low senior softball in june at 97 years old. Eugene Metcalfe. Thank You Sir for your service!
  10. biglakejake

    Last Grizzly in AZ

    best ever account of the Wiseman grizzly is in here i think. millions of words have been written about that one sow but the ones that meant the most: the necropsy report stated she had given birth. i liked the Montague Stevens book also-very entertaining until he lost his dogs to 1080-i think i gave my copy to Bill Quimby or somebody on here. lee ps about the only book i ever sold was an O'Connor. to this day i feel bad for taking your money Casey.
  11. biglakejake

    Last Grizzly in AZ

    so i was talking to this old fellow last week at my work. he was born 92 years ago in a log cabin in reserve, nm. i asked him if he had heard of when the last griz came out of the blue. he was certain a wildlife service hunter had chased one down in the gila in 1966. lee
  12. biglakejake


    so....i think he is a hybrid. about 10 minutes ago i was sitting watering the garden and he jumps the fence into my squash patch 15-20 feet away. every time i said shoot to him and when i stood up to run him off he would raise that little muley tail. the pic from the 4th of july shows that. lots of velvet now. lee
  13. biglakejake


    idk, paired only.
  14. biglakejake


    sold delete
  15. biglakejake

    What do you think this bull will score?

    the 10 second check.... 1.a. nice whaletail? 1.b thirds impressive? yes/yes worth a longer look than 10 seconds lee
  16. https://wmatoutdoor.org/lakes_select.html
  17. biglakejake

    Boat for rent?

    Clotilda and Rick Law are good people. yu think after 70 years of operation you can trust them? 928-521-1387 i have no affiliation or interest in biglakeaz lee
  18. biglakejake

    Take Me Fishing

    10 inch rainbow, lynx lake, 1964. tragedy for the next 50 years to my bank account. worth every penny. lee
  19. biglakejake

    Time to beat the best

    mother of gawd........................ those thirds ! hey i have room in the freezer......... lee
  20. biglakejake

    Where is I?

  21. biglakejake

    ya'all need some time on the mtn...

  22. biglakejake

    ya'all need some time on the mtn...

    Does the picture above make your heart beat faster? Does the first hint of the cool fall air find you longing to be in the mountains of the southeastern Arizona, New Mexico, or Mexico? If so, then perhaps, like me, you have developed a passion for searching for the elusive Coues White-tailed Deer. The Coues Whitetail (properly pronounced “cows”, but almost everyone pronounces it “coos”) is a small subspecies of white-tailed deer found in Arizona, New Mexico and Mexico. This deer has developed such a reputation for being able to vanish from view in the smallest amount of cover that it is frequently referred to as the “Grey Ghost”. Many people consider Coues deer to be the most challenging big game animal to hunt. Some even refer to hunting Coues deer as the “poor man’s sheep hunt” because of the harsh terrain involved. Famous big-game hunter Jack O’Connor proclaimed the Coues deer to be “the most difficult of all deer to kill” due to its extreme wariness and the inhospitable habitat this deer can live in. This site, launched on December 23, 2002, is dedicated to bringing you everything you could possibly want to know about Coues White-tailed Deer. I will cover topics such as the biology and taxonomy of this deer as well as how to effectively hunt for this species. I intend to make this web page useful to the novice as well as a veteran Coues deer hunter. If there is something you think should be included in this website that you don’t see, let me know by sending an email to amanda@coueswhitetail.com. This is a work in progress and I will frequently be adding information to this web page, so please visit often. Information on this website has been gleaned from numerous books, journal articles and technical reports. Please visit the references page to see a list of that literature.
  23. biglakejake


    when A. J. Bayless grocery failed Bashas' bought it out and gave all tenured employees the full benefits accrued at aj. eddie basha was as close to a saint as the local economy has ever seen. most of the remote stores started off as bayless. everyone was surprised when eddie kept the A J fine foods line-it was 2 managers of A J Fine Foods that guided and packed my bull out of hells half acre in 2006. johnny has had a tough time of it but they made it though the toughest stretch. i spent a little time at work with Eddie circa 1984 and will always have respect for that family. lee
  24. biglakejake

    Where is I?

    sidenote........what world famous never to be lost movie had scenes filmed at childs on the verde?